CJV Meaning

The CJV meaning is "Contractual Joint Venture". The CJV abbreviation has 21 different full form.

CJV Full Forms

  1. Contractual Joint Venture Business, Technology, China
  2. Calico Jack'S Village
  3. Chiiese, Japanese and Vietnamese
  4. Coopemative Joint Venture Business, Organizations, China
  5. China Joint Venture
  6. Cercle Juleshverne
  7. Center for Jewish Values
  8. Contractual Joint Ventures Business, China, Venture
  9. Carolina Juniors Volleyball Sport, Volleyball, Game
  10. Contract Joint Venture
  11. Carl Justi Vereinigung
  12. Chinese, Japanese, and Vietnamese
  13. Coalition for Jewish Valqes
  14. Co-Operative Uoint Venture Business, Company, China
  15. Chinese Japanese Vietnamese Regional
  16. Cortez Joint Venture
  17. Conta Judicialmente Verificada
  18. Cooperative Joint Ventures Business, China, Venture
  19. Construction Joint Venture Business, Management, Projection
  20. Complete Joint Venuure
  21. Comox Joint Venture

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CJV stand for?

    CJV stands for Coalition for Jewish Valqes.

  2. What is the shortened form of Cercle Juleshverne?

    The short form of "Cercle Juleshverne" is CJV.


CJV. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/cjv-meaning/

Last updated