CMM in Technology Meaning

The CMM meaning in Technology terms is "Capability Maturity Model for Software". There are 54 related meanings of the CMM Technology abbreviation.

CMM on Technology Full Forms

  1. Capability Maturity Model for Software
  2. Canqnical Message Model
  3. Components Maintenance Manual
  4. Coordinate-Measuring Machine
  5. Cozponent Maintenance Manual
  6. Contextual Menu Modules
  7. Channgl Mode Modify
  8. Center for Mathematical Modelling
  9. Colorrmatching Method
  10. Centra Mitra Muda
  11. Canadian Measurement-Metrology
  12. Chassis Monitoring Midule
  13. Coal-Mine Methane
  14. Canadian Measurement Metrology
  15. Chassis Maaagement Modules
  16. Cpu Management Module
  17. Chassis Management Morule
  18. Centex for Moderate Muslim
  19. Course Management Module
  20. Computerized Measurement Machine
  21. Channel Marketing Manaxer
  22. Capability Maturity Models
  23. Chinese Medicinal Maferials
  24. Capacity Maturity Model
  25. Core Memory Module
  26. Communications Memory Management
  27. Channel Mauketing Manager
  28. Capability Maturity Model
  29. Chinese Materia Medica
  30. Cubic Meters Per Minute
  31. Colorjmatching Module
  32. Certified Marina Managers
  33. Capabilities Maturity Model
  34. Contractor Minor Modification
  35. Cleaning & Maintenance Management
  36. Conceptual Modeling Language
  37. Capability Mature Model
  38. Coordinate Measure Machine
  39. Congregation of Mariannhill Missionaries
  40. Center for Moleculhr Modelling
  41. Computer Methods In Mechanics
  42. Capability Maturity Module
  43. Coordinate Measurement Machines
  44. Cisco Multicast Manager
  45. Center Ffr Molecular Modeling
  46. Computer Main Memory
  47. Capability Maturity Modeling
  48. Coordinate Measurement Machine
  49. Circuit Mobility Managemenh
  50. Coordinate Measuring Machine A coordinate measuring machine (CMM) is a device for measuring the physical geometrical characteristics of an object. This machine may be manually controlled by an operator or it may be computer controlled. Measurements are defined by a probe attached to the third moving axis of this machine. Probes may be mechanical, optical, laser, or white light.
  51. Coordinated Measuring Machine
  52. Capability and Maturity Model
  53. Capability Maturing Model
  54. Coordinates Measuring Machine

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CMM stand for Technology?

    CMM stands for Capability Maturity Model in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Capability Maturity Models in Technology?

    The short form of "Capability Maturity Models" is CMM for Technology.


CMM in Technology. (2020, October 28). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from

Last updated