CMD in Scientific & Educational Meaning

The CMD meaning in Scientific & Educational terms is "Model". There are 8 related meanings of the CMD Scientific & Educational abbreviation.

CMD on Scientific & Educational Full Forms

  1. Model A specific vehicle brand identified by a name or number. Model a representation of a system, component or material for that adequately describes the object for a purpose such as analysis or design. A proportional representation of an object in any scale. The allowable configuration of an asset that is used to validate assets. 2.A container that holds an ordered set of builder calls. also builder.
  2. Cartilage Matrix Deficiency
  3. Congenital Myotonic Dystrophy
  4. Congenital Muscular Dystrophy
  5. Chronic Myeloid Disorders
  6. cancer molecular diagnostics
  7. Color-Magnitude Diagram
  8. Computer Molecular Dynamics

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CMD stand for Scientific & Educational?

    CMD stands for Chronic Myeloid Disorders in Scientific & Educational terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Computer Molecular Dynamics in Scientific & Educational?

    The short form of "Computer Molecular Dynamics" is CMD for Scientific & Educational.


CMD in Scientific & Educational. (2021, December 14). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated