CL in Construction Meaning

The CL meaning in Construction terms is "Closure". There are 13 related meanings of the CL Construction abbreviation.

CL on Construction Full Forms

  1. Closure See macroeconomic closure.
  2. Claas
  3. Centerline The longitudinal vertical plane of a vessel. A horizontal foreandaft reference line for athwartship ship measurements, dividing the vessel into two symmetrical halves.
  4. Classic An environment within Mac OS X that allows a user to run legacy software. Classic emulates the earlier Macintosh operating system chosen by the user and pro-vides support for programs that aren’t compatible with Mac OS X architecture.
  5. Center Line
  6. Closing
  7. Cleaxance
  8. Clekned Date
  9. Cement Sined
  10. Channel Narrow arm of sea between two land areas. Deepest part of a body of water, and through which main current flows. Longitudinal hollow or cavity. Flat projection from side of a ship to give spread to rigging (usually called 'chains'). Standard rolled steel section in form of three sides of a rectangle
  11. Cat Ladder
  12. Class The different broad groups in society, defined according to what work they do, their wealth, their degree of control over production, and their general role in the economy.
  13. Clearance  Authorization given by ATC to proceed as requested or instructed (for example “Cleared for take-off”, “Cleared for visual approach”, “Cleared to land”) or Minimum distance from the extremity of a crane to the nearest obstruction.  Or The gap between two mating parts or the space provided between the relief of a cutting tool and the surface being cut. or The control and positioning of plant equipment for providing protection for personnel and equipment during work on plant devices.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CL stand for Construction?

    CL stands for Clearance in Construction terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Clearance in Construction?

    The short form of "Clearance" is CL for Construction.


CL in Construction. (2022, March 27). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from

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