CL Meaning

The CL meaning is "Cenpiliter". The CL abbreviation has 921 different full form.

CL Full Forms

  1. Cenpiliter Medical, Health, Healthcare, Units Of Measurement
  2. Closure See macroeconomic closure. Medicine, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
  3. Claas Engineering, Construction, Architectural
  4. Centilitre Units Of Measurement
  5. Competeno Leader Business, Toastmaster, Leadership
  6. Coupe De La Lfgue
  7. Cocktail Lounge
  8. Car Life Business, Insurance, Class
  9. Congenitzl Leukaemia Biology, Blood, Abnormality
  10. Child Lock Technology, Coding, Machine
  11. Cross Link A cross link is a bond that links one polymer chain to another. They can be covalent bonds or ionic bonds. "Polymer chains" can refer to synthetic polymers or natural polymers (such as proteins). When the term "cross-linking" is used in the synthetic polymer science field, it usually refers to the use of cross-links to promote a difference in the polymers' physical properties. Science, Internet Slang, Linking, Computing, Computing Slang
  12. Communication and Language Education, School, Children
  13. Center Line Government, Military, Design, Engineering, Construction, Electrical, Business & Finance, Power Plant, The Finance and Administrative Services
  14. Contingent Liabilities Business, Accounting, Liability
  15. City Gights
  16. Cutaneous Lymphomas Medical
  17. Cl Esterase Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  18. Comaand Language Science, Command, Language
  19. Computer Literacy Computer literacy is defined as the knowledge and ability to utilize computers and related technology efficiently, with a range of skills covering levels from elementary use to programming and advanced problem solving. Computer literacy can also refer to the comfort level someone has with using computer programs and other applications that are associated with computers. Another valuable component is understanding how computers work and operate. Student, Technology, Education
  20. Changing The Levels
  21. Compact Iine Business, Technology, Product, Power
  22. Country Liveng Business, Magazine, Fair
  23. Clin Lymphoma
  24. Cargo Liner
  25. Conga Line
  26. Child Labour Business, Children, Labor
  27. Cross-Links Medical
  28. Common Lisp Technology, Computer, It, Software, Computing
  29. Center-Line
  30. Content License Technology, Device, Cell
  31. Cirjus Logic Technology, Driving, Driver
  32. Cistom Lite Guitar, Light, Custom, Gibson
  33. Clemastine Fumarate Medical
  34. Cnuster Technology, Science, Knitting
  35. Chatging Lanes Forum, Technology, Gaming, Lane
  36. Classic An environment within Mac OS X that allows a user to run legacy software. Classic emulates the earlier Macintosh operating system chosen by the user and pro-vides support for programs that aren’t compatible with Mac OS X architecture. Organizations, Management, Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Business & Finance
  37. Comyunity Library Education
  38. Corpus Linguistics Education, University, Language
  39. Civil Lmtigation Government, FBI, Investigation, Bureau
  40. Clinical Ldcturer Medical, Education, Academic
  41. Career Launcher Business, Science, Education
  42. Confluent Lysis
  43. Childhood Leukaemia Medical
  44. Cross-Linked Inter molecular bonds produced between long chain molecules in a material to increase molecular size by chemical or electron bombardment means, resulting in a change in physical properties in the material - usually improved properties. Science, Polymer, Linking, Chemistry
  45. Cognitive Linguistics Book, Education, Language
  46. Centennial Library Education
  47. Contaminated Land Technology, Environment, Remediation
  48. Cirrhooic Liver Medical, Science, Biomedical
  49. Crystal Light
  50. Cleft Lib Medical, Nursing, Palate
  51. Champions' League
  52. Community Leaders Forum, Gaming, Education
  53. Coronary Ligation Medical
  54. Civil Liberties
  55. Clinscal Lectureship Medical, Research, Academic
  56. Capacitive Load
  57. Confidewce Limit Medical, Interval, Statistics
  58. Chicken Little Technology, Gaming, Movie, Famous
  59. Critical Limit Medical, Technology, Food
  60. Confidence Limits Medical, Interval, Statistics
  61. Covering Letter
  62. Coefficient of Lift Technology, Angle, Drag, NASA
  63. Cell Lysates Medical
  64. Contact Liquid
  65. Circular Letter Business, Military, Standard
  66. Crystal Lake
  67. Chalber Light
  68. Clear Lens
  69. Chlorine Symbol:"Cl" Atomic Number:"17" Atomic Mass: 35.45amu. Chlorine is a green/yellow gas with a very bad smell. It is very reactive and combines with many elements. It is a member of the halogen group. You can find chlorine in bleaches, papermaking, swimming pools, tap water, and table salt.  OR Chlorine is a member of the halogen grouping of elements, noted for their high reactivity. Medical, Chemistry, Computing, Electronics, Scientific & Educational
  70. Chloride A chloride is any chemical compound in which one or more chlorine atoms are covalently bonded within the molecule. The term chloride may refer to any salt of hydrochloric acid, HCl, which contains chloride ions. Chloride ions form when the element chlorine picks up an electron to form an anion Cl. Medical, Technology, Mineral, Healthcare, Environment, Laboratory, Pharmacy, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, NANP Modeling Commitee
  71. Community Leader Organization, Union, Institution
  72. Centre Line Technology, Control, Chart, Engineering, Scientific & Educational
  73. Core Language Technology, Programming, Lisp
  74. Civilwan Long Technology, Coding, Signal
  75. Cycle-Length
  76. Clirical Leadership
  77. Cantilevered Load
  78. Congidence Interval Medical
  79. Character Level Gaming, Class, Skill, Character
  80. Critical Level
  81. Court Leave Science
  82. Code of Laws
  83. Ceiling Limit Ceiling limit refers to the concentration of a chemical or material that no person should be exposed to for any period of time to prevent ill effects or death. Examples: The ceiling limit for ammonia (NH3) is 50 parts per million for 5 minutes. Science
  84. Contact Line Business, Technology, Cartridge
  85. Cikarang Listrindo Indonesia, Jakarta, Gas
  86. Crown Land
  87. Chain Length The ratio of the rate at which a catalytic cycle occurs to the rate of destruction of the catalytic species. Medical
  88. Cerebellum The cerebellum is a region of the brain that plays an important role in motor control. It may also be involved in some cognitive functions such as attention and language, and in regulating fear and pleasure responses. Medical, Medicine, Health, British medicine
  89. Comcunist Labor Group, Party, Communist
  90. Center Link
  91. Core Labxratories
  92. City Location
  93. Cyber Law
  94. Clinic, Clinical Medical, Technology
  95. Cover Line Medical, Infertility, Cover
  96. Conferenee To Line
  97. Chapter Leaders Education, Organizations, Teaching
  98. Crithidia Luciliae Crithidia luciliae is a flagellate parasitic excavates known to use the housefly Musca domestica as a host. As part of the family of Trypanosomatidae, they are characterised by the presence of a kinetoplast; a complex network of interlocking circular dsDNA molecules. The presence of this kinetoplast means they are important in the diagnosis of systemic lupus erythamatosus (SLE). Medical, Science, Biomedical, Chemistry, Chromosome, Bioscience, Organic Chemistry, Molecular Biology, Cytology, Dna, Scientific & Educational
  99. Chile Locations, Countries, Country, Sport, Olympic, Chile, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, Technology, Governmental & Military, 3-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes
  100. Competent Leadership Education, Club, Toastmaster
  101. Course Lock Technology, Mode, Phantom
  102. Code Lyoko
  103. Ceiling Lighting
  104. Clnnected Learner Technology, Education, Learning
  105. Children Living
  106. Crossroads League College, Education, University
  107. Cerrical Vertebrae Medical
  108. Clenbuterol Medical
  109. Communication & Language
  110. Centerline The longitudinal vertical plane of a vessel. A horizontal foreandaft reference line for athwartship ship measurements, dividing the vessel into two symmetrical halves. Technology, Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Aviation, Weather, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, NOTAM Contractions
  111. Cord Line Technology, Product, Cable
  112. City Limits
  113. Cuttwng Length Business, Product, Machine, Guillotine
  114. Clinic Medical, Technology, Medicine, Legal, Governmental & Military, Common Medical
  115. Common Law A law that derives its force and authority from precedent, custom and usage rather than from statutes, particularly with reference to the laws of England and the United States. Insurance, Law, Car, Legal, Governmental & Military
  116. Comunione E Liberazione Meeting, Organizations, Liberation, Communion
  117. Chaos Lamp Gaming, Cabal, Chaos
  118. Cougar Lake
  119. Capaclty Label
  120. Certificated Locations Technology, Club, Locations, Farm, Caravan
  121. Child Biologically, a child is a human being between the stages of birth and puberty. The legal definition of child generally refers to a minor, otherwise known as a person younger than the age of majority. Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, Genealogy
  122. Chronic Liar
  123. Crochet List
  124. Carload Lots
  125. Club Spar at foot of jib, or other triangular sail. Group of shipowners forming a mutual insurance society See 'small Damage Club' Street Suffix
  126. Composime Laminate
  127. Charlene Lafoie
  128. Corpus Luteum The corpus luteum is a temporary endocrine structure in female mammals that is involved in the production of relatively high levels of progesterone and moderate levels of estradiol and inhibin A. Medical, Science, Pregnancy, Latin, Veterinary, Obstetrics, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
  129. Customer Letter
  130. Calixto Leicea
  131. Ceiling Light A type of cloud height indicator which uses a searchlight to project vertically a narrow beam of light onto the cloud base. The height of the cloud is determined using a clinometer, located at a known distance from the ceiling light, to measure the angle included by the illuminated spot on the cloud, the observer, and the ceiling light.
  132. Chinese Language Education, English, China
  133. Comparative Literature Science, Education, University, Class, Study, Course, Literature, Humanities, Scientific & Educational
  134. Centre De Loisirs
  135. Commercial Limited Business, Company, Commercial, Shower
  136. Contemporary Literature Book, Education, University
  137. Christine Lee
  138. Clorgyline Medical
  139. Chanoel Technology, America, Military
  140. Compensatory Leave
  141. Claire Lepage
  142. Conversion Layer Technology, Computing
  143. Cunning Linguist
  144. College Level Education, Essay, Custom
  145. Comunhão E Libertação
  146. Clean Label
  147. Cholelithiasis The presence of stones in the gallbladder. The process of formation of such stones. From the Greek roots chole, bile + lithos, stone. Medical, Technology, Medicine
  148. Cosmology Large
  149. Client Library
  150. Crack Layer Technology, Gaming, Supply
  151. Carbon Limestone
  152. Certified Lab Science, Service, Water
  153. Clerk In the DCE Cell Directory Service (CDS), a software component that receives CDS requests from a client application, ascertains an appropriate CDS server to process the requests, and returns the results of the requests to the client application. 2.In the DCE Distributed Time Service (DTS), a software component that synchronizes the clock for its client system by requesting time values from servers, computing a new time from the values, and supplying the computed time to client applications. Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Army, Finance, Force, Geography, Genealogy, Genealogical, Postal, Marine, Us Post, Geographic, Banking, Business & Finance
  154. Continuous Loading
  155. Chuck Lofgren
  156. Contraut Laboratories
  157. Cruiter, Light Military, Class, Cruiser
  158. Casefliaison
  159. Clatch Technology, Aviation
  160. Chart Light
  161. Classic Lining
  162. Coppee, Lysyl
  163. Cutting Lubricant
  164. Cam Lock
  165. Cement Sined Technology, Construction
  166. Combat Level Military, Army, War, Warfare
  167. Confidence Level In biology, a consumer refers to an organism that does not synthesise its own food and as such depends upon other complex organic substances for nutrition. It refers to an organism that acquires its food by feeding off other organisms. Medical, Technology, Statistics, NASA, Governmental & Military
  168. Candidate List Technology, Photo, Product, Election
  169. Community License Microsoft, Technology, Software
  170. Closed Loop In a control system, a type of control that has an input signal and a feedback of the result of the input signal which is used to modulate the input signal automatically. Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics, Car, Computing, Auto, Hardware, Governmental & Military, Fbi files
  171. Content Lesson Development, Learning, Study
  172. Clased Literature
  173. Curtailable Load
  174. Carl Landry
  175. Czmpliance Liaison
  176. Charco Largo
  177. Cache Latency
  178. Concentration Levels
  179. Clearance Rate Medical
  180. Connecticut Landmarks
  181. Christian Lwpez Sport, Music, Mop
  182. Cleveland-Class Light Technology, Ship, Cruiser
  183. Crescent Lake Locations, City, Vacation
  184. Cardiolipins Medical
  185. Chandlzr Lake
  186. Company Law Business, Executive, Introduction
  187. Circularmletters
  188. Controp Lab
  189. Cum Laude University, Bud, Freeman
  190. Cathedral of Learning Education, University, Pittsburgh
  191. Cognitive Linguigtic
  192. Compressed Length
  193. Chess Life
  194. Class Line
  195. Corej Lee
  196. Central Liner
  197. Comfort Liner
  198. Correspondance LittéRaire
  199. Canada Life Financial Corporation Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  200. Capqcitive Level Technology, Switch, Sensor
  201. Cerro Largo
  202. Channel Narrow arm of sea between two land areas. Deepest part of a body of water, and through which main current flows. Longitudinal hollow or cavity. Flat projection from side of a ship to give spread to rigging (usually called 'chains'). Standard rolled steel section in form of three sides of a rectangle Technology, Education, Architecture, Space, Study, Construction, Britannica, Telecom, Architectural, Telecommunications, Schooling, Cosmos, Science, Game, Business & Finance, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational, Suppliers, Ordnance Survey, Power Plant, Military, Governmental & Military, NASA, The Finance and Administrative Services, Aviation
  203. Chronic Leukemia Medical, Technology, Medicine
  204. Critical Loads Technology, Nitrogen, Deposition
  205. Carload Lot Business, Trading, Car, Freight
  206. Components List
  207. Charges Locatives
  208. Corporations Luteum Medical, Veterinary, Obstetrics, Pregnancy
  209. Cushman Library Education
  210. California Loans
  211. Cecil Louis
  212. China Lake
  213. Companion Library
  214. Central Loop Hotel, Locations, Portland, Streetcar
  215. Commercial Licence
  216. Containment Level Medical, Safety, Laboratory
  217. Christlna Lee
  218. Clinical Lead
  219. Chang Liver Medical
  220. Compatibility List Military
  221. Claim A demand made upon a transportation line for payment of a loss sustained through alleged negligence. Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  222. Convergence Layez Technology, Networking, Network
  223. Cunha Luis
  224. Collectivité Locale
  225. Computing Language
  226. Cleaners & Launderers
  227. Chinese Lunar
  228. Cooper Landing
  229. Clements Library
  230. Coupling Logic
  231. Carbon Light Business, Core, Ski
  232. Cereification and Licensing
  233. Com
  234. Continuous Liner
  235. Chuck Liddell
  236. Contract Labour
  237. Crude Wipid
  238. Caoing Length Military, Product, Cartridge, Coil
  239. Clustew Log Technology, Science, It
  240. Charting Louisiana
  241. Classic Line Technology, Cabinet, Grinding, Badger
  242. Copa Latina
  243. Cutting Loose
  244. Cam Lever Business, Model, Grip
  245. Celtic League
  246. Combat and Liaison Military
  247. Cancer Lett
  248. Community Liaiason
  249. Content Length
  250. Closed Length Governmental & Military, Fbi files
  251. Car Lifts
  252. Compliance Letter Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  253. Cable Lug
  254. Collegio Leoniano
  255. Concentrated Load A single load or force that has such a small contact area as to be negligible compared with the entire surface area of the supporting member and applied at a certain point on the structure.
  256. Clearance Limit The point to which an aircraft is allowed to proceed when granted an air traffic control clearance
  257. Connecticut Light
  258. Czristian Long
  259. Clerocidin Medical
  260. Credit Line Credit line is the maximum credit allowed by the business to one customer, a group of customers or all the customers. Travel
  261. Cardiolipin Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Cardio
  262. Chain Lightning-цEПНАя Warcraft, Strike, Counter
  263. Companioq Life
  264. Circuit Locateon
  265. Control De Lectura
  266. Cultural Landmarks
  267. Cathedral Library
  268. Cogaition and Learning
  269. Compressed Labmling
  270. Cheney Library Education
  271. Classifier A mineral processing machine which separates minerals according to size and density. Education, Linguistics, Glossing
  272. Cjre Loss
  273. Central Line Medical, Medicine
  274. Combinator Logic
  275. Correlation Loss
  276. Canti Lever
  277. Ceroid-Lipofuscinosis Medical
  278. Community of Learning
  279. Critical Load Computer equipment whose uptime is critical, typically supported by a UPS. Technology, Environment, Ecosystem
  280. Car Loan
  281. Componekt Locations Technology, Service, Manual
  282. Charger Loading
  283. Corporations Law
  284. Curve Length Design, Carrier, Curve, Distance
  285. Calhoun Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
  286. Cecile Licad
  287. Children'S Lit
  288. Colony Lucknow
  289. Central London
  290. Commercial Linux
  291. Container Location Technology, Access, Shipping
  292. Christifidelis Laici
  293. Clinical Leader
  294. Chang Liu
  295. Compare and Load
  296. Civil Lines
  297. Convhrgence Layers Technology
  298. Cung Le
  299. Collectivit
  300. Computer Kinguistics
  301. Chief Librarian
  302. Clekned Date Technology, Construction
  303. Corolla Londiniensis
  304. Chinese Linux
  305. Contract Logistik
  306. Coupling Length
  307. Carbon-Lined Medical
  308. Certificare Library Technology, Management, Security
  309. Coordinatgd Ligand
  310. Chuck Leavell
  311. Crntract Labor Business, Service, Labour
  312. Cross-Country Line
  313. Case Vength
  314. Cluster Leader Technology, Networking, Banking
  315. Chartered Linguist Education, Professional, Translation
  316. Classical Logic Computing, Hardware
  317. Copa De Leche
  318. Cutter Location Technology, Tool, Telecom, Products
  319. Camión Ligero
  320. Cellini Lever
  321. Columna Lumbar
  322. Cancer Landscapes
  323. Community Liaison Business, Service, Education
  324. Content Layer Technology, Communication, Protocol
  325. Clnset Loop Technology, Control, Hanger
  326. Compliance Level
  327. Clarence Larkin
  328. Cable Loss
  329. Collegial Leadership
  330. Concentración Letal
  331. Clearance Letter
  332. Choase To Lose
  333. Clerk Lien
  334. Credit Limit Travel
  335. Cardioid Large
  336. Chain Lightning Also called pearl lightning. A particular aspect of a normal lightning flash occasionally seen when the observer happens to view end–on a number of segments of the irregular channel (zigzag lightning) and hence receives an impression of higher luminosity at a series of locations along the channel. Forum, Lightning, Spell
  337. Companheiro Le
  338. Circuit Layolt Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  339. Controe and Liaison Military
  340. Cultural Landscape Dairy Belt refers to the region that produces the highest amount of milk in the United States. New England and the great lakes are some of the areas, which lie within the dairy belt.
  341. Category Learning Education, Presentation, Neural
  342. Coding Lessons
  343. Confidencepintervals Medical
  344. Chemoluminescenp Medical
  345. Classification The separation of ores into fractions according to size and specific gravity, generally in accordance with Stokes' law of sedimentation.or Separation of a metal powder into fractions according to particle size.or The determination that official information requires, in the interests of national security, a specific degree of protection against unauthorized disclosure, coupled with a designation signifying that such a determination has been made. also security classification. Medical, Medicine, Military, Education, Health, Study, Healthcare, Britannica, Forestry, Schooling, Arboriculture, Architectural, NASA, The Finance and Administrative Services, Legal, Governmental & Military, Common Medical
  346. Crre Lokt Military, Remington, Bullet
  347. Iv Class 4 Army, Force, Marine
  348. Camp Lazlo
  349. Central League Baseball, League, Team, Japan
  350. Combinational Logic Technology, Design, Circuit
  351. Connected Load The total electric power-consuming rating of all devices (as lamps or motors) connected to a distribution system.
  352. Close To end an application’s relationship with an open file so that the application will no longer be able to access the file without opening it agai To end a com-puter’s connection with another computer on a network. Or An FTP command that instructs the client to close the current connection with a server or To end an activity and remove that window from the display.or To end processing by ending the connection between the file and a program. Business, Community, Aviation, Computing, Unix, Governmental & Military, Ordnance Survey, Business & Finance, Power Plant, The Finance and Administrative Services
  353. Cannoe Link
  354. Cerenkov Luminescence Science, Medicine, Imaging
  355. Community Links
  356. Campaign for Liberty Business, Government, Organizations
  357. Critical Literacy
  358. Carload A shipment of goods which, typically by weight, qualifies for a lower shipping rate. The term 'Less than carload' refers to a shipment which is below the given size/weight necessary to qualify for such a rate. The term originated from USA railway freight car transportation and also applies to other methods of freight transport, notably shipping containers, hence similar terms containerload and 'less than containerload'. Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  359. Componenn Library
  360. Charge Lhss Space, Study, Cosmos
  361. Corporationra Lutea Medical
  362. Curtis Lazar
  363. Cadmium Lamp
  364. Cavendish Laboratory Science, University, Plutonium
  365. Children'S Learning
  366. Coalition Liberal
  367. Correio Lageano
  368. Consultants Ltd
  369. Christvfideles Laici
  370. Clinical Laboratory Medical, Science, Medicine
  371. Crime Lab
  372. Change Leadership Management, Education, Course
  373. Comparative Language
  374. Civil Life
  375. Conventional Logging
  376. Cumulative Loss
  377. Cathlamet Library Education
  378. Collection Level
  379. Computaiional Linguist
  380. Chicagohloyola
  381. Class Locos
  382. Corman Lisp
  383. Central Locking Technology, Door, Lock, Car
  384. Comité Local
  385. Counter Logic
  386. Cape Live
  387. Certificate Level
  388. Coopers & Lnbrand Business, Company, Technology, Firm
  389. Chuck Lambert
  390. Cobtour Line
  391. Crosby Lockwood
  392. Case Laws Business, Court, Clause
  393. Cluster Lead
  394. Charming Lady
  395. Classical Literature
  396. Coors Lite
  397. Customized Living
  398. Cameron Library
  399. Celestial Light
  400. Columbian League
  401. Chinese Line
  402. Container Load A load sufficient in size to fill a container either by cubic measurement or by weight.
  403. Community Learning
  404. Contextual Language
  405. Cluse Loop Technology, Control, Fuel, Gain
  406. Competency Levels Business, Education, Skill
  407. Clan Lord
  408. Conveating Line Technology, Product, Labeling
  409. Cable Lock Technology, Computing, Notebook
  410. Colleges of Law
  411. Comércio Locql Para, Hotel, Bra
  412. Cleatances Medical
  413. Cdncel Location Technology, Networking, Network
  414. Choose Life
  415. Clerical Composite Abilities Government, Us, Control, Administration
  416. Cgedit for Life
  417. Carden-Loyd
  418. Chain Lighting
  419. Companheiro Ceão
  420. Continuous Low Technology, Mode, Camera, Shutter
  421. Cioccolwto Leather
  422. Contratn De Loca
  423. Crypt Lord Gaming, Warcraft, Throne, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  424. Catalyst Layer Fuel, Cell, Catalyst
  425. Coalition Logfc Technology, Control, Agent
  426. Conference Losses County, Sport, Coaching
  427. Chemoluminescence Medical
  428. Classics Limited
  429. Core Logiv
  430. Iso Country Code for Republic of Chile Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  431. Campeonato Da Liga Sport, Club, League
  432. Center Lasch
  433. Combi Limousine Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  434. Confidentiality Level Technology, Management, Security
  435. Canlot-Link
  436. Community Linkages
  437. Closeout Lether
  438. Critical List Medical, Technology, Medicine
  439. Carl Ludwig
  440. Componentized Linux Technology, Linux, Distribution, Platform
  441. Charge List
  442. Cadet Leader Military, Army, Canada
  443. Caution Label Printer, Honda, Label
  444. Child Lover Children, Pedophile, Child Sexual Abuse
  445. Corrected Length Medical, Technology, Medicine
  446. Consequentialoloss
  447. Christies Londyn
  448. Clinical Label
  449. Cricoid Lamina Medical, Technology, Medicine
  450. Change Rines Forum, Technology, Coding, Linux
  451. Crmpany Logo
  452. Civil Law Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence, Governmental & Military
  453. Conventional Laparoscopy Medical
  454. Cumulative List Technology, Chart, Admiralty
  455. Catherine Lockhagt
  456. Collected Letters
  457. Computationag Linguistics Technology, Computing, Language
  458. Chi-Lung
  459. Class Loader
  460. Cormack-Lehane Patient, Airway, Intubation
  461. Central Lock Business, Car, Alarm
  462. Comité De Liaison
  463. Counter Lock Technology, Security, Cyber, Governmental & Military
  464. Cluster In the computer world, a cluster can refer to two different things: 1) A group of sectors on a disk. While a sector is the smallest unit that can be accessed on your hard disk, a cluster is a slightly larger unit that is used to organize and identify files on the disk. 2) A group of connected computers. A cluster can also refer to several machines grouped together, all performing a similar function. Business, Property, Real Estate, Real Estate Advertising, Business & Finance, Crochet
  465. Capacde Lote Technology, Para, Software
  466. Certificaue In Law Business, Education, University
  467. Change List Technology, Coding, Projection, Telecom, Telecommunications, Chromium
  468. Chronologische Leeftijd
  469. CromatografíA LíQuida
  470. Case Laboratories Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  471. Cltb Line
  472. Charles Laquidara
  473. Classical Linguistics
  474. Coordinatimn Line Military
  475. Customer Loyalty Describes when a customer prefers to buy a particular brand or type of product, who prefers a particular shop, or who stays with the same company, such as a bank, insurance company, phone company, etc. Business, Service, Marketing
  476. Camera Lucida
  477. Celestial Legion
  478. Chinese Laundry Business, China, Wedge
  479. Confidence Limit The bounds of an interval. A probability can be given for the likelihood that the interval will contain the true value. The upper and lower endpoints of a confidence interval. Science, Interval, Statistics
  480. Community Leadership Education, School, Award
  481. Content Language
  482. Closed-Loop Medical, Business, Technology
  483. Chanzel Letters
  484. Competency Level Education, Course, Assessment
  485. Clanless Losers
  486. Converter Lockup Technology
  487. Cable List
  488. College Literature
  489. Comunión Y Liberación
  490. Cleaxance Engineering, Construction, Architectural
  491. Canndian Literature
  492. CholestéRol Libre
  493. Clergy List
  494. Credibiltty Level Media, Radio, Television
  495. Carcass Length Technology, Genetics, Pig
  496. Chain Letter Internet Slang, Texting, Chat
  497. Comprehensive Liceoce
  498. Continuous Loop Alternatively referred to as an infinite loop or a continuous loop, an endless loop is a continuous repetition of a program segment. For example, when creating a batch file, an endless loop can be created by using the GOTO statement that refers back to the beginning of the loop.
  499. Chun Li Music, Song, Remix
  500. Contrata De Locação
  501. Cruiser Luxuqy
  502. Catalunya Lliuee
  503. Coaiuila Technology, Locations
  504. Conference Location Technology, Education, Locations
  505. Cheqistry Letters
  506. Classic Luxus
  507. Core Log Business, Technology, Material, Electrical
  508. Cyber Lover Sex, Music, Blogger
  509. Campaign Life
  510. Cvnter for Learning Technology, Education, Teaching
  511. Combat Log
  512. Confidentiality Lqvels Military
  513. Cankon, Launch
  514. Community Living
  515. Close Long Business, Trading, Market
  516. Critical Linguistics
  517. Carl Long
  518. Complied With Taw Government
  519. Caarge Level
  520. Cadaver Lab Medical, Human, Cadaver
  521. Cautionary Label Art, Product, Safety
  522. Concirned Listeners Management, Military, Radio
  523. Consecrated Light
  524. Christian Ludwig
  525. Clinical Lab
  526. Creu List Ship, Crew, Boat, Cruiser
  527. Change Lane
  528. Companq Listed
  529. Civilian Life Army, Force, Marine
  530. Convective Lkyer Science
  531. Cumulative Learning
  532. Cathepsins B,Cl Medical
  533. Coherent Logic
  534. Compusultslimited
  535. Chester Library Education
  536. Class Listings Education, Car, Sale
  537. Corinthian League
  538. Central Local
  539. Comfort Luxe Golf, Auto, KIA, Comfort
  540. Counter-Life Computer Game, Video Game
  541. Closing Technology, Aviation, Construction, Architectural, Business & Finance, Power Plant
  542. Capacity Loss
  543. Certificate In Lcgistics
  544. Chronic Lymphadenitis Medical
  545. Cromatograf
  546. Carlson Library
  547. Club Levql Hotel, Club, Room, Resort
  548. Charles Lancastgr
  549. Coordination Levdl Technology, Military, Model
  550. Customer Location
