CJ in Names and nicknames Meaning

The CJ meaning in Names and nicknames terms is "Carol Jean". There are 82 related meanings of the CJ Names and nicknames abbreviation.

CJ on Names and nicknames Full Forms

  1. Carol Jean
  2. Charlie Junior
  3. Claudia Jean
  4. Cornelius Jackson
  5. Cara Jo
  6. Charlie Joe
  7. Christopher Joseph
  8. Charlie Jacob
  9. Chapman Jouguet
  10. Clayton Joseph
  11. Christopher Johnson
  12. Cameron Jon
  13. Casey Jay
  14. Caesar Joseph
  15. Corporal Jones
  16. Casey Jade
  17. Clark Jerome
  18. Christine Julian
  19. Clara Jean
  20. Cameron James
  21. Cracker Jackie
  22. Casey Jean
  23. Cecelia Jo
  24. Cory Junior
  25. Charles John
  26. Clarissa Jo
  27. Chubbs, Junior
  28. Colin Jameson
  29. Cal Junior
  30. Clarence John
  31. Christina Jeanne
  32. Chevy Junior
  33. Computer Jockey
  34. Cornhole Jones
  35. Captain Jack
  36. Cedric Joseph
  37. Catlin Jackie
  38. Christopher James
  39. Cyndi Jean
  40. Charles Jefferson
  41. Crazy Jimmy
  42. Charles James
  43. Chrystal Jewel
  44. Chen Jade
  45. Clyde James
  46. Cool Jamaican
  47. Candy Junior
  48. Charles, Junior
  49. Chrissy Jo
  50. Colleen Jennifer
  51. Creighton, Junior
  52. Craig Johnson
  53. Cameron, Junior
  54. Christopher Jay
  55. Charlotte Jeanette
  56. Cody James
  57. Candy Jo
  58. Christian Joaquin
  59. Charles Joseph
  60. Christopher John
  61. Clinton Jackson
  62. Cesar Joel
  63. Charles Jonathan
  64. Claude John
  65. Christine Jo
  66. Chad, Junior
  67. Clueless Jones
  68. Caroline Janice
  69. Claire Joan
  70. Cathie Jo
  71. Clayton Jeanheur
  72. Carla Jean
  73. Clark, Junior
  74. Chrystine Julian
  75. Caitlin Jade
  76. Chris Junior
  77. Chae, Junior
  78. Claude, Junior
  79. Colin Jesse
  80. Carol's Joy
  81. Claudius Josephus
  82. Charles Johnson

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CJ stand for Names and nicknames?

    CJ stands for Clark, Junior in Names and nicknames terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Cathie Jo in Names and nicknames?

    The short form of "Cathie Jo" is CJ for Names and nicknames.


CJ in Names and nicknames. Acronym24.com. (2021, March 1). Retrieved January 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/cj-meaning-in-names-and-nicknames/

Last updated