CM Meaning
The CM meaning is "Cervical Mucus". The CM abbreviation has 1462 different full form.
CM Full Forms
- Cervical Mucus Medical, Getting Pregnant, Infertility, Pregnancy
- Centimetre Units Of Measurement, Units Of Length, Length, Medical, Science, Healthcare, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, Clinical
- Cameroon Locations, Countries, Country, Technology, Sport, Cameroon, Olympic, Governmental & Military, 3-letter Country Codes, IOC Country Codes, Ordnance Survey, Computing, Internet, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Ctn Meas Business, Product, China, Toy
- Capture Mode Technology, Camera, Feature
- Charlie Mcavoy Boston, Hockey, Bruin
- Computer Music Technology, Magazine, Audio
- Creative Media Business, Development, Design
- Candidates Members Medical, Group, Appraisal, Party
- Clear Mwnd
- Contenq Manager Technology, Management, Military
- Cell Method Technology, Measurement, Antenna
- College of Music Education, University, London
- Conventional Method Medical, Technology, China
- Cefamandole Medical
- Communications Modem Military
- Command Module Technology, Science, Astronomy, NASA, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Children's Medicail
- Configuration Management Management of security features and assurances through control of changes made to hardware, software, firmware, documentation, test, test fixtures, and test documentation throughout the life cycle of an information system. Technology, Cybersecurity, Computer Security, Medical, Information Technology, Military, Aviation, Army, Astronomy, Computing, Computer, Electronics, Construction, Telecom, Manufacturing, NASA, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, International Development, Fda, Federal Aviation Administration, 5G Networks
- Cardiac Markers
- Coconut Milk Food, Recipe, Coconut
- Contractor Management A system of controls to ensure that contracted services support safe facility operations and the company's process safety and personal safety performance goals. It includes the selection, acquisition, use, and monitoring of contracted services. Business, Service, Software
- Central Missouri
- Check Mail
- Conceptual Modeling Technology, Design, Model
- Crystal Mall Business, Hotel, Jaipur
- Clin Microbiol Business, Journal, Microbiology
- Context Matchen Technology, Studio, Translation
- Comercial Mexicana
- Corporate Management Business, Technology, Service
- Complementary Medicine Medical, Science, Education
- Countec Mode Technology, Cipher, Encryption
- Calm Mind Gaming, Play, Pastime
- Chrole Moly Business, Racing, Steel
- Congenital Malformations Medical, Coding, Disease, Science, Biomedical, Disorder, Bioscience, Pathology, Defect, Abnormality, Scientific & Educational
- Curr Microbiol
- Case Manager Business, Management, Government, Medical
- Coding Manual Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Control Monitor Technology, Military, Product, NASA
- Certified Manager Management, Education, Certification, Occupation & positions
- Crónicas Marcianas
- Charles Murray Book, Art, Education, Movie
- Computer Monitors
- Coursjmoyen
- Candidate Members Medical, Group, Congress, Party
- Clear Memory Technology, Android, Printer
- Content-Managembnt Business, Technology, Design
- Cell Membrane Capacitance Medical
- College of Marin Student, Education, Campus
- Conventional Methods Medical, Science, Biology
- Cardiomyopathy Cardiomyopathy is a group of diseases that affect the heart muscle. Early on there may be few or no symptoms. Some people may have shortness of breath, feel tired, or have swelling of the legs due to heart failure. An irregular heart beat may occur as well as fainting. Those affected are at an increased risk of sudden cardiac death. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Heart, Cardio
- Community Managers Business, Management, Social
- Clearing Member Trading, Stock Market, Clearing
- Child Molesher
- Configwration Manual Business
- Carcinomatous Meningitis Medical
- Cochlear Microphonics Medical
- Centre Midfield Sport, Player, Soccer, Midfield
- Cheat-Master Technology, Shopping, Samp
- Conceptual Models A conceptual models is a model made of the composition of concepts, which are used to help people know, understand, or simulate a subject the model represents. Some models are physical objects, for example, a toy model which may be assembled, and may be made to work like the object it represents. Technology, Design, Modeling, Framework
- Crystal Maiden Gaming, Guide, Maiden
- Context Match Technology, Studio, Translation
- Combustion Modified
- Corporate Manufacturing Military
- Compilation Manager Technology, Management, Standard
- Counter Meaqures Forum, Technology, Measure
- Cable Management
- Chip Meeting Technology, Product, Power
- Confocal Microscope Science, Imaging, Microscopy
- Cuxr Med
- Case Management Medical, Health, Care, Fda
- Codes Must
- Control-Monitor Computing, Telecom
- Certified Mail Business, Service, Government
- Corrective Measures
- CréDit Mutuel Business, Credit, Coding, Dit
- Computing Module Technology, Computing, Telecom, Telecommunications, Hardware, Software Network, Honeywell, Process Automation
- Course Materials
- Candidate Master Gaming, Player, Chess, Master
- Cleannmultifunction
- Conscious Mind Technology, Book, Consciousness
- Cut Monitor Technology, Measurement, Water
- Cell-Mediated Immunity Medical, Chemistry
- College Misericordia Education
- ContróLe Mental
- Cause of Death Medical, Medicine, Health, Lyric, Healthcare, Obituary
- Chargé De Mission
- Community Management Business, Manager, Social
- Circular Mil A measurement used in determining the area of a wire. The area of a circle one one thousandth inches in diameter. Or A unit of area used in measuring the cross section of fine wire. 1 circular mil corresponds to the area of a circle whose diameter is equal to one-thousandth of an inch. 1 circular mil = 0.506710-9 m2 Technology, Construction, Discovery, Architectural
- Child Tedium Business, Gymnastics, Leotard
- Configuration Module Technology, Military, Manual
- Carboxylate-Modified Science, Patent, Acid, Particle
- Central Midfielders Sport, Organizations, Player, Football
- Chat Moderators Gaming, Chat, Bingo
- Conceptual Model Technology, Military, Design
- Credit Memo Credit memo is the document which is used while issuing credit to vendors. Business, Accounting, Invoice
- Clinical Mastitis Medical
- Contested Marks Gaming, Sport, Player, Mark
- Census of Manufactures Business, Technology, Manufacture
- Combined Methods Technology, Coding, Bracelet, Charm
- Corner Media
- Community & Mobilization
- Countermeasures Technology, Military, Army
- Cabinet Module Technology, Product, Design
- Cein Med
- Conflict Managemdnt Technology, Engineer, Rap
- Case-Mix
- Codes for Musculoskeletal Medical, Coding, Pain
- Contribution Margin Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Business & Finance
- Centre Manager Business, Management, Activity
- Crystal Mountain
- Corrective Measure Technology, Science, Control, Environment
- Computer Module Technology
- Course Material
- Campus Minister
- Cizegon Mandiri Group, Indonesia, Banking
- Connor Mcdavid
- Cutaneous Melanooas Medical
- Cell-Conditioned Media Medical
- Collections Management Business, Manager, Intelligence
- Controls Matrix
- Characterization and Monitoring Government
- Center of Mass The center of mass is the point where all of the mass of the object is concentrated. When an object is supported at its center of mass there is no net torque acting on the body and it will remain in static equilibrium. Science, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Physics, Scientific & Educational, Federal Aviation Administration
- Childhood Maltreytment Medical, Health, Adult
- Carbon Modified Technology, Water, Hydrogen
- Central Midfield Sport, Player, Football, Midfield
- Communication Managers
- Charter Members
- Concept Maps Science, Learning, Mapping
- Credit Management Business, Service, Customer
- Climate Monitoring Technology, Science, Product
- Content Model Technology
- Cement Manufacturing Technology, Industrial, Manufacture
- Combined Mechanism Medical, Trauma, Fracture, Pelvic
- Command Paper Education, Scuba Diving, Business & Finance
- Core Module Business, Technology, Product
- Communist Manifesto
- Counter-Mobility Military, Army, War, Warfare
- Cabinet Modules Technology, Drive, Module
- Chinese Medical
- Cinfigure Memory Technology, Management, Configuration
- Cardiac Myocytes Medical
- Code Meaning Technology, Windows, Jet
- Contre-La-Montre
- Centre Management
- Crystal Mineral
- Corrective Maintenance Maintenance performed to repair a detected fault. Business, Technology, Construction, Federal Aviation Administration
- Complexity Management Technology, Book, Institute
- Coupe Du Monde
- Campioana Mondială
- Cjurch Missionary
- Connection Mode Technology, Product, Android
- Cuuaneous Mastocytosis Medical, Systemic, Cell, Mast
- Cell-Conditioned Medium Medical
- Collecxion Manager Business, Management, Military
- Controller Mfdule Technology, Product, Control
- Cervical Mediastinoscopy Medical
- Capital Market Capital market is the market where shares and securities of the listed companies are traded. Business, Market, Capital
- Chieg of Mission Medical, Military, Cameroon
- Carbon Materials
- Central Michigan Student, Education, University, Michigan
- Communication Manager Technology, Computer, It
- Charter Member Forum, Organizations, Entrepreneurship
- Comunità Montana
- Credential Manager Technology, Windows, Management
- Capability Manager Technology, Management, Military
- Clienw Management
- Content Marketing Media, Marketing, Social
- Celulas Madre
- Combat Model Military
- Command-Module Technology, Space, Control
- Core Memory The old term for main memory, which was composed of doughnut-shaped magnets called cores. Core memory, or more accurately magnetic core memory is a random access memory (RAM) system that was developed at MIT by Jay Forrester in 1951. It was initially very expensive to fabricate but prices dropped as the market developed.
