CLT Meaning

The CLT meaning is "Charitable Lead Trust". The CLT abbreviation has 150 different full form.

CLT Full Forms

  1. Charitable Lead Trust Business, Lead, Trust, Financial, Business & Finance
  2. Carbon Limiting Technologies Business, Technology, Energy, Carbon
  3. Cairo Local Time Technology, Egypt, Cairo
  4. Charlotte Douglas International Airport Charlotte, North Carolina,United States Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  5. Central Limit Theorem The central limit theorem states that, given certain conditions, the arithmetic mean of a sufficiently large number of iterates of independent random variables, each with a well-defined expected value and well-defined variance, will be approximately normally distributed, regardless of the underlying distribution. Medical, Statistics, Distribution, Fda
  6. Chronic Lymphocytic Thyroiditis Medical, Technology, Medicine
  7. Certified Lidar Technologist
  8. Computational Linguistic Team
  9. Cercle LéOn Trotsky
  10. Common Launch Tube
  11. Canterbury Language Training Education, English, School
  12. Container Load Trailer Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  13. Certified Lymphatic Therapist Medical, Therapy, Massage, Lymphedema
  14. Consolidação Das Leis De Trabalho Para, Dos, Ria, Lei
  15. Computer Literacy Test
  16. Communcations Line Terminal
  17. Compagnie Luxembourgeoise De T
  18. Center for Learning and Technology
  19. Culture Et Loisirs à Thorigny
  20. Chief Lighting Technician
  21. Comprehensive Look Team
  22. Cercle L
  23. Cognitive Load Theory Science, Education, Learning
  24. Canadian Livestock Transport Canada, Animal, Livestock
  25. Construal Level Theory Business, Psychology, Distance
  26. Certified Lymphedema Therapists Medical, Therapy, Physical
  27. Consolidated Launcher Technology Military
  28. Computer Line Terminal Technology
  29. Commonwealth Land Trust
  30. Compagnie Luxembourgeoise De Tldiffusion Business, Media, Mass Media, Organs Of Public Opinion
  31. Center for Learning Technology Technology, Education, University
  32. Corporate Language Training Education, English, Course
  33. Chief Ladiga Trail
  34. Component-Level Testing
  35. Centre for Learning Technologies Technology, Education, University
  36. Classic Laminate Theory
  37. Community Land Trust Business, Building, Housing
  38. Consolidação Das Leis Trabalhista Business, Para, Ria
  39. Certified Lymphedema Therapist Medical, Therapy, Physical
  40. Consolida
  41. Computer Language Translated Technology
  42. Commonwealth Land Title
  43. Compagnie Luxembourgeoise De TéLéVision
  44. Center for Learning Technologies Technology, Education, University
  45. Cornering Lag Technology
  46. Cherry Lane Theatre Business, Ticket, Theater
  47. Complex Lymphedema Therapy
  48. Centre for Learning Technology Technology, Education, University
  49. Classical Laminate Theory Technology, Material, Composite
  50. Communications Line Terminal Technology
  51. Certified Logistics Technician Business, Supply, Manufacturing
  52. Consolidación De Las Leyes Del Trabajo Technology, Airport, Flight, Parking
  53. Computer Language Translator Education
  54. Community Leadership Training
  55. Cardno Lawson Treloar
  56. Core Leadership Team Management, Education, Coordinator
  57. Chargeable Lifetime Transfer Business, Tax, Gift, Inheritance
  58. Compagnie Luxembourgeoise De TéLéDiffusion Group, Jean, Canal, Media
  59. Communicative Language Teaching Education, Learning, Approach
  60. Company-Led Training
  61. Centre for Learning & Teaching Education, Development, University
  62. Classical Lamination Theory Technology, Analysis, Material, Composite
  63. Closed Loop Test Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  64. Certified Local Trainer Technology, Learning, Training
  65. Computer-Language Translator Education
  66. Certificates of Land Transfer
  67. Common Leadership Training
  68. Capitol Land Trust
  69. Copper Loop Test
  70. Channel Link Toggle
  71. Compagnie Lig
  72. Communication Legal Translation
  73. Compagnie Lyonnaise De Tramways
  74. Centre for Language Training Literature, Language, Linguistics
  75. Chien Loup TchéCoslovaque
  76. Citizens for Limited Taxation Government, Group, Tax, Boston
  77. Certified Livestock Transport
  78. Computational Learning Theory Technology, Computing, Machine
  79. Certificate of Land Transfer Philippine, Land, Reform, Agrarian
  80. Common Leader Training
