CLR Meaning

The CLR meaning is "Common Language Runtime". The CLR abbreviation has 172 different full form.

CLR Full Forms

  1. Common Language Runtime Technology, Computer, Computer Security, Microsoft, Information Technology, Software, Computing, IT Terminology
  2. Calcium, Lime, and Rust Business, Calcium, Remover
  3. Color In computer systems, a color is usually represented by a triplet called RGB (red, green, and blue) signals. Most computer monitors require RGB signals to drive the 3-colored phosphors of a color monitor. Or In physics, the component of the human perception of light that depends on frequency. For light of a single frequency, color ranges from violet at the high-frequency end of the visible-light band (a small portion of the total electromagnetic spectrum) to red at the low-frequency end. Science, Photo, Photography, The Finance and Administrative Services
  4. Calcium Lime Rust Business, Cleaner, Remover
  5. Calcium Lime & Rust Business, Cleaner, Remover
  6. Compagnie Luxembourgeoise De Radiodiffusion Business, Group, Radio
  7. Calcium, Lime, Rust Business, Calcium, Remover
  8. Clear A market is said to clear if supply is equal to demand. Market clearing can be brought about by adjustment of the price, or by some form of government intervention in or regulation of the market. Construction, Architectural, Automobile, Medical, Aviation, Architecture, Engineering, Auto, Weather, Assembly, Electrical, Us Government, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, NAACCR, Products, The Finance and Administrative Services
  9. Cancel-Location-Request
  10. Common Language Run-Time Technology, Coding, Framework
  11. Calcium Lime and Rust Business, Cleaner, Remover
  12. Comiss
  13. Centre of Literal Resistance Boat, Sail, Helm
  14. Comité LaïCité RéPublique
  15. Calcium-Lime-Rust-Remover Business, Cleaning, Cleaner
  16. Cormen, Leiserson, and Rivest
  17. Casuaa, Looking & Ready
  18. Classical Linear Regression
  19. Computerisation of Land Records Business, Presentation, India
  20. Cambridge Law Reports
  21. Cultural Landscape Report History, Locations, Culture
  22. Coastal Life Raft
  23. Contaminated Land Reports
  24. Center for Labor Research
  25. Customer Liaison Representative Technology, Military, Army
  26. Centre for Legal Resources
  27. Comissão De Legislação E Recursos
  28. Calcbum, Lime, and Rust Remover Chemistry, Science, Biochemistry, Substance
  29. Contingent Liabjlity Record Army, Force, Marine
  30. Classical Liberal Roundtable Organization, United States, Student Organization, Business & Finance
  31. Computer Language Recorded Technology
  32. California Literary Rmview
  33. Cultural Landscape Reports
  34. Closed Loop Recycling
  35. Contaminated Mands Register Australia, Environment, Environmental Impact
  36. Cell Lytic Reagent
  37. Conditional Likelihood Ratio
  38. Cursor Location Register
  39. Centre for Learning Resources Education, English, University
  40. Combined Line and Recording Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  41. Criminal Law Review Law
  42. Contingent Liability Report Army, Force, Marine
  43. Cleared Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  44. Clackamas Literary Review
  45. Computer Language Recorder
  46. California Learoing Record
  47. Correlated Low-Rank
  48. Closed Loop Registration
  49. Contaminated Land Register Waste, Waste Handling, Waste Management
  50. Cell Lost Ratio
  51. Conditional Logistic Regression Medical, Technology, Model
  52. Current-Limiting Resistor Technology, Power, Circuit
  53. Centre Forflandscape Research Technology, Education, Architecture
  54. Coherent Laser Radar Technology, Measurement, Range
  55. Context Gikelihood Or Relatedness
  56. City of Little Rock
  57. Computer-Language Recorder
  58. California Law Revieu Government, University, California
  59. Corrected Lactometer Reading
  60. Closed Loop Reactor
  61. Contact Lens Relief
  62. Cell Loss Yate Technology, Network, Telecom
  63. Clearances Medical
  64. Concurrent Local and Remote
  65. Current Limiting Reactors Business, Technology, Power, Supply, Precipitator
  66. Center for Language Research
  67. Cognitive Linguistics Research
  68. Commonwealth Law Reports Law, Report
  69. Context Likelihood of Relatedness Science, Genetics, Biology
  70. Citizens for Legal Responsibility
  71. Comprehensive Literature Review
  72. Calendar of Liberate Rells
  73. Cornell Law Review
  74. Closed-Loop Reactor
  75. Cavan and Leitrim Railway
  76. Classified Loan Review
  77. Computer Language Research Technology, Management, Software
  78. Camera Link Repeater
  79. Current Limiting Reactor Technology, Power, Manufacturer
  80. Coffee Leaf Rust Medical, Disease, Plant
  81. Contaminared Land Research
  82. Center for Lakes and Reservoirs Oregon, Columbia, Lake
  83. Cooler The largest of three water coolers surrounding the cinder notch of a blast furnace. Or A mechanical device used to transfer heat from a fluid to air or another fluid. Normally constructed of finned tubes with one fluid on the inside and the other fluid or air on the outside of the tubes. HEAT EXCHANGER. or Heat exchanger which removes heat from a substance. Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research, The Finance and Administrative Services
  84. Centro Liberal Renovador
  85. Command Language Runtige Technology, Coding, Framework
  86. Calcium Lime Remover
  87. Cormen-Leiserson-Rivest
  88. Clock Recovery Technology, Signal, Telecom, Circuit, Telecommunications
  89. Categories of Legitbmate Reservation Technology, Theory, Constraint
  90. Classical Linear Regression [Model] Chemistry, Technology, Engineering, Water Planning
  91. Computerization of Land Records Business, Presentation, India
  92. Cambridge Literary Review
