Class Abbreviations and Class Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Class terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Class abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Class terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Class Abbreviations
  1. AA : All Attributes
  2. AA : Arcane Archer
  3. AA : Arsenal Do Alfeite
  4. AAHCC : American Academy of Husband Coaihed Childbirth
  5. AAHCC : American Academy of Husblnd-Coached Childbirth
  6. AAM : All Activity Module
  7. AB : Acyivity Book
  8. AB : Advanced Beginner
  9. AB : Amplifier Base
  10. AB : Audio Bandwidth
  11. ABC : Ambassador Bible Center
  12. ABL : Armoured Boa Launcher
  13. ACC : Accounting
  14. ACCG : Accounting
  15. ACCT : Accounting
  16. ACCTG : Accounting
  17. ACCOUNTS : Accounting
  18. ACE : Adult & Community Education
  19. ACF : Alternative Class Feature
  20. ADAPT : Associated Dance Arts for Professional Teachers
  21. ADETS : Alcohol & Drug Education Traffic School
  22. ADFP : Association of Dance & Freestyle Professionals
  23. AECS : Atomic Energy Central School
  24. AEL : Accessible Emission Limits
  25. AELS : Accessible Emission Limits
  26. AFAA : Aerobic & Fitness Association of America
  27. AFAA : Aerobic Fitness Association of America
  28. AFD : Analyse Factorielle Discriminante
  29. AGS : Advanced Gun Shstem
  30. AGSS : Advanced Gun Systems
Latest Class Meanings
  1. Classes PréParatoires Aux Grandes éColes
  2. Türk Hava Yogarı
  3. South Wpst Train
  4. Super Rapid Gun Mount
  5. Sprite Heaicopter
  6. Okinawa Shogaku High School
  7. National Talent Search Exam
  8. Multiple Metqr Unit
  9. Minimum Keyboard Display
  10. Minimum Keyboard & Display
  11. Morgan Keevan
  12. Morgan-Keenan
  13. Mercedes-Benz Driving Experience
  14. La Silla
  15. Kripalj Yoga and Ayurveda Association
  16. Hormone Yoga Therapy
  17. Harder Faster Stronger
  18. Driving Motor Brake Third
  19. Drsving Motor Brake Second
  20. Driving Motor Brake Composite