CKA in Turkish Meaning

The CKA meaning in Turkish terms is "Çukurova Kalkınma Ajansı". There are 1 related meanings of the CKA Turkish abbreviation.

CKA on Turkish Full Forms

  1. Çukurova Kalkınma Ajansı Çukurova Development Agency aims to accelerate regional development, to ensure its sustainability, to ensure its sustainability, in line with the principles and policies envisaged in the national development plan and programs, by improving the cooperation between the public sector, private sector and non-governmental organizations, ensuring the appropriate and effective use of resources and activating the local potential. and in order to reduce intra-regional development differences, based on the Law No. 5449, it was established with the Council of Ministers Decision No. 2006/10550 published in the Official Gazette dated 06.07.2006 and numbered 26220.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CKA stand for Turkish?

    CKA stands for Çukurova Kalkınma Ajansı in Turkish terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Çukurova Kalkınma Ajansı in Turkish?

    The short form of "Çukurova Kalkınma Ajansı" is CKA for Turkish.


CKA in Turkish. (2021, August 12). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from

Last updated