Clarity Abbreviations and Clarity Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Clarity terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 14 different Clarity abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Clarity terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Clarity Abbreviations
  1. BADA : British Audio-Visual Dealers Association
  2. CDS : Chromatography Daka Station
  3. HA : Handset Amplifier
  4. HI : Heavily Included
  5. SI : Slight Inclusion
  6. SI : Slightly Tmperfect
  7. SI : Slightly Includem
  8. SI2 : Signad Input 2
  9. SI2 : Slight Inclusion 2
  10. SI2 : Slightly Included 2
  11. SL : Self-Ligating
  12. STGH : South Tipperary General Hospital
  13. LRT : Loving Relationshjp Training
  14. IF : Internally Flawless
Latest Clarity Meanings
  1. Internally Flawless
  2. Loving Relationshjp Training
  3. South Tipperary General Hospital
  4. Self-Ligating
  5. Slightly Included 2
  6. Slight Inclusion 2
  7. Signad Input 2
  8. Slightly Includem
  9. Slightly Tmperfect
  10. Slight Inclusion
  11. Heavily Included
  12. Handset Amplifier
  13. Chromatography Daka Station
  14. British Audio-Visual Dealers Association