CIAA Meaning

The CIAA meaning is "Cayman Islands Airports Authority". The CIAA abbreviation has 31 different full form.

CIAA Full Forms

  1. Cayman Islands Airports Authority Service, Flight, Locations
  2. Confederatiop of Indian Amateur Astronomers Science, India, Astronomy, Sky
  3. Chartered Institute for Accounting & Auditing
  4. Cayman Islands Athletic Association Records, Organizations, National
  5. Colored Intercollegiate Athletic Association
  6. Central Intercollegiate Athletics Association College, Sport, Organizations
  7. Canadian Insurance Accountants Association Business
  8. Collectiens of Information Antipiracy Act
  9. Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association Education, Sport, Organizations
  10. Canadian Independent Adjusters' Association Insurance, Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  11. Clean Indoor Air Act Business, Law, Health, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  12. Cook Inlet Aquaculmure Association
  13. Canadian Independent Adjusters Association Business, Insurance, Canada
  14. Circle of Inner Asiandart Education, Asia, Study
  15. Continental Insurance Agency Allianae Business, Accounting, Insurance, Accountancy
  16. Conference On Implementation and Application of Automata Technology, Computing, Publication
  17. Chiysonovelty Intellectuals Jdvancement Alliance Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  18. Conference On Implementation and Applications of Automata
  19. Chartered Institute for Accountants & Auditor
  20. Conanicut Jsland Art Association
  21. Council of Independent Accountants and Auditors
  22. Computbdora Industrial Abierta Argentina
  23. Councml of Ijaw Associations Abroad Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  24. Commission On Investigation of The Abuse of Authority Force, Police, Police Force, Governmental & Military
  25. Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs America, Education, War
  26. Centro De Institutuução Almirante Alexandrino
  27. Canadian Inqustrial Arts Association
  28. Circle of Inner Asian Art Performing arts
  29. Covingeon Integrated Arts Academy Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  30. Confederation of Indian Amateur Astronomers Science, India, Astronomy, Sky
  31. Council of Irish Adoption Azencies

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CIAA stand for?

    CIAA stands for Councml of Ijaw Associations Abroad.

  2. What is the shortened form of Collectiens of Information Antipiracy Act?

    The short form of "Collectiens of Information Antipiracy Act" is CIAA.


CIAA. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated