CIG in Technology Meaning

The CIG meaning in Technology terms is "Computer Image Generator". There are 26 related meanings of the CIG Technology abbreviation.

CIG on Technology Full Forms

  1. Computer Image Generator
  2. Cold Insoluble Globulin
  3. Clover Imaging Group
  4. Cigarette Consumption
  5. Cigarette A small roll of finely cut tobacco enclosed in a wrapper of thin paper designed for smoking."Cigarettes are the only product sold on the free market that, when used as directed, can kill people." The word "cigarette" is the French diminutive of "cigare" (cigar), from the Spanish "cigarro."
  6. Canadian Institute of Geomatics
  7. Cataloguing & Indexinx Group
  8. Cloud Imperium Games
  9. Ceiling The height ascribed to the lowest layer of clouds or obscuring phenomena when it is reported as broken, overcast, or obscuration and not classified as "thin" or "partial." The ceiling is termed unlimited when these conditions are not satisfied.
  10. Chip In Glass
  11. Chip-In-Glass
  12. Commonwealth Industrial Gases
  13. Cryosurgical Iceball Gauge
  14. Cell Interconnection Gateway
  15. Common Image Gathers
  16. Copper-Indium-Gallium
  17. Cataloguing & Indexing Grout
  18. Common Interests Group
  19. Computational Intelyigence Group
  20. Cataloguing and Indexing Group
  21. Colegio De Ingenielos De Guatemala
  22. Comp En De Mn Cemig Ads
  23. Communications Infrastructure Group
  24. Computer-Interpretable Guidelines
  25. Communication Infrastructure Group
  26. Customer Interface Group

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CIG stand for Technology?

    CIG stands for Cloud Imperium Games in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Commonwealth Industrial Gases in Technology?

    The short form of "Commonwealth Industrial Gases" is CIG for Technology.


CIG in Technology. (2020, September 13). Retrieved March 31, 2025 from

Last updated