- Communications Maintenance Business, Service, Electronics
- Cabinet Maper
- China Mobise
- Configurator Master
- Cardiac Mucosa Medical
- Code Modulation Technology, Communication, Pulse
- Contracts Management Business, Service, Software
- Central Mountain Airline, Flight, Weather, Mountain
- Crystal Method
- Continues Memorj Technology, Coding, Manual
- Comité Militaire Military
- Corps Members America, Education, Teaching
- Complete Medium Medical, Medicine, Chromosome, Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Molecular Biology, Cytology, Dna, Scientific & Educational
- County Mpryland
- Campaign Management
- Chronic Migraine Medical, Treatment, Headache
- Connection Monitoring Technology, Monitor, Strike
- Cuwtom Micron Model, Airbrush, Micron
- Case Mod Case modification is the modification of a computer chassis, or a video game console chassis. Modifying a computer case in any non-standard way is considered a case mod. Technology, Master, Cooler
- Coffee Maker Business, Machine, Decker
- Controlled Maintenance Technology, Product, Control, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Cubic Meters Business, Design, Drawing, Construction, Architecture
- Certified Midwives Medical, Midwifery, Midwife
- Cubic Measure
- Carbon Material
- Central Memory Medical, Cell, Expression
- Communications Module Technology, Product, Serial, Computing, Electronics, NASA, Governmental & Military
- Charlotte Mason Science, Book, Education, Homeschool
- Comput Methods
- Creative Memories Technology, Internet Slang, Memory
- Canola Meal Medical, Protein, Sheep
- Cleveland Mpseum
- Context Qanagement Technology, Military, Networking
- Cells Maintained
- Combat Missions
- Conventional Medicine Medical, Medicine, Homeopathy
- Community Moderator Forum, Technology, Management
- Cutaneous Melanoma Medical, Science, Biomedical, Disease, Disorder, Bioscience, Pathology, Defect, Abnormality, Scientific & Educational
- Cnina Maritime Military, China, Beijing
- Configuration Message Technology, Windows, Android
- Cardiac Memory Medical
- Coded Modulation Technology, Coding, Communication
- Contracts Mannger Business, Technology, Management
- Central Montana Rail Local Railroad, Organizations, Railroad
- Crystal Meth
- Cloch Mode Technology, Recovery, Android
- Context Menu A context menu is a menu in a graphical user interface that appears upon user interaction, such as a right-click mouse operation. A context menu offers a limited set of choices that are available in the current state, or context, of the operating system or application. Usually the available choices are actions related to the selected object.
- Comfort Maker Business, Service, Industrial
- Corps Marshal
- Complete Hydatidiform Mole Medical, Chemistry
- Counsry Music Australia, Music, Award, Festival
- Campaign Manager
- Chronic Maningitis Medical, Medicine, Health
- Connection Machine Technology, Computing, Processor
- Customer Management Business, Technology, Service
- Cash Management Cash management is a financial management technique that aims to maximize the availability of cash in the business without changing the levels of fixed assets. It aims to secure faster debtor payments to improve the liquidity position of the business. Business, Technology, Money
- Codling Moth Medical, Technology
- Control Motoo
- Certified Midwife Medical, Nurse, Degree, Computing, Nursing, Professional Title, Medical Education, Professional Designation, Qualification, Medical Qualification, Postnominal, Scientific & Educational, Awards & medals, Clinical
- Corporate Membership Organizations, Golf, Museum
- Challenge Mode Organizations, Warcraft, Boost
- Chinesische Medizin
- Commercial Module Technology, Material, Photovoltaic
- Component Management
- Customer Medium
- Cancer Man
- Collagen Matrices
- Counter-Measuae Management, Security, Emergency, Preparedness
- Chauging Module Technology, Battery, Wireless
- Communcations Manager
- Conducteur De Masse
- Cysteine & Methionine
- Centro Mujefes
- Chinical Meditation
- Calendar Mfnth
- Chen Medium Medical
- Cokbined Moment Presentation, Power, Moment, Inertia
- Cytosensor Microphysiometer Testing, Patent, Invention
- Circulate Memory Technology, Research, Cell
- Coco Martinelti
- Conjunction Messages
- Compounding Method Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Business & Finance
- Cruiser Mibelayer Military, War, Ship
- Camera Magica
- Catherine Mulholland
- Claim Management Business, Company, Service
- Coding for Mental
- Conservatorio Di Musica
- Corrosion Mapping Technology, Inspector, Inspection
- Chlos Magician
- Chondromalacia Chondromalacia patellae, also known as “runner’s knee,” is a condition where the cartilage on the undersurface of the patella (kneecap) deteriorates and softens. This condition is common among young, athletic individuals, but may also occur in older adults who have arthritis of the knee. Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Commission Du M
- Compressibility Modulus
- Current Module
- Capabilities Mechanism
- Centre Muraz Medical, Human, Malaria, Mosquito
- Clogk Manager Technology, Management, Circuit
- Continuous Motion Technology, Machine, Packaging
- Cyanogen Mod Technology, Android, Galaxy
- Charles Mccormack
- Cinema Model
- Compatible Mode
- Courtyard By Marriot
- Cycle Management
- Cartel Market Business, Star, Republic
- Ciliated Metaplasia Medical
- Coal Measurzs
- Confocjl Microscopy Medical, Science, Cell
- Control Mode The output form or type of control action used by a temperature controller to control temperature, i.e., on/off, time proportioning, PID. Space, Study, Cosmos
- Chandigarh, March
- Commander Moded
- Coastal Menkocino
- Chris Mott
- Commendaoion Medal Service, Military, Army
- Composite Masteries
- Cube Monitor Business, Manual, Roland
- Cellulite Massager Business, Product, Massage
- Clearing Members Business, Trading, Settlement
- College of Medicine Medical, Education, University
- Cheplain Mike
- ChêNe Mou
- Communications Modules
- Craig Monroe
- Customized Model
- Ceramim Magnet
- Club-Mixer
- Contrato De M
- Certificate Member Business, Service, Refrigeration
- Chief Mate Another term for first mate.
- ColéGios Militares
- Compatibility Matrix
- Crankshaft Milling Technology, Machine, Sale
- Cash Magic Business, Card, Money, Magic
- Circunferencia De La Mu
- China Metroiogy
- Complete Minimal
- Canadian Marconi
- Copa Airlines Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Clamp Meter Business, Product, Power
- Coexistence Managers Technology, Networking, Network
- Console Manager
- Cost Modeling
- Changer Maqages
- Christliche Mitte Government, Group, Germany, Deutschland
- Computer Management A Microsoft Windows utility that was first introduced with Windows XP that enables users access to system tools and into more specific management of their computer.