  93. Current-Limiting Reactor
  94. Cobourn Linseisen Ratcliff
  95. Contaminated Land Report Technology, Environment, Assessment
  96. Center for Labor Rencwal
  97. Cleared To Technology, Aviation, Aircraft
  98. Clarion Commercial Holdings, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  99. Connectionless Routing Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  100. Cannons Lasers Rockees Technology, Gaming, Steam
  101. Customer Liaison Representatives Science, Military
  102. Coordinating Lubricants Research
  103. Cllr Lisa Rajan
  104. Vue Color Maps File Computing, File Extensions
  105. Construction Labour Research Business, University, Community
  106. Cyril Lionel Robert
  107. Carabella Resources Limited (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  108. Clear Lens Replacement Medical, Surgery, Laser
  109. Clear Call Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  110. Cell Loss Ratio Computing, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology
  111. Cool Internet Slang, Slang, Communication, Chat, Sms, Online, Text Messaging, Texting, Modern Slang, Social Media, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Social Networking Sites, Emoticons, Business & Finance, Power Plant
  112. Conesus Lake Riders
  113. Canadian Llama Registry Medicine, Veterinary, Animal
  114. Constant Load Rupture
  115. Cleveland Rebels Basketball, Basketball Team
  116. Cryptload Router Information File Computing, File Extensions
  117. Trans America Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Car, United States, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  118. Construction Labor Report
  119. Cwrbon Leader Reef
  120. Cyprus Law Reports Law
  121. Clean Liquid Radwater
  122. Clear At Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
  123. Color scheme (Boxer/2) Computing, File Extensions
  124. Canada Law Reports
  125. Commot Library Runtime Microsoft, Technology, Java, Framework
  126. Clear Screen Clear is a standard Unix computer operating system command which is used to clear the screen. Depending on the system, clear uses the terminfo or termcap database, as well as looking into the environment for the terminal type in order to deduce how to clear the screen. Technology, Command, Computing
  127. Center of Lateral Resistance Point, in lee side of underwater body of a vessel, at which the forces resisting leeway are equal in any two opposite directions in the fore and aft line. Physics, Scientific & Educational
  128. Consortium for Lexical Research
  129. Capital Lending Relources
  130. Cyclical Learning Rate
  131. Current Live Registers
  132. Chemical Laboratory Report
  133. Crack Length Ratio
  134. Clear An Operand Technology, Command, Computing
  135. Color definitions (Photostyler) Computing, File Extensions
  136. Campjign for Labour Representation
  137. Commissionerate of Land Revenue
  138. Clear Request Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  139. Calcium, Lime, and Rust remover Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  140. Clarithromycin Medical
  141. Conservative Label Retention
  142. Capabilities and Limitations Report
  143. Cyclical Learning Rates
  144. Crack-Length Ratio
  145. Central Logic Rack
  146. Clear at or below 12,000 feet (AWOS/ASOS report) (METAR) NOTAM Contractions
  147. Crystal Light Relay Computing, Electronics
  148. Campatgn for Labor Rights Business, America, Sweatshop
  149. Collaborative Leslon Research
  150. Clearing (Open Space) Military, Army, War, Warfare
  151. Cliff Hatfield Memorial Airport, Calipatria, California, United States United States, Iata Airport Codes
  152. Clearance  Authorization given by ATC to proceed as requested or instructed (for example “Cleared for take-off”, “Cleared for visual approach”, “Cleared to land”) or Minimum distance from the extremity of a crane to the nearest obstruction.  Or The gap between two mating parts or the space provided between the relief of a cutting tool and the surface being cut. or The control and positioning of plant equipment for providing protection for personnel and equipment during work on plant devices. Medical, Business, Technology, Medicine, Government, Military, Aviation, Aircraft, Army, Architecture, Us, Construction, Defense, Architectural, Common Medical, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  153. Conscience Learning Rate
  154. Capability List Request
  155. Customer Loyalty Reward
  156. Coveit Laser Readable Technology, Security, Hologram
  157. Clearance, clear(s), cleared to NOTAM Contractions
  158. Construction Labour Relations Business, Association, Canada
  159. Center for Laser Research
  160. Cleveland Rams Nfl teams
  161. Cockpit Leadership Resources Airline, United Airllines
  162. Clearing Science, Military, Army, Policy, Weather, Scientific & Educational
  163. Cleric Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  164. Connection Loudness Rating Technology, Telecom
  165. Capabilities List Request Technology, Military, Telecommunication
  166. Customer Loyalty Rewards
  167. Cost Limit Review
  168. Flash Color Set Computing, File Extensions
  169. Construction Law Reports Law, Canada, Law Report
  170. Iata Code for Cliff Hatfield Memorial Airport, Calipatria, California, United States Locations
  171. Clearwater Seafoods Income Fund Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  172. Club Licensing Regulations Club, Indonesia, Bola

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CLR stand for?

    CLR stands for Cyril Lionel Robert.

  2. What is the shortened form of Cognitive Linguistics Research?

    The short form of "Cognitive Linguistics Research" is CLR.


CLR. (2022, January 27). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated