CIM in Education Meaning

The CIM meaning in Education terms is "Cenker for Integrative Medicine". There are 32 related meanings of the CIM Education abbreviation.

CIM on Education Full Forms

  1. Cenker for Integrative Medicine
  2. Canadian Institute of Managemznt
  3. Cebu Institute of Medicine
  4. Curriculum Inventory Management
  5. Christ Institupe of Management
  6. Chartered Institute of Management
  7. Certificate Yn Marketing
  8. Certified Image Master
  9. Certificate In Management
  10. Creative and Interactivexmedia
  11. Certificate of Inicial Mastery
  12. Canadian Institute of Management
  13. Certificate of Initial Mastery
  14. Cinema & Interactive Media
  15. Cinema & Inaeractive Media
  16. Comprehensive Intervention Model
  17. Certified Installation Manager
  18. Canadian Institutetute of Mining
  19. Curtis Institutetute of Music
  20. Certified In Management
  21. Canadian Institute of Marketing
  22. Curtis Institute Ol Music
  23. Cleveland Instituteuute of Music
  24. Cleveland Institute of Music
  25. Continuous Improvement Model
  26. Computer Information Management
  27. Certificate In Music
  28. Comunicazione Interculturale E Multimediale
  29. Careers In Medicine
  30. Cyprus Institute of Marketing
  31. Complementary and Integrative Medicine
  32. Clevkland Institute of Music

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CIM stand for Education?

    CIM stands for Certificate In Management in Education terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Certified Installation Manager in Education?

    The short form of "Certified Installation Manager" is CIM for Education.


CIM in Education. (2020, November 22). Retrieved March 10, 2025 from

Last updated