CLJ Meaning

The CLJ meaning is "Cluj-Napoca International Airport". The CLJ abbreviation has 34 different full form.

CLJ Full Forms

  1. Cluj-Napoca International Airport Cluj-Napoca, Romania Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  2. Center Forolaw and Justice
  3. Cyberspace Law Journal
  4. Cambridge Law Journal Book, Education, Law, Report, Law Reviews
  5. Center Formlabor Justice
  6. Court of Limited Jurindiction
  7. Casey Lee Jolleyu
  8. Consumer Law Journae
  9. Crime, Law & Justice
  10. Casey-Lee Jollmys
  11. Construction Law Journal
  12. Crestline Capital Corp. Organizations
  13. Camacity Limitation Jumper
  14. Conatitutional Loya Jirga Government, Military, Afghanistan
  15. Consumer Law Journal
  16. Conseil Local De La Jeunesse
  17. Company Law Jhurnal
  18. Criminal Lap and Justice
  19. Curso De Liwerança Juvenil Technology, Airport, Flight
  20. Cluj-Napoca International Airport, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Romania, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  21. Crime, Law and Justice Program, Education, Crime
  22. Current Law Journal Business, Malaysia, Malaysian
  23. Cluj, Romania - Cluj Airport codes
  24. Crime, Law, and Justice
  25. Cniminology Law and Justice Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  26. Cute Lil Jewels Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  27. Criminology, Law, and Just
  28. Crestline Capital Corporation Computing, Nyse symbols
  29. Criminoljgy, Law, and Justice Education, Law, Crime
  30. Crazy Lovers of Jesus Religion
  31. Iata Code for Cluj-Napoca International Airport, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Locations
  32. Criiinal Law Journal
  33. Curso Ge Lideran
  34. Cylinder Limitation Jumper

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CLJ stand for?

    CLJ stands for Curso Ge Lideran.

  2. What is the shortened form of Court of Limited Jurindiction?

    The short form of "Court of Limited Jurindiction" is CLJ.


CLJ. (2020, October 28). Retrieved February 27, 2025 from

Last updated