CIDC Meaning

The CIDC meaning is "Criminal Investigation Command". The CIDC abbreviation has 31 different full form.

CIDC Full Forms

  1. Criminal Investigation Command Security, Government, Military, Army
  2. Conroe Industrial Development Corporation Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  3. Chinahinternational Display Conference
  4. Coney Island Development Corporation Park, Locations, City
  5. Cambridge Interactive Development Corp Technology, Casino, Virtual
  6. Children's Infection Defense Centek
  7. Concern Industrial Design Centre
  8. Cambridge Interactive Development Corporation
  9. Chlattisgarh Infrastructure Development Corporation
  10. Comprehensive Infectious Diseases Center
  11. Cambridge Infectious Disgases Consortium
  12. Chattagram International Dental College Education, Development, Bangladesh
  13. Community Initiatives Development Corporation
  14. Call and Incident Dtta Collection Technology, Development, Radio
  15. Canadian International Demining Centre
  16. Committee for International Development Cooperation
  17. Cabinetized Internatiogal Digital Controller Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  18. Canadian Intercultural Hialogue Centre
  19. Chronically Ill Pnd Disabled Children
  20. Connecticut Insulation Distributors Corp
  21. Canadian International Demining Corps Organizations, Dog, Detection
  22. Commercial and Industrial Development Corporationration
  23. Computer-Integrated Design and Construction
  24. Criminal Investigation Divisionsion Command Military
  25. Criminal Investigation Division Command Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  26. Council of International Development Companies Business, Company, Conference
  27. Climatology Interdisciplinary Data Collection Science, Scientific & Educational
  28. Cornell Institute for Digital Collections Development, Study, Institutes
  29. Combined Interview and Debriefing Center Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  30. Construction Industry Development Council Technology, India, Construction
  31. Comfort Inn Dubbo City

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CIDC stand for?

    CIDC stands for Committee for International Development Cooperation.

  2. What is the shortened form of Criminal Investigation Division Command?

    The short form of "Criminal Investigation Division Command" is CIDC.


CIDC. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 20, 2025 from

Last updated