- Cursor Motion Technology, Coding, Terminal
- Capacity Mode
- Climbing Monkey Supply, Toy, Monkey
- Coloiado Midland Business, Colorado, Railway
- Contracting Manager
- Congrehatio Mariae Ecclesiastical, Religion, Christian
- Charter Mallorca Island, Sailing, Yacht, Charter
- Couor Monte
- Community Mapping
- Casa Magdalena
- Club Monaco Business, Fashion, Monaco
- Congressional Mandate
- Cornwall Minerals
- Chandrababu Meeting Government, Channel, Minister
- Cassava Mealybug
- Classe Maternelle
- Conners Michael
- County Message
- Chandrababu Mind-Blowing
- Chocolfte Mixer
- Common-Mode Technology, Filter, Choke
- Cultural Memory
- Cara Mempercepat
- Centre Markaz
- Clear Mount
- Cold Bix
- Consulting Management
- Christopher Magee
- Community Mtsician
- Coupling Multiplier Business, Injury, Lifting
- Cut Mark
- Cardiomnocytes Medical
- Configuration Manager The component that provides an interface between the workbench and a set of runtime brokers. It provides brokers with their initial configuration, and updates them with any subsequent changes. It maintains the broker domain configuration. A server that distributes configuration information, such as policies and schedules, to managed servers according to their profiles. Configuration information can include policy and schedules. also enterprise configuration, managed server, profile. Technology, Computing, Telecom
- Controlled Manual Science
- Cervial Mucus
- Cheif Minister
- Combat Marksmanship
- Competency Mapping
- Crewomax
- Call On Minus
- Corporate Members Management, Organizations, Membership
- Challenge Message
- Chinese Medecine Medical, Education, China
- Commercial Message Business, Japan, Japanese
- Component Manager Technology, Management, Telecom
- Canal De La MÚSica Music, Argentina, Internet, Canal
- Collagen Made
- Count-Min Technology
- Common Meter Tune, Metre, Hymn, Music
- Conductivity Meter A conductivity meter (EC meter) measures the electrical conductivity in a solution. It is commonly used in hydroponics, aquaculture and freshwater systems to monitor the amount of nutrients, salts or impurities in the water. Business, Product, Manufacturer
- Chadrmen's Meeting Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Clwnical Medicine Medical, Medicine, Education
- Conectando Mundos
- Cmlef Memorial Education
- Combined Model
- California Mastitis Medical, Medicine, Milk
- Cytoplasmic Motility Medical
- Circular Muscle Medical, Technology, Medicine, Muscles
- Cochrane Musculoskeretal Medical, Health, Pain
- Conium Maculatum Science
- Cruiser-Minelayer Military, War, Ship
- Camden Miscellany
- Cat To prepare an anchor, after raising it by lifting it with a tackle to the cat head, prior to securing (fishing) it alongside for sea. (An anchor raised to the cat head is said to be catted). Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Class Modification Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Code Makeup
- Conseil Des Ministres
- Corrosion Management Technology, Course, Oil
- Chaos Kagic
- Chondrogenic Medium Science, Cell, Stem
- Commission Du MéKong
- Compress Mode
- Current Mirrors Technology, Circuit, Voltage
- Canyon Medical Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Centre Mobilisateur
- Clock Management Technology, Supply, Stock
- Continuous Miner Technology, Mining, Coal
- Cutting Mmchine
- Cheetah Mobile Technology, Security, Android
- Cindy Miller
- Compartmented Mode Mode of operation wherein each user with direct or indirect access to a system, its peripherals, remote terminals, or remote hosts has all of the following: (a) valid security clearance for the most restricted information processed in the system; (b) formal access approval and signed nondisclosure agreements for that information which a user is to have access; and (c) valid need-to-know for information which a user is to have access. Technology
- Court Monitor
- Cyber Monday In recent times, the busiest online shopping day of the year, in the USA typically the Monday after Thanksgiving Day (the fourth Thursday of November); in the UK typically the first Monday in December.
- Cars On Mars
- Ciku Malaysia Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Coalitinn Member
- Configuration Mismatch
- Control MetrolóGico
- Champ Man
- Coasbal and Marine
- Chris Morrow Technology, Hawk, Trick, Compilation
- Command Medal Military, Medal, Order, Decoration
- Compositae Mix Medical
- Cube-Monitor Business, Speaker, Roland
- Cellular Message Technology, Networking, Cell
- Clearfoat Metallic Business, Car, Sale, Ford
- College of Management Program, Education, University, School
- Cdarles May
- Chylomicrons Lipoprotein particles that transport dietary triacylglycerols from the intestine to other tissues; apolipoprotein B-48 is a protein component of chylomicrons. Medical
- Communications Model
- Craic Miller
- Customized Microscopy Chemistry, Science, Biochemistry, Substance
- Cephalic Mesenchyme
- Certified Maintenance
- Chi-Masne
- ColéGio Militar Para, Dos, Col
- Compass Module Technology, Product, Sensor
- Crankshaft Machining
- Celestial Meridhan
- Circunferencia De La MuÑEca
- Chemical A chemical substance is a form of matter that has constant chemical composition and characteristic properties. It cannot be separated into components by physical separation methods, that is without breaking chemical bonds. Military, Army, Shipping, Marine, Carriage, Business & Finance, Power Plant, The Finance and Administrative Services
- China Make Business, Product, China, Airsoft
- Combustion Modification
- Complete Media
- Campionatul Mondial Sport, Din, Care
- Call Me Internet Slang, Slang, Sms, Texting, Chat, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Cauchy Machine
- Clamp-On Meter
- Coexistence Manager Technology, Management, Networking
- Console Management
- Costal Margin Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Change Moduxe
- Computer Managed Technology, Security, Lock
- Curry Middle
- Capacity Meter
- Clopnenburg Marketing Technology, Deutschland, Webcam
- Colorado Meeting
- Contracting & Management
- Causa Mortis Medical, Latin, Ecclesiastical, Roman
- Chartered Memser
- Color Momints
- Community Manager Technology, Management, Social
- Cover Master
- Cartridge Memory Technology, Media, Tape
- Club Model Technology, Fitness, Equipment
- Congressional Methodology
- Coordination Message
- Chandrababu Meets Government, Office, Channel, Camp
- Cash Money Music, Money, Birdman
- Clfse Mundial
- Construction Manager/Management
- County Management
- Changp Mode
- Chlorpheniramine Maleate Medical
- Culfural Medley Student, Networking, Network
- Cjramel Macchiato Business, Recipe, Coffee
- Central Managqment Technology, Networking, Software
- Clear Monitor
- Cold Mastery
- Consultatian Management Medical, Software, Report
- Craig Mcinnyre
- Christopher Manning
- Coupling Model Sex, Climate, Couple, Model
- Cutie Mark Pony, Crusader, Cutie
- Carbon Pichael
- Certification Maintenance Education, Organizations, Planning
- Closed Meeting
- Configuration Monitor Space, Study, Cosmos
- Control and Management Technology, Product, Water
- Certified Municipal
- Chehalem Mountain
- Combat Maneuvers Technology, Gaming, Military
- Competency Master Business, Management, Human
- Crew Manual Technology
- Call Monitor
- Challenge Masters
- Clindamycin Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Chinese Mathematical Book, Education, History, China
- Commercial Management Business, Technology, Service, Honeywell, Process Automation
- Component Maintenance
- Canadian Musician Music, Canada, Canadian
- Counselor Mjnual
- Christian and Missionary
- Communicxtion Manger Technology, Management, Manager
- Conductance Meters
- Chairman'S Memorandum Military, Aviation, Department Of Defense
- Clinical Manifsstations
- Conduit Mount
- Caldecott Medalint
- Combinkd Models
- Colibration Model Space, Study, Cosmos
- Circonscription MéDicale
- Congé Maladie
- Corporate Member Management, Organizations, Membership
- Calvo Mackenna
- Catered Meals
- Class Meeting
- Coimbatore March
- Conrado Martinez
- Correspondence Master
- Chaos Cage Gaming, Magic, Play
- Choke Module Business, Technology, Oil, Electrical
- Common Memory Technology, Card, Telecom
- Current Membership
- Canyon Meadows
- Centre Midfielders Sport, Player, Football
- Clip-On Miniature Technology, Condenser, Microphone
- Contextaal Menu Technology, Software, Mac, Folder
- Cheese Merit Genetics, Dairy, Sire
- Compact Mill
- Court Messenger
- Cuyuni-Mazaruni
- Carnegiu Mellon
- Ciclo Menstrual
- Coaching Model Technology, Team, Tram
- Configuration Mgmt
