CIB Meaning

The CIB meaning is "Canadian Imperial Bank". The CIB abbreviation has 236 different full form.

CIB Full Forms

  1. Canadian Imperial Bank
  2. Centro De Investigaciones Biologicas Science, Research, Spain
  3. Bancolombia S.A. Organizations
  4. Centralized Intercept Bureau Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  5. Credit Information Bureau Business, Banking, Report
  6. Combat Infantryman Badge Military, Army, Combat, Military Slang, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Awards & medals
  7. Center for Information Biology Medical, Science, Database
  8. Cash Intensive Business Business, Financial, Business & Finance
  9. Cosmic Infrared Background Technology, Science, Galaxy, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  10. Capital Improvement Board Stadium, Indiana, Pacer
  11. Corporate Investment Banking Business, Management, Market
  12. Candidate Information Bulletin Medical, Education, Exam
  13. Centro Inter-Bibliotecario Technology, Library, Bologna
  14. Central Intelligence Beurau Force, Police, Police Force, Governmental & Military
  15. Combined Information Bureau Military, Aviation, Department Of Defense, Us Army, Governmental & Military
  16. Central Intelligence Board
  17. Compressed Image Base Military
  18. Christchurch Independent Bushballers Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  19. Call Information Block
  20. Collectors' Information Bureau
  21. Communio Internationalis Benedictinarum
  22. Council of Insurance Brokers
  23. Capital Income Builder
  24. Command Input Buffer
  25. Centro Interbibliotecario
  26. Consorzio Interuniversitario Biotecnologie
  27. Charities Information Bureau Business, Charity, Funding
  28. Current Intelligence Bulletins Medical, Health, Safety
  29. Commonwealth Investigation Branch Military
  30. Criminal Intelligence Bureau Military, Crime, Police
  31. Cluster-In-A-Box Technology, Server, Storage
  32. Center for Injury Biomechanics Technology, Research, Tech
  33. Certificate In Beekeeping
  34. Chassis Interface Board
  35. Central Intelligence Bureau Government, India, Police
  36. Combat Infantry Badges Military, Army, Badge
  37. Central Intelligence Bulletin
  38. Comprehensive Institutional Building Program, Government, Ukraine
  39. California Institute for Biodiversity
  40. Collection Information Bureau
  41. Center for The Inland Bays Locations, Environment, Aquaculture
  42. Communicative & Integrative Biology
  43. Council for International Business
  44. Capital Improvement Bonds
  45. Comissão Internacional Da Baleia
  46. Centro Información Bibliotecario
  47. Consorzio Interuniversitario Per Le Biotecnologie
  48. Cincinnati Insurance Board
  49. Cross-Impact Balance Technology, Analysis, Scenario
  50. Common Interactive Broadcast Military
  51. Club IndéPendant Bordelais
  52. Cayman Islands Brewery
  53. Certificate In Internet Business
  54. Chartered International Banker
  55. Communications Interface Board Technology, Control, Equipment
  56. Central Investigation Bureau Military, Nepal, Police
  57. Comprehensive Institution Building Organizations, Agriculture, Armenia, Ecology
  58. California Independent Bankers Business, Banking, California, Business & Finance
  59. Coding Interactive Behavior
  60. Center for Integrated Biosystems
  61. Communication Interface Board
  62. Could It Be
  63. Capital Improvements Budget
  64. Comissão Intergestora Bipartite Para, Dos, Ria
  65. Centre for International Briefing Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  66. ConféRence Internationale Des Barreaux
  67. Chronisch Inflammatoire Bindweefselziekten
  68. Critical Infrastructure Balancing
  69. Cowl Induction Brake
  70. Counterfeiting Intelligence Bureau Business, Product, Counterfeit
  71. Cities In Balance
  72. Capital Investment Brokers
  73. Certificate In International Business Business, Management, Grenoble
  74. Chartered Institutetute of Building Business
  75. Communicators In Business Business, Award, Communication
  76. Chapter Information Bulletin Organizations, American Red Cross
  77. Calcium and Integrin Binding Protein Medical
  78. Cocoa Industry Board
  79. Center for Integrity In Business
  80. Composite Insulated Beams
  81. Cosmic Infrared Background Radiation Science, Astronomy, Celestial Object, Scientific & Educational
  82. Capital Improvement Budget Locations, City, Projection
  83. ComissÕEs Intergestores Bipartites
  84. Centre for International Business Business, University, Economics
  85. Configuration Information Base Technology, Military, Telecommunication
  86. Chronische Inflammatoire Bindweefselziekten Medical, Medicine, Disease
