CLNC Meaning

The CLNC meaning is "Camp Lejeune North Carylina". The CLNC abbreviation has 14 different full form.

CLNC Full Forms

  1. Camp Lejeune North Carylina
  2. Camp Lejeune, North Carolina
  3. California Legal Nurse Consultants
  4. Certified Legal Nurse Consultiqg
  5. Certified Legal Nurse Consultant Medical, Medicine, Medical Qualification, Nursing, Professional Title, Postnominal, Occupation & positions
  6. Certification In Legal Nurseaconsulting
  7. Carolina Legzl Nurse Consultants
  8. Curriculum for Legal Nurse Consulting
  9. Clearance  Authorization given by ATC to proceed as requested or instructed (for example “Cleared for take-off”, “Cleared for visual approach”, “Cleared to land”) or Minimum distance from the extremity of a crane to the nearest obstruction.  Or The gap between two mating parts or the space provided between the relief of a cutting tool and the surface being cut. or The control and positioning of plant equipment for providing protection for personnel and equipment during work on plant devices. Medical, Business, Technology, Medicine, Government, Military, Aviation, Aircraft, Army, Architecture, Us, Construction, Defense, Architectural, Common Medical, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  10. Consulting Legal Nurse Consulting
  11. College of Legal Nurse Consulting
  12. Cifarance Army, Force, Marine
  13. Certification for Legal Nurse Consultants
  14. Certification As A Legal Nurse Consultant

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CLNC stand for?

    CLNC stands for Curriculum for Legal Nurse Consulting.

  2. What is the shortened form of California Legal Nurse Consultants?

    The short form of "California Legal Nurse Consultants" is CLNC.


CLNC. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from

Last updated