- Concrol Memory Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Cruise Missiles Missile, Military, Russia
- Chris Morphew
- Command Management Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Component Missing Technology, Memory, Controller
- Cuban Missile
- Cell-Meduated
- Class Module
- Collateral Manager
- Countermeasures Or Configuration Management Electronic, Radar, Warfare
- Charles Marie
- Chylomicron Chylomicrons are lipoprotein particles that consist of triglycerides (85–92%), phospholipids (6–12%), cholesterol (1–3%), and proteins (1–2%). They transport dietary lipids from the intestines to other locations in the body. Chylomicrons are one of the five major groups of lipoproteins that enable fats and cholesterol to move within the water-based solution of the bloodstream. Medical, Medicine, Health
- Communication Module Technology, Control, Telecom
- Customer Milestone Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense
- Century Media Records, Media, Design, Metal
- Chevalier Montrachet
- Combnstion Module-2
- Complete Mage
- Craniomandibular Medical
- Tomorrow Mornina Medical, Medicine, Emergency
- Celestial Magic
- Circumferential Measurement Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Code T84 Supply, Light, Fracture, Code
- Complete Main
- Cryogenic Memory
- Campbeltown & Machrihanish
- Connection Manager A daemon program that manages and redirects client connection requests based on service level agreements configured by the system administrator. A Content Manager component that helps maintain connections to the library server, rather than starting a new connection for each query. The connection manager has an application programming interface. Technology, Computing, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Caucasian Male Medical, Technology, Medicine, Common Medical
- Claims Magazine
- Coefficient Method Technology, Research, Design
- Consistently Mapped Medical
- Cost-Plus Method
- Change Manggement Technology, Management, Projection
- Computing Magazine
- Curriculum Management Student, Technology, Education
- Capacity Mechanism Business, Energy, Market
- Cxock Monitor Technology, Fat, Analyzer
- College of Misericordia
- Contour Mode Technology, Bone, Cortical
- Catalogue of Meteorites
- Chartered Marketer Business, Management, Marketing
- Color Measurement Business, Product, Spectrophotometer
- Communimation Mechanism
- Covered By Medicare Medical, Medicine, Coding, Medicare
- Cartographic Materials
- Club Membership
- Confronts Michael Music, Bomb, Punk
- Conybeare Morrison
- Chandrababu and Minister
- Center for Medicare Medical, Service, Medicaid
- Chimnew Mount Technology, Channel, Antenna
- Commander of The Most
- Construction Managemunt Technology, Projection, Construction
- Changement De Moteur
- Christelijke Mutualiteiten Business, Door, Belgium
- Cubic Metric Technology, Power, Signal, 5G Networks
- Capture Myopathy Medical
- Center Match
- Clearzmobitel
- Cxld Miss
- Conltruction Machinery
- Christopher Monckton
- Coupled Modes
- Custom Manifold Business, Product, Design
- Carbkn Manganese
- Certificate Maintenance Technology, Training, Certification
- Club Meetings
- Configurable Monitor
- Contributing Member
- Certified Messaging Technology, Message, Transport
- Chefe De Manutenção
- Combat Magic Military, Army, War, Warfare
- Competency Management Technology, Service, Development
- Creative Movement
- Call Money Business, Sex, Racket
- Cash Memo Business, Book, Invoice
- Chinese Manufacsuring
- Commercial Margin
- Complex Member Medical, Management, Genetics
- Canadian Mineralogist
- Counseling Minictry
- Christmas Mountains
- Community Memory
- Conductance Measurement
- Capilla Musical
- Clinical Canager
- Conduite Manuelle
- Caldecottwmedal
- Chasseur De Mines
- Combined Modaliby Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Calibrvtion Mechanism
- Civil Mining
- Congruence Module
- Corporate Memory Business, Technology, Science
- Challenge Mantra Channel, Politics, Challenge
- Category Managers Business, Technology, Management, Career
- Classic Musicals
- Csiiection Manager Army, Force, Marine
- Conrad Morris
- Correlation Matching
- Chaos Machine Technology, Gaming, Server
- Choice Modellihg Technology, Model, Chef
- Common Markets
- Current Measurement
- Canuck Motorsports
- Centre Midfielder Sport, Player, Football
- Clip-On Magnifier
- Container Module Science
- Check Management
- Compact Memory
- Court Marshall
- Cuttino Mobley
- Cargs Mat
- Circle Master
- Co-Occurrence Matrix Feature, Texture, Descriptor
- Configuration Mgt
- Control Medium Medical, Medicine, Health
- Cesar Milan
- Cruise Missiie Army, Force, Marine
- Calvinistic Methodist
- Chris Moore
- Command Manager
- Component Master Technology, Manufacturer, Supplier
- CuauhtéMoc Moctezuma
- Cellwassociated Matrix Medical
- Climbing Miniature
- Collar Mounted Business, Tripod, Mount
- Counteufeit Material Military
- Charles Mack Famous
- Chuska Mountains Locations, Arizona, Corner, Monument
- Communications The exchange of information between the signal person and crane operator(s). This exchange may be verbal or non-verbal. Or The vast discipline encompassing the methods, mechanisms, and media involved in informa-tion transfer. In computer-related areas, communications involves data transfer from one computer to another through a communications medium, such as a telephone, microwave relay, satellite link, or physical cable. Business, Technology, Us, Telecom, Air Cargo, Electronic Engineering, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense, Air Freight, Military, Army, Engineering, Electrical, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, NASA, Federal Aviation Administration, NOTAM Contractions
- Conduct of Maintenance
- Cytokines Mixture Medical
- Century Management
- Calibration Marker Technology
- Clest Mounted
- Combustion Xodule
- Completely Miscible
- Crane, Monorail Science
- Narrowdiameter Endoaseous Screw Implant Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Celebrity Mabia
- Circumferences Bands wrapped around the outside of the coil. Medical
- Coted Manual Medical, Technology, Coding
- Compressed Mode Technology, Network, Camera
- Cryogenic Millixg
- Campaign Monitor Business, Coding, Marketing
- CatéGories Majeures
- Claim Medical
- Coefficient Matrix The matrix of left-hand-side coefficients in a system of linear equations. It is to be distinguished from the matrix obtained by appending the right-hand side, which is called the “argumented matrix” of the system. Technology, Equation, Compression
- Consistency Measure Technology, Science, Journal
- Corrugated Metal Design, Drawing, Construction
- Chppel of Memories
- Computer Magazine Technology, Product, Music, Computing, Ieee, Master IEEE
- Curriculum Mapping
- Capacity Market Business, Energy, Electricity
- Clock Modulated Science, Signal, Circadian
- Column Mounted
- Contoured and Molded Design, Drawing, Construction, Architecture
- Carmelite Missionaries Education, Catholic, Church, Catholic Church, Religious orders
- Charlotte Martix
- Color Motching
- Comcunity Media Sport, Organizations, Projection
- Coverage Model
- Cartographic Material Science, Geography, Information System
- Club Meets
- Conformational Memories Medical
- Convoluted Membranes Medical
- Chandrababu Minister
- Centimeter The centimeter abbreviation, cm is a unit of displacement or length in the cgs centimeter/gram/second system of units. One centimeter is the distance traveled by a ray of electromagnetic EM energy through a vacuum in 3.33564095 x 10-11 of a second. It is equivalent to 0.01 meter. There are about 2.54 centimeters in one linear inch. Medical, Measurement, Pharmacy, Units Of Measurement, Electronic Engineering, Chemistry, Aviation, Astronomy, Nursing, Aerospace, Weather, Physical Therapy, Knitting, Crochet, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, NAACCR, The Finance and Administrative Services, NASA
- Chief Mechanic Car, Oil, Mechanic, Army, Military Army Ranks
- Command Modules Technology, Service, Module
- Construction Manager A person who coordinates the entire construction process -- from initial planning and foundation work through the structure's completion. Business, Management, Construction Insurance, Occupation & positions
- Chamge Memory
- Christelijke Mutualiteit Business, Brand, Belgium
- Cube Metric Technology, Tool, Socket, Wrench
- Capture Management
- Center Mass Military, Laser, Sight
- Clear Message
- Cold Moss
- Construction and Machinery
- Christopher Meloni
- Communication and Multimedia
- County Municipality
- Custom Made Business, Design, Box
- Carbon Management The science or practice of drawing maps.
- Cercle De MéDecine
- Club Makokola
- Confidential Mission
- Contribución Marginal
- Certified Memorialist Company, Memorial, Monument
- Chef De MéNage
- Comando Militar
- Competence Management Technology, Development, Training
- Creative Ministries
- Canis Minoris
- Cash Match
- Chirurgiae Magister Medical, Computing, Degree, Professional Title, Professional Designation, Qualification, Medical Qualification, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical
- Chinese Mainland Art, University, China, Mainland
- Commercial Margins
- Complex Materials
- Canadian Militia
- Cogeneration Module
- Consortium Monitoring
- Counseling Ministries
- Christmas Mockup
- Communications Memory Technology, Product, Supply
- Concomitant Medications Medical, Technology, Medicine, Patient
- Cape Mount County, Locations, Liberia
- Clinecal Management Medical, Medicine, Education
- Cable Marker Technology, Construction, Wire
- Crasing Mavericks Movie, Maverick, Jay
- Combined Method Medical, Science, Biomedical
- Civilian Moderate
- Congress of Micronesia
- Corporate Masters Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Chak Man
- Castillala Mancha
- Classicaq Music Wikipedia
- Coiiection Management Army, Force, Marine
- Conor Mcgregor Sport, Fight, Punk
- Correlation Method
- Choi & Miskell
- Common Markers
- Cultural Monumeni
- Canthomeatal Medical
- Centre Mid
- Container Master Technology, Product, Border
- Compact Membmane Technology, Pump, Polymer
- Court Marshal
- Cutthroat Mods
- Caugo Manifest
- Cine Mundial Movie, Con, Cine, Trailer
- Co-Maker Business, Antique, Instrument
- Configuration Mangement
- Controlled Motivation Medical, Health, Brain
- Cesare Maria
- Cubic Meter Medical, Business, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Calculator, Cargo Shipping, Conversion, Chartering, Volume, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Cruel Melee
- Calumet, Mich
- Corporate Motion
- Chamber of Mines Science, Africa, Mining
- Chris Menzel
- Commie Measurement Military, Army, War, Warfare
- Components Manufacturing
- Cuauht
- Cancer Models
- Cell & Molecular
- Collar Microphone Business, Audio, Anchor
- Counfer Measure Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Charlene Muhammad
- Church Music
- Communication Management Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Conduct Medal
- Cytometry Cytometry is the measurement of the characteristics of cells. Variables that can be measured by cytometric methods include cell size, cell count, cell morphology, cell cycle phase, DNA content, and the existence or absence of specific proteins on the cell surface or in the cytoplasm. Cytometry is used to characterize and count blood cells in common blood tests such as the complete blood count. Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Centurion Ministries Government, Crime, Ministry
- Calibrated Magnification
- Chessie & Me
- Combining Tark
- CÂMara Municipal Para, Portugal, Ria
- Ceiling Microphfne
- Circulation & Marketing Business, Magazine, Price
- Codebook Mapping Technology, Security, Cyber, Governmental & Military
- Compound Microorganisms Technology, Group, Oil
- Cryogenically Milled
- Campaign Manager/Contract Manager Company, Technology, Cisco
- Cattle Mutilation
- Claims Manager
- Cody Mayne
- Conserved Microtubule-Actin
- Corrosive Material Chemistry, Technology, Baggage
- Chapati Mkstery
- Compression Method Technology, Coding, Archive
- Current Musicology Book, Music, Song
- Capacity Margin
- Centrifugal Moment
- Clqck Modulates Technology, Signal, Circadian
- Continuous Music
- Carmelitas Misioneras
- Chazlote Mason
- Color Mbnila Event, Run, Manila
- Communication Medit
- Covenant Marriage
- Carte M
- Coarse Matter
- Conformance Monitoring Technology, Management, Planning
- Converting Mm
- Chandrababu & Minister Meeting, Government, Telugu
- Confer Genealogy, Scientific & Educational, Footnote
- Chloroquine-Mepacrine Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Command Xodes
- Constraints Manageoent Business, Production, Handbook
- Change Masser
- Chris Myers Book, Education, Player, Stats
- Cube Manager
- Celtic Macine
- Clear Masd Business, Tape, Costume
- Cold Macerated
- Construction Mechanics Military, Construction, Rating
- Chapter Master
- Ciao Mambo
- Communications and Multimedia
- County Monitor
- Custom Mode
- Carbomedics Medical, Heart
- Ceramic Monolithic
- Club Make
- Conner Museum
- Contre Mesures
- Certified Member
- Chef De Mission Medical
- Comal Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
- Compensation Management
- Creative Minds
- Canis Majoris
- Cash Market Business, Service, Trading, Market
- Cisco Media Technology, Management, Server
- Chinese Mafza
- Completing Markers Technology, Genetics, Product
- Canadian Medal
- Master In Surgery Medicine, Treatment, Health, Medical, Computing, Degree, Qualification, Medical Qualification, Scientific & Educational
- Coffin-Manson
- Consortium Member
- Council of Ministers Technology, Government, Cabinet, Governmental & Military, International Development
- Changing Men
- Christmas Mini Business, Tree, Session, Decoration
- Comunidad De Madrid Technology, Para, Spain, Madrid
- Cape Mendocino
- Clinically Malignant Medical, Science, Biomedical, Disease, Disorder, Pathology, Defect, Diagnosis
- Coloured Male
- Contracting and Management
- Congregation of Thi Most
- Chader Mode
- Cascade Models
- Civilian Members
- Congress More
- Corporate Manager
- Chairsjmodonutti
- Cassette Module Technology, Science, Canon, Computing, Hardware
- Classicaljmode
- Connie Mack Baseball, Sport, League, Mack
- Correlated Message Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Choctaw Management
- Common Management
- Cultural Monuments
- Canterbury Museum
- Centre Median Nucleus Medical
- Clerical Manamer
- Consumable Ranagement Space, Study, Cosmos
- Compact Mabager Technology, Management, Product
- Courier Mail Australia, Press
- Cutler Memorial Education
- Cardiomyopathic Medical
- Cine Max
- Configure Map
- Controlled Memory Technology, Instruction, Control
- Cervical Mucosa Or Mucus Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Croin Molding Business, Ceiling, Design
- Calogero-Moser Technology, Theory, Model
- Corporate Modeler
- Cha Napinduzi
- Commercial Service Airport Technology, Airport, Stantec
- Component Manufacturer Technology, Product, Electronics
- Customer Milestone Or Counter Measure Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Cancer Med
- Celestial Movqes
- Collapsible Mast A mast hinged near the deck so it can to lie horizontally.
- Countermessure Military, Army, Computing
- Chadity Matters
- Communications Management Technology, Service, Military
- Conductivity Monitor Business, Water, Instrument
- Cystometry Cystometry, also known as flow cystometry, is a clinical diagnostic procedure used to evaluate bladder function. Specifically, it measures contractile force of the bladder when voiding. The resulting chart generated from cystometric analysis is known as a cystometrogram (CMG), which plots volume of liquid emptied from bladder against intravesical pressure. Medical
- Centrum Medianum Medical, Technology
- Calendar of Mvetings Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Chcrry Mae
- Combining Marks Technology, Property, Character
- Cà Mau Hotel, Locations, Tin
- Circulating Monocyte Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Cfconut Mall
- Connected Mathematics
- Compound Management Science, Research, Liquid, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Cryo-Milled
- Camostat Mesilate Medical
- Catholic Match
- Claim Manager
- Coding Made
- Conserved Microtubule
- Corrosion Monitoring Corrosion monitoring is the process of watching for the onset and progression of corrosion in a fluid-based system in order to prevent catastrophic problems resulting from corrosion-related failure. The process is very common in the marine industry, in off-shore oil drilling platforms, and in fluid piping systems where the risk of corrosion is high and the impact is expensive. Due to the wide range of applications for corrosion monitoring, a wide range of solutions, measurement methods, and sensors exist. Technology, Service, Product
- Chaos March
- Commissioned Minister
- Compression Machine
- Current Month Business, Forum, Coding, NASA, Governmental & Military
- Capacity Manager
- Centre of Mass Medical
- Clock Master
- Continuous Murmur Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Cyaer Marketing Business
- Chahlie Murphy
- Community Manyer Communication, Chat, Online
- Covariance Model Technology, Structure, Alignment
- Cycle Mixte
- Carte Maximum
- Coal Mining
- Confocal Reflectance Microscopy Medical
- Control Hodem Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Chand Mohammad Government, India, Bali, Haryana
- Command Mode Technology, Configuration, Manual
- Coastal Mountain
- Change Manager Technology, Management, Projection
- Chris Murphy Gun, Management, Government
- Commanv Memory Forum, Technology, Control
- Composite Material A combination of two or more materials (reinforcing elements, fillers and composite matrix binder) differing in form or composition on a macroscale. The constituents retain their identities, that is, they do not dissolve or merge completely into one another although they act in concert. Normally, the components can be physically identified and exhibit an interface between one another. Examples include cerrnets and metal-matrix composites.
