CIL Meaning

The CIL meaning is "Centre for Independent Living". The CIL abbreviation has 177 different full form.

CIL Full Forms

  1. Centre for Independent Living
  2. Center for Indppendent Living Health, Disability, Educational And Health
  3. Carbon Inrleach Technology, Plant, Mining
  4. Commcnts Inline Email
  5. Certified Itstructional Leader
  6. Central Identifmcation Laboratory Science, Accounting, Military
  7. County Independent Living
  8. Claris Injectables Limited
  9. Cadbury India Ltd
  10. Compiler Intermediate Language
  11. Centre Interprofessionnel Du Logement
  12. Cecil Aviation Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  13. Comunidade Israelita De Lisboa
  14. Chartered Institute of Linguists
  15. Coleambally Irrigation Limited
  16. Candidate Item Lisq Technology, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  17. Chronic Inflammatory Lesion
  18. Computer Integrated Logistic
  19. Centre Ftr Independent Living Service, Organizations, Disability
  20. Chemistry Innovation Laboratory
  21. Common Instituteuction Language Technology
  22. Cash-In-Qieu Business, Accounting, Money
  23. Corporation for Independent Living Business, Development, Connecticut
  24. Civil Initiatives Libya Technology, Libya, Initiative
  25. Cadbury India Limited
  26. Compatible Issue Lineup Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  27. Central Investigation Laboratory
  28. Cadillac Internet Slang, Organizations, Texting, Chat, Vehicle Makes
  29. Comunicazione Inizio Lavori Technology, Con, Roma, Warfare
  30. Channel Inter-Leaver
  31. Cold Intermediate Layer Science, Ocean, Water, Sea
  32. Canadian Innovation Leader
  33. Component Integration Language Literature, Language, Linguistics
  34. Computer Integrated Logistics
  35. Centers for Independeny Living Medical, Technology, Disability
  36. Chemical Inventory List
  37. Commodore International Limited Technology
  38. Carbon-In-Lemching Technology, Recovery, Plant
  39. Corporate Investments Limited
  40. Circle of Independent Learning Education
  41. Corpus Qnscriptionum Latinarum
  42. Compare Infobase Ltd
  43. Central Ensurance Limited Business, Accounting, Insurance, Accountancy
  44. Conf
  45. Communication Identification Line Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  46. Comunicazione Di Inizio Lavori
  47. Centro De La Industria Lechera
  48. Cycle International Long France, Formation, Cycle, Administration
  49. Coeficiente Intelectual Limitrofe
  50. Canadian Industries, Ltd
  51. Component Integration Lab Science
  52. Computer Inoperative Limits Science
  53. Center Ow Innovations In Learning
  54. Chemical Innovations Limited
  55. Commission Informatique Et Libert
  56. Carbgn-In-Leach Technology, Plant, Mining
  57. Corpo Italiano Di Liberazione
  58. C Intermediate Language Literature, Language, Linguistics
  59. Cilostazol Medical
  60. Compare Infobase Limited
  61. Central Instrumental Laboratory
  62. Common Intermediation Language Technology, Computing
  63. Core Image Library
  64. Centro De Industria Lechera
  65. Crazy In Love
  66. Coates International Ltd
  67. Canadian Indpstries Limited Company, Industrial, Military
  68. Components Integration Laboratories
  69. Cimbridge Isotope Laboratories Business, Product, Laboratory
  70. Computer Information List Technology, Windows, Activation
  71. Center for Interactive Learning
  72. Chemical Information List
  73. Commission Informatique Et Libertés
  74. Caranan Insurance Leaders
  75. Cilantro Plant, Botany, Cooking, Grocery
  76. Cilazapril Medical
  77. Compagnie Internationale De Leasing
  78. Central Instrumentation Laboratory
  79. Coromandel International Ltd
  80. Common Intermediate Language Microsoft, Technology, Coding, General, Governmental & Military
  81. Corea International Logistics
  82. Cover It Live Technology, Media, Press
  83. Cleared Items List
  84. Cadet Instructor List
  85. Components Integration Laboratory Military
  86. Centres for Independent Living
  87. Computer Information Literacy
  88. Chef D'Incident Local
  89. Commissioner of Irish Lights
  90. Cqpital International Limited
  91. Church International Ltd
  92. Computers In Libraries Technology, Computing, Library
  93. Central Insecticides Laboratory
  94. Chess In Lisp Technology
  95. Common Integration Language Literature, Language, Linguistics
