Cinematography Abbreviations and Cinematography Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Cinematography terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 12 different Cinematography abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Cinematography terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Cinematography Abbreviations
  1. AIDB : Animation Industry Database
  2. AMID : Animation Magazine Industry Directory
  3. AMPAS : Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
  4. ATF : Academy of Theatre and Film
  5. YMBA : Your Movie Box Azency
  6. HFC : Historians Film Committee
  7. ECFF : European Coordination of Film Festivals
  8. SAG : Screen Actors Guild
  9. TLFF : Times London Film Festival
  10. FTI : Film and Television Institutetute
  11. NYCDFF : New York City Drone Film Festival
  12. DFFF : Davis Feminist Film Festival
Latest Cinematography Meanings
  1. Davis Feminist Film Festival
  2. New York City Drone Film Festival
  3. Film and Television Institutetute
  4. Times London Film Festival
  5. Screen Actors Guild
  6. European Coordination of Film Festivals
  7. Historians Film Committee
  8. Your Movie Box Azency
  9. Academy of Theatre and Film
  10. Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
  11. Animation Magazine Industry Directory
  12. Animation Industry Database