Choral Abbreviations and Choral Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Choral terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 13 different Choral abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Choral terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Choral Abbreviations
  1. AICSA : Australian Intervarsity Choral Societies Association
  2. CFN : Choral Festival Network
  3. WCDA : Wisconsin Choral Directors Association
  4. WSCM : World Symposium On Choral Music
  5. WYC : World Youthuchoir
  6. CTCC : Campaign for The Traditional Cathedral Choir
  7. MCDA : Missouri Choral Directors Association
  8. EGP : European Grand Prix
  9. MTSTM : Maahad Tahfiz Sains Tanah Merah
  10. SUMS : Sydney University Musical Society
  11. TAJ : Tadika Agama Jehor
  12. NYOGB : National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain
  13. IOCSF : International Orange Chorale of San Francisco
Latest Choral Meanings
  1. International Orange Chorale of San Francisco
  2. National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain
  3. Tadika Agama Jehor
  4. Sydney University Musical Society
  5. Maahad Tahfiz Sains Tanah Merah
  6. European Grand Prix
  7. Missouri Choral Directors Association
  8. Campaign for The Traditional Cathedral Choir
  9. World Youthuchoir
  10. World Symposium On Choral Music
  11. Wisconsin Choral Directors Association
  12. Choral Festival Network
  13. Australian Intervarsity Choral Societies Association