  81. Cape Leopard Trust Africa, Locations, Conservation
  82. Contemporary Legend Theater
  83. Ceruletide Medical
  84. Compagnie LigéRienne De Transport
  85. Compagnie L
  86. Communication Line Terminal Military
  87. Compagnie Luxembourgeoise De Te
  88. Centre for Language Technology Research, Education, Linguistic
  89. Cultures, Langues, Textes
  90. Chien Loup TchèQue
  91. Congregational Leadership Team
  92. Color Lookup Table Telecom, Telecommunications, Electronic Engineering, Computing, IT Terminology, General, Governmental & Military
  93. Community Land Trustees
  94. Constant Load Tensile
  95. Calculated Landing Time Aviation, Governmental & Military
  96. Centre for Learning and Teaching Technology, Education, University
  97. Certified Lab Technician Medical, Healthcare, Medicare Beneficiary
  98. Cadaveric Liver Transplantation Medical, Living, Donor
  99. Visualboyadvance Cheat List File Computing, File Extensions
  100. Congaree Land Trust
  101. Certified Legal Trainer
  102. Changing Lives Together Medical, Catholic, Detroit, Archdiocese
  103. Community Land Trusts Business, Technology, Building, Housing
  104. Consolidação Das Leis Trabalhistas Para, Dos, Lei, Hora
  105. Clinical Laboratory Technician Medical, Computing, Degree, Professional Title, Professional Designation, Qualification, Medical Qualification, Scientific & Educational
  106. Certified Laboratory Technician Medical, Degree, Qualification, Computing, Nursing, Professional Title, Medical Education, Professional Designation, Medical Qualification, Scientific & Educational
  107. C409S Laser Toner
  108. Clarity Legal Transcript File Computing, File Extensions
  109. Conference Leadership Team
  110. Certified Legal Transcriptionist
  111. Certificate of Laboratory Technology
  112. Communities Land Trust
  113. Consolidação Das Leis Do Trabalho Para, Law, Labor, Lei
  114. Celtic Exploration Ltd. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  115. Certification Laboratory Techniques
  116. C406S Laser Toner
  117. Lung-thorax Compliance Medical, Pulmonary
  118. Conditional Land Transfer
  119. Certified Leap Therapist Medical, Nutrition, Health, Dietitian
  120. Central-Limit Theorem
  121. Communicative Language Testing
  122. Comodo Leak Test Technology, Security, Firewall
  123. Consiliul Local Al Tinerilor Din, Care, Moldova
  124. Cancel Last Trade Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  125. Certificate of Land Title
  126. Lung-Thorax Compliance Cltb Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  127. Charlotte Douglas International Airport, Charlotte, North Carolina, United States United States, North Carolina, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  128. Concora Liner Test Technology, Packaging, Forest Industry
  129. Certified Laser Technician Medical, Hair, Removal
  130. Canete De Las Torres
  131. Clot Lysis Time Medical, Device, Fluid
  132. Conservation Land Trust
  133. Cellnet Group Ltd (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  134. Community Learning Trust Organizations, Pilot, Adult
  135. Iata Code for Charlotte Douglas International Airport, Charlotte, North Carolina, United States Locations
  136. Chile Standard Time Chile, Time Zones
  137. Comunidade Lean Thinking Portugal, Thinking, Pinto
  138. Certified Landscape Technicians Business, Service, Design
  139. Canadian Law Times Law, Canada, Law Report
  140. Circolo Lavoratori Terni Technology, Para, Con
  141. Continuous lumbar traction Clinical, Physio
  142. Connecticut Law Tribune
  143. Cominco, LTD. Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  144. Community Leadership Team Technology, Management, Development
  145. Cylinder Leakage Tester
  146. Charlotte, North Carolina USA Airport codes
  147. Computer Live Test
  148. Certified Landscape Technician Business, Management, Landscaping, Occupation & positions
  149. Calreticulin Medical
  150. Cleat A metal fitting having two projecting arms or horns to which a halyard or other rope is belayed. The deck, side plating, a stanchion, or other convenient structure serves as a support for securing the cleat. The Finance and Administrative Services

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CLT stand for?

    CLT stands for Communities Land Trust.

  2. What is the shortened form of Centre for Learning and Teaching?

    The short form of "Centre for Learning and Teaching" is CLT.


CLT. (2021, October 26). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated