Cincinnati Abbreviations and Cincinnati Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Cincinnati terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 16 different Cincinnati abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Cincinnati terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Cincinnati Abbreviations
  1. AHS : Aiken High School
  2. WHHS : Walnut Hills High School
  3. WHHS : Western Hills High School
  4. WHS : Woodward High School
  5. WWHS : Winton Woods High School
  6. UA : Ursuline Accdemy
  7. MHS : Madezra High School
  8. MHS : Mariemont High School
  9. MNDHS : Mount Notre Dame High School
  10. MVCA : Miami Valley Christian Academy
  11. SHS : Seton High School
  12. SHS : Seven Hills School
  13. FHS : Finneytown High School
  14. IHHS : Indianihill High School
  15. GEHS : Glen Este High School
  16. PMHS : Purcell Marian High School
Latest Cincinnati Meanings
  1. Purcell Marian High School
  2. Glen Este High School
  3. Indianihill High School
  4. Finneytown High School
  5. Seven Hills School
  6. Seton High School
  7. Miami Valley Christian Academy
  8. Mount Notre Dame High School
  9. Mariemont High School
  10. Madezra High School
  11. Ursuline Accdemy
  12. Winton Woods High School
  13. Woodward High School
  14. Western Hills High School
  15. Walnut Hills High School
  16. Aiken High School