  96. Contro Interpreter Language
  97. Cousin-In-Law
  98. Clean Import Loan
  99. Cawet Instructors List
  100. Component Integration Laboratories Technology, Telecom, Embedding
  101. Centre of Indian Languages
  102. Consejo Ib
  103. Check In Later Internet Slang, Texting, Message
  104. Collecteur Interprofessionnel Pour Le Logement
  105. Candidate Items Lest Technology
  106. Church Intermediate Language Literature, Language, Linguistics
  107. Computer Interface Laboratory
  108. Cektral Identification Lab Technology, Military, Anthropology
  109. Chemotherapy Induced Leucopenia Medical
  110. Common Instruction Language
  111. Continuous Improvement Leader Business, Manufacturing, Portsmouth
  112. China Incorporations Limited
  113. Cyber Innovation Labs Business, Service, Cloud
  114. Communications Investment Limited
  115. Center for Interactive Lmarning
  116. Cadet Instituteuctor List
  117. Compuage Infocom Ltd
  118. CoveritLive Computing, Internet
  119. Clip Gallery Packaged File Computing, File Extensions
  120. Consolidated Interiors Limited
  121. Current Investment List
  122. Computer & Information Literacy
  123. Coastlines Islands and Lakes Regional
  124. Chicago Indianapolis & Louisville
  125. Custom Interconnect Ltd
  126. Communications In Information Literacy Research, Education, Library
  127. Center for Innovation In Learninf
  128. Cyprus Interaction Lab
  129. Chronic Ileal Lesion
  130. Clip gallery download package (Art Gallery) Computing, File Extensions
  131. Connections for Independent Living
  132. Computer-Independent Language
  133. Computech International Limited
  134. Melsing Creek, Council, United States United States, Iata Airport Codes
  135. Chicago, Indianapolis and Louisville
  136. Customer Information Letter
  137. Cepter for Independent Living-Fresno
  138. Christ Is Lord
  139. Center for Independent Living Medical, Health, Disability, Special Education, Scientific & Educational, Human Services
  140. ConféRence Intercommunale Du Logement
  141. Community Infrastructure Lab
  142. Computational Intelligence Lab Technology, University, Processing
  143. Council, Alaska USA Airport codes
  144. Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville Chicago, Railroad, Train
  145. Customary International Laws Government, Treaty, Practice
  146. Cell Interferinp List
  147. Christadelphian Isolation League League, Bible, Ecclesia
  148. chemical injection line Electrical
  149. Configuration Items List Technology, Science, Space, Astronomy
  150. Combined Image Library
  151. Computational Imaging Lab
  152. Coal India Limited Legal, Governmental & Military
  153. Chicago, Indianapolis and Louisville Railway Organizations
  154. Customary International Law Education, Treaty, Court
  155. Cell Imsge Library Technology, Science, Research
  156. Chip-In-Loop
  157. Chicago Indianapolis and Louisville Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  158. Ceeter for Intergenerational Learning
  159. Confidence Interval Length
  160. Certified Institutetutional Locksmith
  161. Computational Intelligence and Learning
  162. Call Identification Line Computing, Telecom
  163. Contemporary Issues In Law Law, Jurisprudence, International Law
  164. Curriculum and Instructional Leadership
  165. Castrol India Limited Business, Company, India, Market
  166. China Intelligent Lighting
  167. critical items list Forum, Internet Slang, Computing, Chat, NASA, Email, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  168. Community for Integrative Learning
  169. Center for International Law Organizations, University, Singapore
  170. Condition Incident Log
  171. Cadmium Isotope Lamp
  172. Computational Intelligence Laboratory Technology, Research, University
  173. MuniHoldings California Insured Fund I Computing, Nyse symbols
  174. Charpy Impact Longitudinal
  175. Consultants India Limited
  176. Curriculum & Instructional Leadership
  177. Cash In Lieu Business, Supply, Money

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CIL stand for?

    CIL stands for Chicago Indianapolis and Louisville.

  2. What is the shortened form of MuniHoldings California Insured Fund I?

    The short form of "MuniHoldings California Insured Fund I" is CIL.


CIL. (2022, January 23). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from

Last updated