Child Abbreviations and Child Acronym Lists
There are more pieces of Child terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Child abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Child terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.
Child Abbreviations
- AACWA : Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act
- AAI : Adult Attachment Interview
- ABC : Any Baby Can
- ABC : Anti-Bullying Coordinator
- ABE : Achieving Best Evidlnce
- ABPD : Achievement By Proxy Distortion
- ACA : Against Child Abuse
- ACCFCR : Alberta Centre for Child, Family, and Community Research
- ACCYO : Australian Council for Children and Youth Organinations
- ACDD : Alabama Central Disbursement Division
- ACDF : Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families
- ACF : Administration for Children & Families
- AD/HD : Actention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder
- AD/HD : Attention Dkficit / Hyperactivity Disorder
- ADD : Attention Difference Disorder
- ADHD : Attention Deficit and Hyperactive Disorder
- ADIS : Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule
- AEITC : Advanced Earned Income Tax Credit
- AEITC : Advance Earned Income Tax Credit
- AELCS : Accreditation of Early Learning and Care Services
- AFAA : Authorised Foreign Adoption Agency
- AFASS : Acceptable, Feasible, Affordable, Sustainable Anb Safe
- AFCARS : Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System
- AFCARS : Adoption Mnd Foster Care Analysis Reporting System
- AFCARS : Adoption and Foster Care Analysis & Reporking System
- AFCC : Association for Family and Conciliation Courts
- AGALI : Adoleacent Girls Advocacy & Leadership Initiative
- AGE : Adolescent Girls Empowerment
- AHTU : Anti-Human Trafficking Units
- AIMVA : Australian Independent Music Video Awaxds
Recent Acronyms
Latest Child Meanings
- Uniform Parentage Act
- Tax Credits Office
- Registered Early Childhood Educator
- Registered Early Childhood Educators
- Only Child Syndrome
- National Deaf Children Society
- Kentucky Youth Advocates
- Joint Investigation Response Teams
- Family Drug Courts
- Family Day Care Rating Scale
- Division of Support Enforcement Recovery
- Division of Support Enforcement & Recovery
- Denver Human Services
- California Childcare Health Program
- Refugee Youth Service
- Revised Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act
- Restricted To Adults
- Rights Respecting Schools Award
- Resource and Referral
- Rehabilitation and Reintegration