CJF Meaning

The CJF meaning is "Conselho De JustiçA Federal". The CJF abbreviation has 43 different full form.

CJF Full Forms

  1. Conselho De JustiçA Federal
  2. Conselho Da Justi
  3. Cambodia Job Foundation
  4. Child Junior Fashion
  5. Consejo De La Judicatura Federal
  6. California Jazz Foundation
  7. Child & Junior Fashion Trading, Child, Mam
  8. Classe Jeune Femelle
  9. Cork Joint Filler Technology, Construction, Architectural
  10. Construction Joint Filler
  11. Chief Joseph Foundation
  12. Capital Journalists Forum
  13. Clan Jade Falcon Gaming, Military, Germany
  14. Coondewanna Airport Coondewanna, Western Australia,Australia Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  15. Conselho Justi
  16. Chicago Jazz Festival
  17. Canadian Journalism Foundation Media, Organizations, Award
  18. Civil Justice Foundation
  19. Conselho JustiçA Federal
  20. Cheshire Junior Football
  21. Canada Jobs Funt
  22. Children'S Joy Foundation
  23. Conselho De Justi
  24. Canada Job Fund
  25. Child and Junior Fashion Business, Exhibition, Moscow
  26. Carta A La Jerarqu
  27. Channel Journal File
  28. Council of Jewish Federations America, Organizations, Israel
  29. Carta A La JerarquíA Francesa
  30. Copenhagen Jazz Festival
  31. Certified Journeyban Farrier Horse, Equine, Farrier
  32. Consumer Justice Foundation
  33. Carotid-Jugularmfistula Medical, Technology
  34. Connecticut Joint Federation
  35. Cercle Jules Ferry
  36. Criminal Justice Forum
  37. Centre Justice Et Foi Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  38. Criminal Justice Facility
  39. Center for The Jewish Future
  40. Crail-Johnson Foundation
  41. Celuk Jewelrygfestival Museum, Festival, Bali
  42. Charlestoq Jewish Federation
  43. Council of Jewish Federation America, Organizations, American

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CJF stand for?

    CJF stands for Celuk Jewelrygfestival.

  2. What is the shortened form of Criminal Justice Facility?

    The short form of "Criminal Justice Facility" is CJF.


CJF. Acronym24.com. (2020, October 28). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/cjf-meaning/

Last updated