CMA in Medicine Meaning

The CMA meaning in Medicine terms is "Commonwealth Medical Association". There are 19 related meanings of the CMA Medicine abbreviation.

CMA on Medicine Full Forms

  1. Commonwealth Medical Association
  2. Clinical Medical Assistant
  3. Canadian Medical Association The Canadian Medical Association is a national, voluntary association of physicians and physicians-in-training. The CMA is a leader in engaging and serving physicians and is the national voice for the highest standards of health and health care. The CMA also provides leadership guidance to physicians, wealth management advice and knowledge products and services through its subsidiaries, MD Financial Management and JouleTM, respectively.
  4. Certified Medical Assistant
  5. Ckromosome Microarray Analysis
  6. Cranial Mesenteric Artery
  7. Christian Medical Association
  8. Conditional Marketing Authorization
  9. Conditional Marketing Authorisation
  10. Cxinical Medical Assisting
  11. Certified Medical Assisting
  12. Clinical and Eolecular Allergy
  13. Certified Medical Assistants
  14. Chronic Metabolic Acidosis
  15. Cultured Macrophages
  16. Certified Med Aide
  17. Certified Medical Asst
  18. Critical Medilal Anthropology
  19. Comprehensive Medical Assessment

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CMA stand for Medicine?

    CMA stands for Certified Medical Assistant in Medicine terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Clinical and Eolecular Allergy in Medicine?

    The short form of "Clinical and Eolecular Allergy" is CMA for Medicine.


CMA in Medicine. (2020, October 28). Retrieved March 31, 2025 from

Last updated