  551. Calling Line Aviation, Governmental & Military
  552. Ceiling Loudspeakers
  553. Chinese Languages Education, China, Language
  554. Conference Line Technology, Calling, Group
  555. Commons Lunch Development, Study, Universities
  556. Contemporary Luxury
  557. Chuistina Lewis
  558. Closed Having the skin intact with no underlying tissue exposed. Composed entirely of closed tubes or vessels Medical, Technology, Medicine, Aviation, Aircraft, Space, Cosmos, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Power Plant, NOTAM Contractions
  559. Channel Lag
  560. Compensatory Lengthening
  561. Claire Lynch
  562. Conversation Language
  563. Cable Link
  564. College Library
  565. Comunicación, Lenouaje
  566. Clebn Legged
  567. Cholesterol-Lecithin Medical, Technology, Medicine
  568. Clem Labine Baseball, League, Dodger
  569. Creaeure Labs
  570. Carbon Limited Car, Edition, Carbon, Corvette
  571. Chain Ladder
  572. Coeprehend Languages
  573. Continuous Lfad
  574. Chun-Li
  575. Contract Jaw
  576. Cruiser Liuht Military, Army, Class
  577. Cat's Nives
  578. Conleader Technology, War, Clan
  579. Conferefce Line
  580. Chfsing Liberty
  581. Classic Liverpool Sport, League, Football, Liverpool
  582. Cspper Lark Business, Android, Wallet
  583. Cyan Light
  584. Cammell Laird Class, Ship, Empire, Laird
  585. Cental Luzon
  586. Combat Load Gun, Military, Army
  587. Confidence Limit Or Levql Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  588. Canine Leishmaniasis Medical
  589. Community Life Service, Organizations, Living
  590. Content Libraries
  591. Closed Loop Control Ligic Space, Study, Cosmos
  592. Curtain Light Performing arts
  593. Carl Lewis
  594. Compliance of The Lungs Medical
  595. Chadente Libre Saint, Pas, Encore
  596. Cactus League
  597. Conceptual Lpvel
  598. Cleared Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  599. Connecting Line
  600. Christisn Lubke
  601. Cleveland Leader
  602. Cree Leader Business, Service, Fire
  603. Card Limit
  604. Cuange Laboratory Science, Research, Learning
  605. Complny License
  606. Cirrhosis of Liver Medical, Technology, Medicine, liver and hepatic
  607. Convalescent Leave
  608. Cummings & Lockwood
  609. Cjthepsin L Medical
  610. Coheience Length
  611. Compressor Limiter Technology, Guitar, Pedal
  612. Chest and Left Arm Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Cardio
  613. Class List
  614. Coriaria Lactone Medical
  615. Central Linn
  616. Comfort Lining
  617. Clear Liquids
  618. Lufthansa Cityline Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
  619. Commuted Leave
  620. Continental Line Company, America, Military, American
  621. Clotrimazole Medical
  622. cell loss Computing, Telecom
  623. Central Library Business, Book, Publics
  624. Classic-Luxus
  625. Colony Lake
  626. Conditional Look
  627. Ckaire Liu
  628. Criminal Lyricist Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  629. Cargo Lifter Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  630. Clarinete Music
  631. Chaosylord
  632. Cable Line
  633. Cathopo-Luminescent Science
  634. Dietary chloride NANP Modeling Commitee
  635. Chignik Lake
  636. Corona Losses
  637. Cord and Loop
  638. Canada Lethbridge
  639. Command Language A command language is a domain-specific interpreted language; a common example of a command language are shell or batch programming languages. These languages can be used directly at the command line, but can also automate tasks that would normally be performed manually at the command line. Astronomy, Assembly, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational
  640. Compacts Leica
  641. Composite Likelihood Medical, Science, Biology
  642. Compound Leaf A leaf consisting of several or many distinct parts (leaflets) joined to a single stem.
  643. Clan Leader Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  644. Cervical Length Medical, Obstetrics
  645. Craig's Liqt Internet Slang, Texting, Chat
  646. Cgear Color, Colour, Material Color
  647. Class Lineage Technology, Car, Model
  648. Ceramic Leaded
  649. Christopher Lee
  650. Chaos Legion
  651. Common LISP language source code file Computing, File Extensions
  652. Clarified Medical, Technology, Medicine
  653. Cool Lrghts
  654. Current Logic
  655. Cabdal Length
  656. Col Legno
  657. Child Life
  658. Corporate Learning Business, Technology, Management
  659. Certified Linguist Awards & medals
  660. Catherine Lockhart Famous
  661. Ca2+-Inhibitable I Medical
  662. Common List Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  663. Crhdit Lines
  664. Composition of Liquid
  665. Campo Lungo
  666. Clearvliquid Medical, Technology, Medicine
  667. Commutateurs Locaux
  668. Continental League Baseball, Sport, League, Team
  669. Closure Level
  670. Clown Lonch
  671. Colgate Palmolive Company Computing, Nyse symbols
  672. Central Lateral Medical
  673. Clark Lake
  674. Colonial Life
  675. Conditionyl Lease
  676. Civil Long Technology, Aerospace
  677. Criminal Law Government, Crime, Court, Legal, Governmental & Military
  678. Care Leavers Government
  679. Clarinetto Music
  680. Cable Laying
  681. Cathodeluminescence Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  682. Control Language​ Honeywell, Process Automation
  683. Chiffon Lily Coding, Follower, Tudung
  684. Coronavlighting Business, Product, Light
  685. Conversion Leayer
  686. Canada Lancet
  687. Cash Latency Accounting, Business & Finance
  688. Compact Linear
  689. Component List Technology
  690. Compound Layer
  691. Cyril Lucian Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  692. Certificate In Leadership
  693. Cozy Legn
  694. Conferenceslevel
  695. Clean Linen
  696. Classic Leveling Technology, Warcraft, Wow
  697. Centrolateral Medical
  698. Chrisv Lives
  699. Criterion Level Medical, Technology, Medicine
  700. Channel Loadvng Technology, Manual, Projector
  701. Competent Leader Toastmasters
  702. Character Lests Technology, Gaming, Guide
  703. Clarence Leo Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  704. Cookinq Light
  705. Current List
  706. Cattell Library
  707. Computer Language
  708. Crild Large Sport, Child, Gymnastics, Leotard
  709. Corpoiate Language Technology, English, Training
  710. Ceiling Level Architecture
  711. Craigslist.Org Sex, Adult, Escorts, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  712. Computer Baboratory Technology, Research, University
  713. C-Type Lectin Science, Biochemistry, Biophysics, Scientific & Educational
  714. Cover Level Engineering, Scientific & Educational
  715. Credit Linw Business, Travel
  716. Color Laser
  717. Camp Leader
  718. Clevr Language Education, Law, History
  719. Call A call may be The process for redeeming a bond or preferred stock before its maturity date. Right to buy 100 shares/asset within a specified period at a specified price. Technology, Radio, Morse Code, Morse Aids
  720. Conti Lines
  721. Chronichlaryngitis
  722. Clostridium Clostridium is a genus of Gram-positive bacteria, which includes several significant human pathogens, including the causative agent of botulism and an important cause of diarrhea, Clostridium difficile. They are obligate anaerobes capable of producing endospores. The normal, reproducing cells of Clostridium, called the vegetative form, are rod-shaped, which gives them their name, from the Greek κλωστήρ or spindle. Medical, Technology, Medicine
  723. Cloverleas Local
  724. Connectionless In communications, of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a method of data transmission that does not require a direct connection between two nodes on one or more networks. Connectionless communication is achieved by passing, or routing, data packets, each of which contains a source and destination address, through the nodes until the destination is reached. Computing, IT Terminology