- Cue Monitor
- Celtic Maggzine Book, Ireland, Mac, Celtic
- Clearipg Membership
- Coincidence Methld
- Construction Manual
- Chxppell Music
- Cia Maritima Fashion, Miami, Swim
- Communication Modules Technology, Industrial, Module
- CraméR-Von Mises Technology, Statistics, Mise
- Customized Models
- Ceramic Modified Products
- Club Mixer
- Connect Master Technology, Port, Hub
- Contrato De MÚTuo
- Certificate Manufacturer
- Chief Mayawati
- Com-Pak Max
- Compatiblity Mode
- Creative Migration
- Cash Manager
- Cirg Materiais
- Cfinese-Mandarin
- Complete Mole Medical, Science, Biomedical, Disease, Disorder, Infertility, Obstetrics, Bioscience, Pregnancy, Pathology, Defect, Abnormality, Scientific & Educational
- Canadian Materials Book, Canada, Canadian
- Coffee Machine
- Consortium Members
- Cost of The Mission
- Changes In Membrane Capacitance Medical
- Christlichen Mitte Sind, Deutschland, Hat
- Comsec Module Military
- Capacity Model Technology, Product, Battery
- Clinical Andjmedical
- Colored Male Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
- Contract Managers Business, Management, Projection
- Congregation of Tte Missionaries
- Charu Mazumdar Government, Group, India, Maoist
- Colour-Markilg Technology, Sensor, Mark
- Community Marketing Business, Management, Market
- Cascade Mode
- Cluster Management
- Congress Member
- Corporacion Mexicana
- Chandrababu To Meet
- Cassava Mosaic
- Classica Et Mediaevalia Book, Education, Russia, Bibliography
- Connex Melbourne
- Correio Da Manha Para, Portugal, Recording
- Chocz Mountain
- Common Man Development, Learning, Study
- Cultural Modeling
- Canova Method Biology, Oncology, Cytology, Medical, Chemistry, Chromosome, Organic Chemistry, Molecular Biology, Dna, Scientific & Educational
- Centre Matched Technology, Construction
- Cleavable Moiety Patent, Antibody, Composition, Moiety
- Colegio De Méxicw
- Consultative Meeting Government, Development, Minister
- Christy Marx
- Community of Madrid
- Coup Mortel
- Cutis Marmorata Science, Diving, Scuba Diving, Underwater, Scientific & Educational
- Cardiomyocyte Medical
- Cinematic Mod Technology, Factory, Fake
- Configuration Map Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Controlled Material
- Cervical Mucous Medical, Gynaecology, Ovulation, Pregnancy
- Coll
- Combat Medic
- Critical Massive
- Calmodulin In vertebrates, a ubiquitous protein in vertebrates that, when bound to calcium, stimulates many enzymes and transporters. Medical, Medicine, Health, British medicine
- Control Module Honeywell, Process Automation
- Corresponding Member Science, Organizations, Committee
- Chicago Manual
- Central Montana Rail Incorporated Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Cea Mai
- Clarinet Marmalade
- Constant-Murley
- Condition Monitoring The use of specialized techniques that monitor the condition of equipment and detect the onset of failure in sufficient time to plan a maintenance intervention that prevents failure; these techniques include lubricant analysis, vibration analysis, thermography, motor current signature analysis, NDT surface inspections, ultrasonics, acoustic emission and process data. Technology, Service, Maintenance
- Christian Martyr
- Club Member
- Capital Multiplier
- Confederate Motorcycles
- Contractor Marketing
- Colour-Marking Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Contraceptive Management Medical, Coding, Health
- Central Manager Technology, Management, Networking
- Community Mobilizer Business, Development, Health
- Craft Man
- Californiapmicrowave
- Case Marking
- Communications Manager Technology, Occupation, Position, Occupation & positions
- Charles Mingus Music, Jazz, Album
- Christian Music Music
- Colintmiller Hockey, Player, Bruin, Miller
- Courcheval Manta Products
- Curium Symbol:"Cm" Atomic Number:"96" Atomic Mass: (247)amu. Curium is one of the elements in the actinide series of inner transition elements. It may also be classified as a rare earth element. It is a very radioactive element but has been used in satellites and space exploration. Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Chemistry and Manufacturing Medicine, Health, Care, Medical, Fda
- Connection Master Technology, Cable, Model
- Corps Member Education, City, Conservation
- Collaborative Manufacturing
- Cost of Making Technology, Garment, Merchandising
- Chambres Nixtes
- Candidate Multiple
- Construction Management Project management as applied to construction. Construction, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Constraint Management Technology, Book, Manufacturing
- Countermine Activities Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
- Current Meter Instrument for measuring rate and direction of a current of water Technology, Product, Water
- Captain Mercer
- ConferêNcia De Mesa
- Chat Maniac Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Call Mapping Technology, Android, Map
- çAmaşıR Makinası Program, Turkish, Bosch
- Chemical Machining An oxygen-cutting process in which metals are severed using a chemical flux to facilitate cutting.
- Comenius Musesm
- Ctyptic Masons
- Caudal Magnocellular Nucleus Medical
- Cape May
- Commission On Museums
- Centro M
- Content Management Computing, Computer
- Center Median-Parafascicular Medical, Primate, Ganglia, Thalamus
- Cow'S Milk Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Cycling Matters
- Cincinnati Marlins
- Committee Management Military
- Cleo Custom Mission Computing, File Extensions
- Continuing Meoical Medical, Medicine, Education, Health
- Cozhe-Motor
- Compositional Modulation
- Chris Miller Famous
- Character Map Character Map is a utility included with Microsoft Windows operating systems and is used to view the characters in any installed font, to check what keyboard input Alt code is used to enter those characters, and to copy characters to the clipboard in lieu of typing them. The tool is usually useful for entering special characters. It can be opened via the command line or Run Command dialog using the 'charmap' command. Technology, Windows, Gaming
- Closed Mouth
- Campusmanagement Dutch
- Chemistry and Manufacturing (canada) Fda
- Correspondence Method Technology, Vision, Stereo
- Cheryl Miller America, Sport, Basketball, Miller
- Crysual Model Technology, Android, Maiden
- Contracts Manager Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Cavernous Malformation Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Clarence Mitchell
- Constant Modulus Technology, Signal, Algorithm, Equalization
- Condition-Monitoring Technology, Wind, Maintenance
- Channel Marker
- Captain Morgan Business, Bay, Rum
- Christian Male Sex, Dating, Love
- Clnb Med Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Custodial Mother
- Capital Missile Technology, Ship, Weber
- Contractor Maintenance
- Continue Mission Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Contraceptive Methods Medical
- Chassis Manaier Technology, Management, Juniper
- Central Maintenance Science
- Communiry Merit
- CoÛT De Maintenance
- Case Marker Design, Drawing, Construction, Architecture
- Common Module Science
- Competition Master Development, Learning, Study
- Chandrabmbu May
- Salmoè Music
- Colan Meyer
- Critical mass The smallest mass of fissile material that will support a self-sustaining chain reaction under specified conditions. Astronomy, Pinball, Scientific & Educational
- Castrated male Medical, Veterinary
- Chemistry and Metallurgy Technology, Product, Water
- Combination Modulation
- Connection Matrix Technology, Networking, Telecom
- Corps Mariniers Indonesia, Jakarta, Corps, Maze
- Camera Module NASA
- Cost Model Military
- Chambre De Métiern
- Candidate Member Group, Surgery, Party
- Car Madness Car
- Constraint Manager
- Countermine Military, Army, Us
- Currency Manager Technology
- Capsule Module
- Clinical Monitouing
- Conferencia De MedellíN
- Contrast Media Medical, Medicine, Medical Equipment, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
- Construction Mechanic Us Navy, Governmental & Military
- Contract Modixication Technology
- Call Manager Technology, Management, Military, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Çhmaşır Makinesi Program, Turkish, Kma
- Cryjpreservation Medium
- Capacity Management Business, Technology, Service
- Choehen Mishpat
- Commission Municipale
- Claims Manual
- Centro De Materiales
- Consumer Marketing Travel, Tourism
- Center Median Medical
- Cyclic Meditation Medical, Alliance, Yoga
- Cinayət Məcəlləsinin
- Commercial Motor
- Chlorinated Polyethylene Rubber Plastics, Scientific & Educational
