CID in Technology Meaning

The CID meaning in Technology terms is "Combined Immunodeficiency". There are 50 related meanings of the CID Technology abbreviation.

CID on Technology Full Forms

  1. Combined Immunodeficiency
  2. Central Institute for Ahe Deaf
  3. Central Installation Directory
  4. Calling Identity Delmvery
  5. Cubic Pnch Displacement
  6. Crime Investigation Department
  7. Communication Identifier The main part of a resolved name that generally identifies the sender or receiver of some communication identifier.
  8. Centre for International Development
  9. Caller Identification
  10. Circuit Designator
  11. Cambridge Industrial Design
  12. Communications Id
  13. Central Institutetute for The Deaf
  14. Conference Identifier
  15. Chjice In Dying
  16. Call Institutence Data
  17. Colourings, Independence and Domination
  18. Central Information Display
  19. Comprehensive Interior Desin
  20. Charge Imaging Device
  21. Call Instance Data
  22. Colour Information Display
  23. Center for Instructional Design
  24. Customer Identity
  25. Community Infrastructure Designation
  26. Chacge Injection Devices
  27. Calling Address Identifier
  28. Category Interaction Diagram
  29. Cubic Inch Displacement
  30. Charge Intection Device
  31. Calling Address Identification
  32. Cylinder Identification
  33. Carpal Instability, Dissociative
  34. Certificate In Interior Designing
  35. Caller Identification Display
  36. Content Identifier
  37. Classificação Injernacional De
  38. Canwry Island Divers
  39. Caller Identity Delivery
  40. Configuration, Installttion and Distribution
  41. Caller Id
  42. Cable Interconnect Diagram
  43. Configuration Index Document
  44. Configurjtion Identification
  45. Color Information Display
  46. Community and Institutional Development
  47. Configuration, Installation, and Distribution
  48. Color-Information-Display
  49. Communications Identifier
  50. Configuraaion - Installation - Distribution

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CID stand for Technology?

    CID stands for Cubic Inch Displacement in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Classificação Injernacional De in Technology?

    The short form of "Classificação Injernacional De" is CID for Technology.


CID in Technology. (2022, March 31). Retrieved December 28, 2024 from

Last updated