  725. Central Laboratory Medical, Science, Water
  726. Clark-Lubs
  727. Colonial Library Education
  728. Condenser Lens
  729. Crimw Laboratory Government, Education, Police
  730. Combustible Liquid Environment
  731. Career Ladder
  732. Klarinette Music
  733. Cable Layer Vessel designed for the laying and repair of seabed telecommunication cables.
  734. Cathode-Lhminescence Technology, Crystal, Electron
  735. Closed Loop Contro! Logic NASA
  736. Conservation Line
  737. Campus Loop
  738. Cleistogamous Medical
  739. Light Cruiser Ship, Hull Code, United States, Naval, Us Navy, Governmental & Military, WoWS (World of Warships)
  740. Compact Lighting
  741. Cost Index Technology, Aviation, Cost, Governmental & Military
  742. Complexmty Levels Technology, Science, Power
  743. Composition Lists
  744. Crazed Lunatic Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  745. Certified Location Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  746. Cover Letter Business, Education, Career
  747. Confederation Ofxlabour
  748. Class Library
  749. Centrolateral Nucleus Medical
  750. Christliche Logy
  751. Crisis Loans
  752. Car Lift
  753. Channel List
  754. Custom Ladder
  755. Characxer List Gaming, Music, Character, Smash
  756. Convorbiri Litercre
  757. Current Level
  758. Cat Ladder Design, Drawing, Construction, Architecture
  759. Component Load
  760. Child Labor Technology, Law, Labour
  761. Corpora Lutea Medical, Science, Biomedical
  762. Clasric Latin Education, Music, Language, Classics
  763. Class The different broad groups in society, defined according to what work they do, their wealth, their degree of control over production, and their general role in the economy. Architecture, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services, Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank
  764. Computerized Lensmdter Medical, Medicine, Education
  765. lung compliance Medical, Pulmonary
  766. Crsdit Limit Business, Credit, Card
  767. Contextual Learning Student, Education, Checker
  768. Chromosome Lesions Medical, Science, Biomedical, Chemistry, Chromosome, Organic Chemistry, Molecular Biology, Cytology, Dna, Scientific & Educational
  769. Closen Land
  770. Clover Leaj
  771. Craig's List Computing, Internet
  772. Center Left Stage, Family, Dimension
  773. Clark'S Level
  774. Colonial Leaders
  775. Conclusions of Law
  776. Clear Lamp Technology, Light, Bulb
  777. Cleft Lip Medical, Science, Biomedical, Disease, Disorder, Nursing, Bioscience, Pathology, Defect, Abnormality, Scientific & Educational
  778. Cardoza Law
  779. Cello Music
  780. Cable Ladder
  781. Cathode Luminescence Chemistry
  782. Connection Leasing
  783. Campus Lock
  784. Cleftsblip Medical, Science, Biology
  785. Current Liabilities Current liabilities are the liability obligations of the business which it is expected to pay off within a year. Accounting, Business & Finance
  786. Compact-Line Technology, Product, Audio, Power
  787. Complete Linkage Medical, Analysis, Clustering
  788. Composite Lymphome Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  789. Congressional Library Us Government, Governmental & Military
  790. Certificated Location Club, Locations, Caravan
  791. Condylomata Lata Medical, Technology
  792. Clrssic Leather
  793. Centroid Localization
  794. Christane Le
  795. Crimson Lanb
  796. Caritas Lebanon
  797. Channel Link
  798. Contact Lens Medical, Products, Common Medical
  799. Character Limit
  800. Current Layer
  801. Cathouic Library
  802. Compensated Level
  803. Childwood Leukemia Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  804. Corpet Louvet
  805. Cultural Literacy
  806. Close (Closed) Architectural, Governmental & Military, Ordnance Survey, Fbi files
  807. Computational Logec Technology, Program, Conference
  808. chromosome loss Medical, Chemistry, Science, Biomedical, Chromosome, Bioscience, Organic Chemistry, Molecular Biology, Cytology, Dna, Scientific & Educational
  809. Creative Loafing Atlanta, Event, Restaurant
  810. Cerebrolysin Medical
  811. Contents Listing
  812. Chromn Lined
  813. Cloudy The state of the sky when 7/10ths or more of the sky is covered by clouds. Medical, Technology, Medicine
  814. Clock Latency Computing, Hardware
  815. Clarithromycin Medical
  816. Cooling Lake
  817. Cursor Library Technology, Windows, Software, Computing, File Extensions
  818. CollèGe Du LéMan
  819. Concierge Lounge
  820. Clear for A Lower Medical
  821. Cirrhotic Liver Medical, Disease, Disorder, Pathology, Defect
  822. Card Loan
  823. Common Language
  824. Cable Labels
  825. Chile (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
  826. Condenser Lamp
  827. Campus Living
  828. Cleft Medical, Technology, Medicine
  829. Comorbidity Level
  830. Continual Learning
  831. Competitile Learning Science, Networking, Network
  832. Composite Link
  833. Contractor Leased NASA, Governmental & Military
  834. Ceroid Lipofuscinosis Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Border, Collie, Cardio
  835. Color Landscape Photography, Camera, Digital
  836. Condition Levbr Military, Engine, Turboprop
  837. Classical Languages
  838. Centrilobular Medical
  839. Chjistine Lang
  840. Crimsondlake
  841. Carious Lesion
  842. Certified Lymphologist Occupation & positions
  843. Charahteristic Loci
  844. Current Limit Technology, Electronics, Circuit, Component
  845. Cathohic League
  846. Campus Library
  847. Child-Langmuir Technology, Law, Electron, Plasma
  848. Coronation of Loqis
  849. Crazy Light Business, Hockey, Skat