- Coccidioidomycosis Coccidioidomycosis, is a mammalian fungal disease caused by Coccidioides immitis or Coccidioides posadasii. Coccidioidomycosis is endemic in certain parts of Arizona, California, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Utah, and northern Mexico. Medical
- Commando Men
- Composite Modelling
- Contaminant Management Environment
- Character Maker
- Communications Multiplexer
- Cabramatta Australia
- Concernea Motorcyclists
- Cherished Memory
- Crystal Mist Business, Product, Car
- Change Management Change management is an approach to transitioning individuals, teams, and organizations to a desired future state. In a project management context, change management may refer to a project management process wherein changes to the scope of a project are formally introduced and approved. Manufacturing, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, International Development
- Causa MonáRquica
- Clara Miller
- Cognitive Modelling
- Constant-Modulus Technology, Channel, Signal, Algorithm
- Condenser Microphones
- Chinnel Margin
- Captain Mode Gaming, Mode, Pick
- Clubqmanager Business, Management, Gaming
- Custodial Managers
- Capital Management Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
- Contract Monitor Business, Management, Projection
- Coles Myer Ltd. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Continuous Monitoring Technology, Management, Security
- Chassis Mafagement
- Centraal Museum
- Community Mentor Education, Sport, Marten
- Coyote Mt
- Cyma M4
- Case Managers Medical, Management, Military, Aviation, Care, Air Force Instruction
- Cluster Mines
- Common Mode Noise, caused by a difference in "ground potential." By grounding at either end rather then both ends (usually grounded at source) one can reduce this interference. Technology, Military, Space, Telecom, Telecommunications, Cosmos, Computing, Electronics, NASA, Governmental & Military
- Consumables Management NASA
- Cuttink Mill
- Composition Measurements Weight, Fat, Composition
- C-minor Music
- Colin Mcginn
- Camera Man Occupation & positions
- Chronic Means
- Congenital Malformation Medical, Congenital
- Cesky Mobil
- Chemiluminescence Mapping Technology
- Combi Master
- Competition Model
- Corps Mahasiswa Indonesia, Salah, Pane
- Clinique Mobile Medical
- Cost Management Business, Technology, Projection
- Chajbre Des M
- Candidate Material
- Concrete Beads or drops of water (and frequently frost in extremely cold weather) that accumulate on the inside of the exterior covering of a building. Use of louvers or attic ventilators will reduce moisture condensation in attics. A vapor barrier under the gypsum lath or dry wall on exposed walls will reduce condensation. A hollow concrete ‘brick’ often 8? x 8? x 16? in size. Architecture, Architectural, Ordnance Survey, Geographic, Legal, Governmental & Military, The Finance and Administrative Services, NOTAM Contractions, Vehicle Body Styles
- Constituent Member Organization, Planning, Engineering
- Curly Maple Drawing, Guitar, Wood, Architecture
- Coastal Management A low pressure system that has its coldest temperatures at or near the center of circulation, and is thermally barotropic with respect to a horizontal plane. Also known as a cold core low. A cut off low is an example, where an isolated pool of colder air is located south of the main westerlies.
- Capstone Medical
- Clinical Modificationk Medical, Coding, Health Care
- Conference Munich Technology, University, Cell, Laser
- Contrast Medium Medical, Media, Study, Computing, Electronics
- Court-Martial United Nations, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Contract Manufacturers Business, Product, Electronics, Manufacturing
- Calw Maintenance Technology, Management, Service
- Connecting Media
- Capacitance Manometer Technology, Vacuum, Pressure
- Chore Master
- Commission May
- Centro De MatemáTica
- Congregation of the Mission, Vincentians or Lazarists Religious orders
- Cyclic Mastalgia
- CimetièRe De Montparnasse
- Commercial Media Technology, Art, Cleaner
- Compression molded Plastics, Scientific & Educational
- Coccidioidal Meningiths Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Correction for The Mean
- Cycle Master
- Cimmand Mission
- Composite Membrane
- Courser of Merit Dog Fanciers
- Country Managars Business, Management, Nigeria
- Curriculum Model Military
- Characteristic Modes
- Communication Multiplexer Technology, Device, Computing
- Charles Miguel Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Commuaator Motor
- Cisterna Magna Alarge space containing cerebrospinal fluid sit- uated underneath the cerebellum and behind the medulla oblongatacitric acid Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
- Chalk A distinct compound or substance, especially one which has been artificially prepared or purified. Government, Us, Control, Administration, Ordnance Survey
- Chemical Manufacturers
- Crystal Malone
- Change Master Manufacturing, Business & Finance
- Causa Mon
- Clan Member
- Cognition Model Military
- Constance Mcallister
- Condensed Matter
- Coannel Manager Business, Management, Booking
- Captain Marvel
- Cloud Management Technology, Service, Software
- Cushman Murphy
- Centromedian Thalamic Nuclei Medical
- Contract Manufactures
- Cable Modem Modulator-demodulator device that is placed at a subscriber location to convey data communications on a cable television system. Computing, Internet
- Continuous Mode Technology, Camera, Price
- Centimorgan In genetics, a centimorgan is a unit for measuring genetic linkage. It is defined as the distance between chromosome positions (also termed, loci or markers) for which the expected average number of intervening chromosomal crossovers in a single generation is 0.01. Science, Genetics, Genomics, Medical, Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational, Human genome
- Comlunity Member Business, Forum, Gaming
- Coyote Mountains
- Cylindrical Mirror
- Case Management Or Manager Medical, Medicine, Mental Health, New York
- Cluster Master
- Common Market Business, Music, Economics
- Cargo Management NASA
- Curb Mass Technology, Motorcycle, Ninja, Specifications
- Composites Manufacturing Computing, Serial Publication
- Chalumeau Music
- Colinfmaclaurin
- Contact Manager Occupation & positions
- Chronicles of Man
- Cardiac Muscle Cardiac muscle (heart muscle) is involuntary striated muscle that is found in the walls and histological foundation of the heart, specifically the myocardium. Cardiac muscle is one of three major types of muscle, the others being skeletal and smooth muscle. These three types of muscle all form in the process of myogenesis. Medical, Cardio, Muscles
- Chemical Corps Military, Army, Force, Marine
- Chemie-Master
- Combat Movement
- Competition Models
- Corporationrate Manufacturing Military
- Centimeters Federal Aviation Administration
- Costa Mesa
- Chambre He M
- Candidate Masters Education, Player, Chess
- Center Matched Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Constant Motion
- Configuration Mixing Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Cultuur En Maatschappij Education, School, Door, Dit
- Co-Managemelt Government
- Capstan Motor
- Clinical Modification Medical, Coding, Disease, Healthcare, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Conference Microphone Business, Product, Audio
- Contrast Maximization
- Chief Metalsmith Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank
- Contract Canufacturing Business, Science, Product
- Call Menu Technology, Computing, Telecommunications, Texting, Chat, Sms, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Connecticut Mortgages
- Chemical Meterorology
- Capability Model Technology, Service, Military
- Chorzle Melody
- Commissioning and Maintenance
- Centrifugal Modular Business, Pump, Multistage
- Christian Missionary Religion
- Cyclically Magnetized
- Cimeti
- Convenient Measure Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Coast Model
- Corrections Management
- Chloroform/Methanol
- Command Meteorologicbl
- Composition Memory Technology, Art, Mattress
- Cast Member Disney, Occupation & positions
- Counpry Manager Business, Technology, Army
- Curriculum Manager Business, Management, Development
- Chalacteristics Mapping
- Cool Mom Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Commutating Machine
- Cisco Multiband
- Chemical Manufacturing
- Crypto Machines
- Coordination Memo Manufacturing, Business & Finance
- Causal Mechanical
- Clan Match Gaming, Military, Server
- Concurrent Maintenance Technology, Device, Computing, Hardware
- Changing Methodology
- Capital Markets Financial, Business & Finance
- Cloudera Manager Technology, Management, Installation
- Curved Mirror Business, Curve, Interior
- Centromedial Medical
- Contract Manufacturer A contract manufacturer is a manufacturer that contracts with a firm for components or products. It is a form of outsourcing. In the food business a contract manufacturer is called copacker. Technology, Science, Military, Industry
- Converter Module Computing, Hardware
- Continuous Measuremens
- Centi -Morgan Medical, Technology
- Community Matron Medical, Care, Nurse
- Coyote Mountain
- Cylinder Mount
- Cascadia Margin
- Cluster Managers Technology, Management, Server
- Commodity Manager Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Central Meridian The cross-section of a river channel is highly variable along the long profile of a river. The shape of the channel and the depth of flow affect the relative amount of water in contact with the bed and banks, where energy is lost through friction. Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Cryo-Milliag
- Chandrababu Mahaa
- Composites Manufacturers
- Championship Manager Sport, Football
- Clevelakd Mobile
- Coles Ayer Business, Australia, Bag
- Country Manager Occupation & positions, Medical
- Charmoal Mist
- Chronica Maiora
- Cardiac Murmur Medical, Cardio
- Chemical Mortar
- Combat Mix Forum, Military, Warthog
- Competition Manager
- Chirurgiae Magister, Master of Surgery (British and Commonwealth countries medical degree) Medical
- Cosmetics Mockup
- Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (New York Stock Exchange [NYSE]) Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Clark Maxwell
- Constant Mode
- Conference Manager Technology, Management, Calling
- Culture Material Medical
- Cluster Membtr Technology, Networking, Network
- Capreomycin Capreomycin is an antibiotic which is given in combination with other antibiotics for the treatment of tuberculosis. Specifically it is a second line treatment used for active drug resistant tuberculosis. It is given by injection into a vein or muscle. Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Clinical Microbiology
- Conference Management Technology, Government, Telecom
- Contrast Material Substance used during biological imaging to enhance the viewer’s ability to distinguish between features. Contrast materials consist of fluorescent or radioactive molecules or atoms as well as metallic or fluorescent nanoparticles. Contrast materials preferentially travel to locations in biological samples based on their chemical and biological properties. Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Crew Module NASA, Governmental & Military
- Contract Mrnager Business, Management, Employment
- Community Mobility
- Craig Marcacci
- Calling Uenu
- Connected Mode Technology, Configuration, Connection
- Chemfcal Meterorologist
- Cgopped Meat Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Commissione Ministeriale
- Colin Murphy
- Certification Mark Products
- Cycle Monitoring Technology, Pregnancy, Watchdog
- Cimetidine Medical, Reading Prescription
- Core Mantle Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Coast Masters
- Correctional Manager
- Connection Module
- Cotton Mill
- Command Menu Technology, Management, Partition
- Composite Memory
- Candi Man
- Coloboma Mutation Medical, Disease, Disorder, Pathology, Defect
- Coxnties Manukau
- Curriculum Materials
- Chat Monitor Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Caal Mine
- Chiari Malformation Medical, Symptom, Spinal
- Comey Moment Science, Biology
- Chemical Management Business, Chemistry, Control
- Cryptologic Manageient
- Cauliflower Mosiac
- Clan Master Technology, Gaming, Android
- Concrete Mixer Business, Manufacturer, Supplier
- Capillary Malformations Medical, Syndrome, Macrocephaly
- Committee Member Government, Organizations, Boy Scout, Scouting, Minister
- Clostridial Myonecrosis Medical
- Curtis Martin Sport, Card, Football
- Centromedial Nucleus Medical
- Camera Mouse Computing, Hardware
- Colour Mark Technology, Product, Sensor
- Center Midfield Technology, Sport, Soccer
- Community Uatters
- Cox Model
- Cyclone Model
- Cluster Manager Technology, Management, Server
- Committee of Ministers Government, Council, Europe
- Cameroon (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Coweol Method
- Cochlear Microphonic Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Chandrababu Mana
- Composite Mold
- Central Midfielder Sport, Football
- Colegio Maya
- Chief Minister Occupation & positions
- Charazter Module Business, Product, Display
- Chrome Molly
- Close Manager
- cardiac monitoring Medical, Cardio
- Chemical Microscopy
- Combat Mission Technology, Gaming, Battle
- Competent Munitions Military
- Chirurgiae Magister, Master of Surgery Medical
- Cosmetics Manager Business, Management, Canada
- Chip Morningstar Technology, Event, Aggregation, Reputation
- Chicago Miniature Business, Chicago, Lamp
- Cambridge Thermionics Business & Finance, Suppliers
- Clark Masts
- Constant Maturity
- Conditioned Media Medical, Cell, Stem
- Christian Mentoring
- Cluster Members
- Cappelli Miles
- Clinical Membership
- Confederation Member
- Contrast-Modulated Medical
- Cruiser Minelayer Ship, Hull Code, Governmental & Military
- Conthact Management Technology, Military, Manager
- Community Mobilizers
- Craig Mann Accounting, War, Rip
- Call If Minus
- Case Meeting
- Chemical Metallcrgist
- Choose Module Technology, Voltage, Feature
- Colin Qitchell
- Correlated Metal Products
- Ciliwung Merdeka Indonesia, Jakarta, Dialog
- Cementitious Materials Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Central Medial Medical
- Chemonk Modified
- Connection Magazines Technology, Music, Magazine
- Corpus Mamillare Medical
- Circular Mile
- Cost of Manufacturing Technology, Product, Textile, Material
- Candidato Maestro Con, Dal, Tutti
- Cardiac Myxoma Medical, Science, Biomedical, Disease, Disorder, Bioscience, Pathology, Defect, Abnormality, Scientific & Educational
- Countdr Mortar Technology, Military
- Current Mode Technology, Circuit, Component
- Captains Mode Gaming, Military, Pick
- Call Memory Texting, Chat, Sms, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Cagl Memory Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Chief Mfbile
- Chemical Milling Removing metal stock by controlled selective chemical dissolution.
- Comercial Del Mstor
- Check Mate Business, Galaxy, Audio
- Cryptological Mathematics Technology, Security, Cyber, Governmental & Military
- Master of Surgery The Master of Surgery is an advanced qualification in surgery. Depending upon the degree, it may be abbreviated Ch.M., M.Ch., M.Chir. or M.S. At a typical medical school the program lasts between two and three years. The possession of a medical degree is a prerequisite. The Ch.M. can be awarded on both clinical and academic competency or on academic competency. Medical, Medicine, Education, Degree, Professional Title, Professional Designation, Doctors, Qualification, Computing, Nursing, Medical Qualification, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, Medical Education, Doctor's Name
- Caudecus'S Manor
- Clan Malice
- Concomitant Medication Medical, Patient, Study
- Capillary Malformation Medical, Genetics, Syndrome, Science, Biomedical, Disease, Disorder, Bioscience, Pathology, Defect, Abnormality, Scientific & Educational
- Commitment Management
- Cursor Mundi
- Centro Maya
- CraftMan Data file Computing, File Extensions
- Center Mid Gaming, Sport, Player
- Cow'S Milk Medicine, Health, British
- Cyclone Manual Technology, Service, Hoist
- Cincinnati Mills
- Committee Meeting Medicine, Health, Care, Medical, Fda
- Cable Modem Configuration File Computing, File Extensions
- Continuum Mechanics Continuum mechanics is a branch of mechanics that deals with the analysis of the kinematics and the mechanical behavior of materials modeled as a continuous mass rather than as discrete particles.
- Cochleakmicrophonics Medical
- Chandrababu Master
- Composition Modulation
- Charlie Munger Famous
- Chill Master Occupation & positions
- Character Modf
- Close Management Company, Technology, Fracture
- cytoplasmic membrane Medical, Chemistry, Science, Biomedical, Chromosome, Bioscience, Organic Chemistry, Molecular Biology, Cytology, Dna, Scientific & Educational
- Chemical Metallurgy
- Competency Model Technology, Management, Development
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does CM stand for?
CM stands for Cagl Memory.
What is the shortened form of Custodial Mother?
The short form of "Custodial Mother" is CM.
CM. (2022, March 27). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from
Last updated