CMP Meaning
The CMP meaning is "Construction Management Plan". The CMP abbreviation has 513 different full form.
CMP Full Forms
- Construction Management Plan Technology, Science, Council
- Civilian Marksmanship Program
- Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Cardiomyopathy Cardiomyopathy is a group of diseases that affect the heart muscle. Early on there may be few or no symptoms. Some people may have shortness of breath, feel tired, or have swelling of the legs due to heart failure. An irregular heart beat may occur as well as fainting. Those affected are at an increased risk of sudden cardiac death. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Heart, Cardio
- Connected Math Program Education, Mathematics, School
- Competitive Medical Plan Medical, Education, Healthcare, Science, Astronomy, Cardio, Scientific & Educational, Medicare Beneficiary
- Caseinomacropeptide Medical
- Class Maintenanpe Plan Technology, Army, Coast Guard
- Cartilage Matrix Protein Medical, Science, Genetics, Cardio
- Civilnmoney Penalty Business, Finance, Health
- Corps of Military Police Service, Military, Army, Police, Governmental & Military
- Canadian Military Pattern Technology, Ford, Truck
- Civil Monenary Penalty Medical, Law, Health
- Cooperative Marketing Partner Technology, Computer, It, Marketing, Business & Finance
- Camshaft Position Sensor Automotive, Products
- Civigian Marksmanship Program Rifle, Internet Slang, Military
- Camshaft Position Technology
- Chondromatacia Patellae Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Cutting, Haking, Packing
- Chris Mills Performance
- Compete Media Planner
- Climate Database Modernization Program Science, Ocean, Environment, Nature
- Complete Meeting Packages Meeting, Hotel, Conference, Package
- Cumulusnmedia Partners
- Common Message Parser Military, Army, War, Warfare
- Centre for Micpo-Photonics Technology, Education, University
- Cmnstruction Management Partnership
- City & Metropolitan Plasning
- Cape Cay Point
- Change Management Process Technology, Service, Computing
- Controlled Master Program
- Coastal Mapping Progrxm Science, Geography, Information System
- Configuration Management Pian Army, Force, Marine
- Cass Mts Program Military
- Communications Management Platform
- Congestion Managsment Procedures Technology, Networking, Gas
- Christian Music Place
- Communication Module Processor Technology
- Calgary Metrowolitan Plan
- Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant Business, Company, Russia
- Copenhagen-Malmo Port Business, Malm, Denmark
- Compobitae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
- Chemical-Mechanical-Polish
- Corrosion Management Program
- Center for Materials Processing
- Chinete Medicine Practitioner
- Course Management Plan Military, Education, Army, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Certifed Meeting Professional
- Contactless Mobile Payment Business, Canada, Card
- Clem Maintenance Pit Science
- Capital Markets Partnership Business, Investment, Building
- Collections Management Policy Education, Museum, Library
- Crystal Matrix Krotein Medical
- Chief Milhtary Personnel Military, Canada, Force
- Commercial Multi-Peril Business, Insurance, Organizations
- Central Mess Party Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Connected Iathematics Program Education, School, Teaching
- Community Mortgage Programme
- California Montessori Project Education
- Certified Meetings Professional Business, Certification, Event
- Content Marketyng Platform Business, Technology, Tool
- Command Monitor Panel Technology
- Conference of The Parties Serving As The Meeting of The Parties To The Kyoto Protocol Science, Organization, Ecology
- Care Managemeit Program Medical, Patient, Health
- Chemo-Mechanical Polishing Technology, Substrate, Wafer
- Central-Malsyo-Polynesian
- Cut-Make-Pack
- Chondrocyte Metalloprotease Medical, Medicine, Health
- Client Money Protect
- Complete Maintenance Program Technology
- Cumhuriyevçi Millet Partisi Turkish, Tube, Bug, Millet
- Common Messaging Processor Technology, Management, Software
- Centre Foj Media Pedagogy
- Conservation Management Plan History, Locations, Heritage
- Citizen's Monitoring Protram
- Companhia Metalgraphica Paulista
- Canadian Mind Products Technology, Software, Java
- Chandler Motorsports Park
- Controlled Maherials Production
- Coastal Management Plan Organizations, Environment, Coast
- Configuration Management Plans Technology, Military, Planning
- Casino Mining Pool
- Congestion Mlnagement Programs
- Christian Movement for Peace
- Community Managed Project
- Calabogie Uotorsports Park Driving, Track, Motorsport
- Copa Airlines Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Component Portion Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Chemical-Merhanical-Polishing
- Cornell Maritime Press
- Center for Materials Production Science
