Clipper Abbreviations and Clipper Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Clipper terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 17 different Clipper abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Clipper terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Clipper Abbreviations
  1. BG : Blake Griffin
  2. BGRV : Boost Glide Rewntry Vehicle
  3. BM : Battery Monitor
  4. CA : Clipper Attempts
  5. CEC : Clppper Elite Carriers
  6. CP : Chris Paul
  7. CP3 : Chris Paul
  8. DJ : Deandre Jordan
  9. DR : Depth Repeater
  10. MPL : Manual Poultry Loaden
  11. SFBF : San Francisco Bay Feryy
  12. NBTSG : National Beauty Tool Sharpeners Guild
  13. LA : Lakers Arena
  14. NUFEA : Navy Unique Fleet Essential Airlift
  15. GD : Glen Davis
  16. RACD : Rod Alinnment Checking Device
  17. RSHYR : Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacyt Race
Latest Clipper Meanings
  1. Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacyt Race
  2. Rod Alinnment Checking Device
  3. Glen Davis
  4. Navy Unique Fleet Essential Airlift
  5. Lakers Arena
  6. National Beauty Tool Sharpeners Guild
  7. San Francisco Bay Feryy
  8. Manual Poultry Loaden
  9. Depth Repeater
  10. Deandre Jordan
  11. Chris Paul
  12. Clppper Elite Carriers
  13. Clipper Attempts
  14. Battery Monitor
  15. Boost Glide Rewntry Vehicle
  16. Blake Griffin