  87. Critical Illness Benefit Business, Insurance, Planning
  88. Cambodian Investment Board Business, Government, Locations
  89. Covered In Bees
  90. Combat Infantrymen Badge
  91. Capital Investment Board
  92. Certificate In Business Program, Education, Course
  93. Center-Invest Bank
  94. Chartered Institutetute of Bankers Business
  95. Current Issues Brief
  96. Communications In Business
  97. Channel Interface Block
  98. Calcium and Integrin-Binding Medical, Protein, Human
  99. Coalition Investigation Board
  100. Center for International Business Government, Education, University
  101. Compliance Information Branch Medicine, Health, Care, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  102. Corporationrate and Institutetutional Banking Business, Finance, Banking, Business & Finance
  103. Capacity and Institutetution Building Technology
  104. ComissÕEs Intergestores Bipartite
  105. Centre D'Innovation En Biologie
  106. Conference In Brussels
  107. Chronic Illness Benefit
  108. Criminal Invstigation Branch
  109. Cambodia Investment Board
  110. Coverage & Investment Banking
  111. Capital Indexed Bonds
  112. Centro Israelita Brasileiro
  113. Comiss
  114. Chartered Insurance Broker
  115. Current Interest Bond
  116. Communications Information Bulletin
  117. Certificate of Indian Blood America, Education, American, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  118. Calcium and Integrin Binding
  119. Cluster Information Base Technology, Linux, Pacemaker
  120. Center for Innovation & Bioinformatics
  121. Compliance and Information Bureau
  122. Corporationrate and Investment Banking Business, Finance, Banking, Business & Finance
  123. Capacity and Institution Building Technology, Development, Institutes
  124. Comercios Innovadores De Bilbao Technology, Para, Con
  125. Centralized Infractions Bureau
  126. Compulsory Insurance Bureau
  127. Christians In Business Business, Church, Religion, Directory
  128. Cambodia Institute of Banking
  129. Collectors Information Bureau
  130. Controlling Innovation Berlin Technology, Berlin, Controller
  131. Counterfeit Intelligence Bureau Business, Product, Counterfeiting
  132. Capital Indexed Bond Business, Finance, Banking
  133. Centro Interfacolta Per Le Biblioteche
  134. Conf
  135. Chartered Institute of Bankers Business, Service, Banking, Accounting, Business & Finance
  136. Current Intelligence Briefing Military
  137. Commonwealth Investigations Branch
  138. Certificate In Banking Program, Education, Standard
  139. Cala Investigation Bureau
  140. Cluster In A Box Technology, Server, Storage
  141. Center for Inland Bays
  142. Compliance & Information Bureau Technology, Telecom
  143. Chaudronnerie Industrielle De Bretagne
  144. Cobol Information Bulletin
  145. Criminal Identification Bureau
  146. Clinical Investigator's Brochure Medical, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Fda
  147. Central-European International Bank Business, Banking, Hungary
  148. Children In Balance
  149. Carnation Institutent Breakfast
  150. Internet Banking Online banking (or Internet banking or E-banking) allows customers of a financial institution to conduct financial transactions on a secured website operated by the institution, which can be a retail bank,virtual bank, credit union or building society.To access a financial institution's online banking facility, a customer having personal Internet access must register with the institution for the service, and set up some password (under various names) for customer verification. The password for online banking is normally not the same as for [telephone banking]. Financial institutions now routinely allocate customers numbers (also under various names), whether or not customers intend to access their online banking facility. Customers' numbers are normally not the same as account numbers, because number of accounts can be linked to the one customer number. The customer will link to the customer number any of those accounts which the customer controls, which may be cheque, savings, loan, credit card and other accounts. Customer numbers will also not be the same as any debit or credit card issued by the financial institution to the customer. Business, Accounting, Service, Accountancy, Finance
  151. Canadian Infrastructure Bank
  152. Change Impact Board NASA
  153. Central Information Bureau
  154. Companies Investigation Branch Business, Company, Government
  155. Crc32 Identification Bit Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  156. Claymore Inverse 10 Yr Government Bond ETF Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  157. Commercial International Bank-Egypt Business
