CM in Chemistry Meaning

The CM meaning in Chemistry terms is "Cell-Mediated Immunity". There are 13 related meanings of the CM Chemistry abbreviation.

CM on Chemistry Full Forms

  1. Cell-Mediated Immunity
  2. Complete Medium
  3. Complete Hydatidiform Mole
  4. Compound Management
  5. Centimeter The centimeter abbreviation, cm is a unit of displacement or length in the cgs centimeter/gram/second system of units. One centimeter is the distance traveled by a ray of electromagnetic EM energy through a vacuum in 3.33564095 x 10-11 of a second. It is equivalent to 0.01 meter. There are about 2.54 centimeters in one linear inch.
  6. Canova Method
  7. Customized Microscopy
  8. Corrosive Material
  9. Cementitious Materials
  10. Configuration Mixing
  11. Curium Symbol:"Cm" Atomic Number:"96" Atomic Mass: (247)amu. Curium is one of the elements in the actinide series of inner transition elements. It may also be classified as a rare earth element. It is a very radioactive element but has been used in satellites and space exploration.
  12. cytoplasmic membrane
  13. Chemical Management

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CM stand for Chemistry?

    CM stands for Complete Hydatidiform Mole in Chemistry terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Chemical Management in Chemistry?

    The short form of "Chemical Management" is CM for Chemistry.


CM in Chemistry. (2022, March 27). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated