CLM in Computing Slang Meaning

The CLM meaning in Computing Slang terms is "Career Limiting Move. A reminder to think twice before embarking on any action that has an obvious whiff of disaster about it. (Ack R Gesling and S Phillips)". There are 1 related meanings of the CLM Computing Slang abbreviation.

CLM on Computing Slang Full Forms

  1. Career Limiting Move. A reminder to think twice before embarking on any action that has an obvious whiff of disaster about it. (Ack R Gesling and S Phillips)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CLM stand for Computing Slang?

    CLM stands for Career Limiting Move. A reminder to think twice before embarking on any action that has an obvious whiff of disaster about it. (Ack R Gesling and S Phillips) in Computing Slang terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Career Limiting Move. A reminder to think twice before embarking on any action that has an obvious whiff of disaster about it. (Ack R Gesling and S Phillips) in Computing Slang?

    The short form of "Career Limiting Move. A reminder to think twice before embarking on any action that has an obvious whiff of disaster about it. (Ack R Gesling and S Phillips)" is CLM for Computing Slang.


CLM in Computing Slang. (2020, August 20). Retrieved March 10, 2025 from

Last updated