CHIP in Human genome Meaning

The CHIP meaning in Human genome terms is "Chromatin Immunoprecipitation". There are 1 related meanings of the CHIP Human genome abbreviation.

CHIP on Human genome Full Forms

  1. Chromatin Immunoprecipitation Chromatin Immunoprecipitation is a type of immunoprecipitation experimental technique used to investigate the interaction between proteins and DNA in the cell. It aims to determine whether specific proteins are associated with specific genomic regions, such as transcription factors on promoters or other DNA binding sites, and possibly defining cistromes. ChIP also aims to determine the specific location in the genome that various histone modifications are associated with, indicating the target of the histone modifiers.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CHIP stand for Human genome?

    CHIP stands for Chromatin Immunoprecipitation in Human genome terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Chromatin Immunoprecipitation in Human genome?

    The short form of "Chromatin Immunoprecipitation" is CHIP for Human genome.


CHIP in Human genome. (2020, August 25). Retrieved March 10, 2025 from

Last updated