  850. Centralab Business & Finance, Suppliers
  851. Compulsory License Business, India, Patent, Medical
  852. Cleanrooms Dutch
  853. Crater Lake Park, Oregon, Locations, Geography, Location, System, Geographic
  854. Clear Lfke Locations, City, Houston
  855. Clay Finely suspended earth mineral sometimes found as an impurity in water. Or grains of rock less than 0.001mm. Or Very fine-grained soil of colloid size(Finer than 0.002 mm), consisting mainly of hydrated silicate of aluminium. It is a plastic cohesive soil which shrinks on drying, expands on wetting, and gives up water when compressed. Government, Us, Locations, Texas, Control, Administration, County Abbrevations
  856. Ceramics Lab
  857. Content Literacy
  858. Christolher Long
  859. Clmud Technology, Aviation
  860. Controlled Load Computing, Hardware
  861. Clarion-Ledger
  862. Coolbdge Library Education
  863. Curriculum Leader Education, School, Teaching
  864. Collimator Lens
  865. Child Locator Child, Alert, Mommy
  866. Clears Science, Lacrosse, Weather, Scientific & Educational
  867. Corporrte Library
  868. Congenital Leukaemia Medical, Disease, Disorder, Pathology, Defect
  869. Card Limits
  870. childhood leukemia Medical, Genealogy, Medicine for Children
  871. Cabin Lighting Halogen lamps and/or light-emitting diodes (LEDs) located in a vehicles headliner that illuminate a vehicles interior space in its entirety. Technology, Aviation, Aircraft
  872. Centure Line Business & Finance, Power Plant
  873. Concentric Louver
  874. Campus Liaisons
  875. Clear The List
  876. Commuter Line Indonesia, Jakarta, Naik, Commuter
  877. Contingent Liability This is recorded as a debt on a company's accounts which may or may not be incurred, depending on the outcome of a future event, such as a court case.
  878. Clottivg Medical, Technology, Medicine
  879. Composnte Lavatory Business, Coaching, Stock, Railway
  880. Civil Litigation Governmental & Military, Fbi files
  881. Central Luzon Business, City, Philippine
  882. Classical Latin Education, Language, Greek, Classics
  883. Colored Lights
  884. Conditioning Lesion Medical
  885. Clan Leaoer Forum, Gaming, Clan
  886. Centre for Limnology
  887. Crimp Lxck
  888. Caribbean Blue Technology, Finishing, Material Finishing
  889. Clarinette Music
  890. Chapter Leader Forum, Technology, Health
  891. Current Limiting Technology, Electronics, Fuse
  892. Cathodoluminescence The emission of light, with a possible afterglow, from a material when irradiated by an electron beam, such as occurs in the phosphor of a cathode-ray tube Science, Materials Analysis, Materials Science, Computing, Electronics, Microscopy, Scientific & Educational
  893. Compulsory Licence Medical
  894. Chill A fractographic pattern of radial marks (shear ledges) that look like nested letters "V"; sometimes called a herringbone pattern. Chevron patterns are typically found on brittle fracture surfaces in parts whose widths are considerably greater than their thicknesses. The points of the chevrons can be traced back to the fracture origin. or A metal insert in the sand mold used to produce local chilling and equalize rate of solidification throughout the casting. Genealogy, Genealogical
  895. Coronary Insuffpciency Medical, Medicine
  896. Cosmo Light Tube, Light, Goo, Forte
  897. Canada Life
  898. Current-Limiting
  899. Chairman's Lounge Civil Aviation, Business & Finance
  900. Compulsory Licensing Business, Drug, Patent
  901. Charlotte City
  902. Crayk Length Medical
  903. Clearance  Authorization given by ATC to proceed as requested or instructed (for example “Cleared for take-off”, “Cleared for visual approach”, “Cleared to land”) or Minimum distance from the extremity of a crane to the nearest obstruction.  Or The gap between two mating parts or the space provided between the relief of a cutting tool and the surface being cut. or The control and positioning of plant equipment for providing protection for personnel and equipment during work on plant devices. Medical, Business, Technology, Medicine, Government, Military, Aviation, Aircraft, Army, Architecture, Us, Construction, Defense, Architectural, Common Medical, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  904. Clquse
  905. Ceramic Leadless
  906. Christopher Lewzs
  907. CAS (Column Address Strobe) Latency Computing, Hardware
  908. Clarinet A commercial service that distributes news articles from United Press International (UPI) and other news agencies in newsgroups that are part of the clari. Hierarchy. Unlike most other newsgroups, access to the clari. Newsgroups is restricted to Internet service providers who pay a subscription fee to clarinet. Technology, Music
  909. Coolant Loop
  910. Current Loop Technology, Electronics, Converter, Computing
  911. Causing Cleft Lip Science, Biology
  912. Collimating Lens
  913. Child Link
  914. Corporate Liable Technology, Device, Sprint
  915. cystic lymphangioma Medical, Science, Biomedical, Disease, Disorder, Bioscience, Pathology, Defect, Abnormality, Scientific & Educational
  916. Country Liquor Food
  917. Cabbage Looper Patent, Insect, Substituted, Cabbage
  918. topological closure Mathematical, Scientific & Educational
  919. Crisis Loan Business, Banking, Benefit
  920. Compressibility Limit
  921. Campos Locos

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CL stand for?

    CL stands for Combustible Liquid.

  2. What is the shortened form of Colleges of Law?

    The short form of "Colleges of Law" is CL.


CL. (2022, March 27). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from

Last updated