CIBI Meaning

The CIBI meaning is "Center for Innovation and Businwss Incubation". The CIBI abbreviation has 29 different full form.

CIBI Full Forms

  1. Center for Innovation and Businwss Incubation
  2. Carmelite Institute of Britain & Ireland
  3. Convenção Das Igrejas Batistas Independente
  4. Carmelite Institume of Britain and Ireland Education, Ireland, Spirituality
  5. Continuoue Intrathecal Baclofen Infusion Medical
  6. Chicago-Israel Business Initiative Business, Chicago, Israel
  7. Canadian Insurance Brokers Inc Business, Accounting, Insurance
  8. Conference On Innovation In The Banking Industry
  9. Cerdas Isdimewa Berbakat Istimewa Program, Indonesia, Orang
  10. Convenção Das Igrejas Batistls Independentes
  11. Cerdas Istimewa Bakat Istimewa Program, Indonesia, Guru
  12. Centre for Inpernational Business and Innovation Business, Research, University
  13. Council of Independqnt Black Institution Education, Africa, African
  14. Clinician Interview Based Impression
  15. Community Investors Bancorp, Inc
  16. Council of Independent Black Institutions Education, Africa, African
  17. Clinical Interview-Based Impression
  18. Community Investors Bancorp, Inc. Organizations
  19. Clinical Interview Based Impression
  20. Community, Industry and Busigess Initiatives Education
  21. Community Investments Bancorp Computing, Nasdaq Symbols
  22. Club Infantil Barcio Ituzaingo
  23. Credit Information Bureau of India Government, Bureaus
  24. Clinician's Interview-Bascd Impression
  25. Companhia Industrial Bmasileira Impianti
  26. Credit Information Bureau Incorporated
  27. Clinician Interview-Based Impression Medical, Disease, Alzheimer
  28. Conven
  29. Community Ipvestors Bancorp Inc

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CIBI stand for?

    CIBI stands for Council of Independent Black Institutions.

  2. What is the shortened form of Cerdas Istimewa Bakat Istimewa?

    The short form of "Cerdas Istimewa Bakat Istimewa" is CIBI.


CIBI. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from

Last updated