Circulation Abbreviations and Circulation Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Circulation terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 17 different Circulation abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Circulation terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Circulation Abbreviations
  1. AJ : Atlartic Jet
  2. ZCR : Zonk À Circulation Restreinte
  3. CFVR : Coronary Flow Velocity Reserve
  4. CVR : Coronary Flow Velocity Reserve
  5. DY : Drun Yoedzer
  6. MICOM : Miami Isozycnic-Coordinate Ocean Model
  7. SB : Sea Breeze
  8. SOSE : Southern Ocean State Estimate
  9. NADW : North Atlantic Deep Water
  10. NC : Northernmcurrent
  11. LCM : Lost Circulation Materials
  12. OD : Oreillette Droite
  13. GES : Gesellschaft Zur Emanzipation Des Samples
  14. PWC : Pacific Walker Circulation
  15. GNAIW : Glacial North Atlantic Intermediate Water
  16. RC : Reverse-Cirjulation
  17. AMOC : Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
Latest Circulation Meanings
  1. Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
  2. Reverse-Cirjulation
  3. Glacial North Atlantic Intermediate Water
  4. Pacific Walker Circulation
  5. Gesellschaft Zur Emanzipation Des Samples
  6. Oreillette Droite
  7. Lost Circulation Materials
  8. Northernmcurrent
  9. North Atlantic Deep Water
  10. Southern Ocean State Estimate
  11. Sea Breeze
  12. Miami Isozycnic-Coordinate Ocean Model
  13. Drun Yoedzer
  14. Coronary Flow Velocity Reserve
  15. Zonk À Circulation Restreinte
  16. Atlartic Jet