  158. Channel Interface Bus
  159. Certified Islamic Bankers
  160. Criminal Investigations Bureau
  161. Criminal Investigation Branch Police, Governmental & Military
  162. Children'S Improvement Board
  163. Cardiff Institutetute for The Blind
  164. Canada Infrastructure Bank
  165. Luminaire Data File Computing, File Extensions
  166. Central Informatics Bureau Technology, Government, Development
  167. Community Integrity Building
  168. Crash Imminent Braking Technology, Car, Safety, Automatics
  169. Change Incorporation Board Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  170. Commercial Insurance Brokers
  171. Centro De Investigaciónes Basicas
  172. Candidate Information Bulletins Security, Education, Exam
  173. Certified Islamic Banker Business, Finance, Banking, Business & Finance
  174. Criminal Investigation Bureau
  175. Controlled Image Based Army, Naval, Governmental & Military
  176. Child'S Insurance Benefits
  177. Internet Bank Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance
  178. Campaign for An Independent Britain Government, Group, Politics
  179. Collective Investment Bond
  180. Cibus (with food) Medical, Reading Prescription
  181. Central Indian Basin
  182. Community Information Branch
  183. Computer Integrated Business Management, Computing, Business & Finance, IT Terminology
  184. Commercial Investment Brokers Business, Building, Estate
  185. Chemical Information Bulletin Military
  186. Customer Information Book Technology
  187. Candidate Information Booklet Education, Pharmacy, Exam
  188. cibus (food) Medical
  189. Complete In Box Business, Gaming, Collection
  190. Certified Investment Banker
  191. Crime Investigation Bureau Business, Nepal, Man, Police
  192. Combat Infantryman's Badge Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  193. Chief Inspector of Boilers
  194. Input Capacitance, Common Base Science, Electronics, Semiconductor, Physics
  195. Collective Intelligent Bricks
  196. cibus Medical, Common Medical
  197. Central Index Bureau Government, Bureaus
  198. Community Impact Board Business, City, Utah
  199. Council for International Business Arbitration Business & Finance, International business
  200. Commercial Industrial Builders
  201. Canadian Institute of Biotechnology
  202. Curriculum and Instruction Branch Education
  203. Complaints Investigations Bureau Police, Investigation, Episode
  204. Certification of Indian Blood
  205. Criminal Information Bureau
  206. Coordinative Integration Broker Software, Computing
  207. Chicks In Bowls Roller, Bowl, Skate
  208. Curriculum and Instituteuction Branch
  209. Collective Intelligent Brick Technology, Computing, Ibm
  210. Condor One who cons More particularly, a masthead man who sights and gives notice of shoals of fish. ICAO Aircraft Codes, Vehicle Makes
  211. Central Illinois Bank
  212. Community In Bloom Organizations, Garden, Town
  213. China International Business Business, Development, China, Brand
  214. Corporate and Institutional Banking Banking, Business & Finance
  215. Commerce and Industry Bureau
  216. Canadian Institute of Bookkeeping Business, College, Course
  217. Controlled Image Base Us Army, Governmental & Military
  218. Central Insecticide Board Business, Service, India
  219. Complaints Investigation Bureau Police, Investigation, Episode, Officer
  220. Crime Information Bureau Government, Check, Wisconsin
  221. Bancolombia SA Computing, Nyse symbols
  222. Chengdu Institute of Biology Science, Institute, China
  223. Community Inquiry Bureau
  224. Criminal Investigations Branch Military, Crime, Police
  225. Ap In The Sky, Catalina Island, United States United States, Iata Airport Codes
  226. Central Illinois Builders
  227. Communities In Bloom Community, Locations, Garden
  228. China Industrial Bank Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance, Banking, Business & Finance
  229. Corporate and Investment Banking Banking, Business & Finance
  230. Command Input Block
  231. Canadian Infantry Brigade Military, Army, War
  232. Change Implementation Board NASA
  233. Central Information Branch
  234. Complaints Investigation Branch Government, Police, Uk, Uk Police, Governmental & Military
  235. Created In Birmingham
  236. Construction Industries Board Construction

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CIB stand for?

    CIB stands for Centro De Investigaciones Biologicas.

  2. What is the shortened form of Controlled Image Based?

    The short form of "Controlled Image Based" is CIB.


CIB. (2020, October 28). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from

Last updated