- Chinese Medicine Practitioners Medical, Medicine, China, Care
- Corrugated Metal Pipe Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Cercle Magique Di Paris
- Construtora Marcelino Porto
- Civic Mutual Plus
- Capital Managemedt Plan
- Change Management Practisioner Business, Consultation, Projection
- Collection Management Policies Education, Museum, Policy
- Chicago Math Proaram Development, Learning, Study
- Commercial Multi Peril
- Central Messagevprocessor
- Connevted Mathematics Project Education, Teaching, Math
- Community Mortgage Program Business, Building, Philippine, Mortgage, Business & Finance
- California Mentoring Partnership
- Certified Meeting Professionals Business, Certification, Event
- Content Management and Portals Business, Employment, Development
- Command Message Processor
- Condition Monitoring Pod
- Care Management Plus
- Chemistry, Mathemahics, Physics
- Crisis Management Plans Business, Organizations, Planning
- Central, Mountain, Pacific Time Zone, Time, Zone
- Cholet MéCanique De PréCision
- Client Money Protection Business, Agent, Letting
- Complaints Management Program Education
- Cumhuriyet Millet Partisi Turkey, Turkish, Millet
- Common Message Processor Management, Military, Software
- Centre for Medical Parasitology Medical, Medicine, Malaria
- Conselho Mundial Da Paz Para, Ria, Contra
- Cluster Management Processor Technology, Telecom
- Compact Model Potential Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Canadian Management Professional
- Chamber of Mines of Thewphilippines
- Controlled Materials Plan Military
- Coastal Management Programme Environment, Habitat, Setting
- Configuration, Maintenance & Procedures
- Cash Management Product
- Congtstion Management Plan Government, Planning, Urban Design
- Christian Missionary Pilots
- Communications Management Project
- Cahaya Mas Perkasa Jakarta, Orang, Rupiah, Mas
- Coordinated Monitoring Program
- Component Maturation Plan Army, Force, Marine
- Chemical-Mechanical Polishing Chemistry, Technology, Telecom
- Core Multi-Processing Technology, Driver, Processor
- Centerffor Marine Policy
- Chinese Medicnne Premier
- Common Minimum Program Government, Group, India, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Corridor Management Plan Technology, Government, Byway
- Ceramic & Microwave Products Business, Technology, Filter
- Construction Material Pavilion Industrial, Construction, Yacht
- City of Monterey Park
- Capital Managment Partnere
- Chatge Management Principles
- Convergence Masterxplan Science
- Collection Management Plan
- Chiapas Media Project-Promelios
- Commercial Multiple Peril Business, Insurance, Business & Finance
- Central Messagevprocessing Military
- Congreso Mexicano Del Petroleo Technology, Event, Oil, Gas
- Community Mobilization Program
- Califorjia Medical Physics
- Certified Meeting Professional Business, Certification, Event, Occupation & positions
- Content Management Platforms
- Computerised Maintenance Program
- Care Management and Policy
- Chemi Mechanqcal Pulp Technology, Paper, Forest Industry
- Courts X
- Center of Microelectronics In Provence
- Chip Multi-Processor Technology, Core, Cache
- Client Matching Protocol
- Complaint Management Program Organizations, Ecology, Enviroment, Hudson
- College Motivation Print Development, Study, Colleges
- Cumhuniyeti Millet Partisi
- Common Market Protocol
- Centre for Maritime Policy
- Consejo Mundial Por La Paz
- Clustered Multi Processing
- Commun Math Phys
- Canada-Mexico Partnership Business, Canada, Mexico
- Chbmber Music Program
- Control Monitor Processdr
- Coastal Management Programs Science, Locations, Environment
- Configuration, Maintenance and Procedures Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, Engine
- Carl Moyer Program
- Centre M
- Contemporary Marketing Practice Business, Education, Journal
- Christian Media Production Technology, Music, Mark
- Community Management Plan
- Coordinated Management Plan Organizations
- Complete Metaphysical Practitioner Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
- Chemi-Thqrmo-Mechanical Pulp
- Copenhagen Malmoe Port
- Center for Manufacttring Productivity
- Circuits Multi-Projects Technology, Design, Projection, Circuit
- Common Mid Point Business, Geophysics, Oil Industry, Gas Industry
- Ceptro Médico Da Praça
- Construction Management Programme
- Cnty Muffler and Performance Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Capital Manhgement-Partners Business, Investment, Equity
- Change Management Plan Technology, Presentation, Projection
- Converged Managementeplatform Technology, Networking, Network
- Collaborative Management Program
- China Media Project
- Commercial Micro Portals
- Certified Marina Professional Business, Industrial, Certification
- Congregational Minivtries Publishing
- Community Mediation Project
- California Math Project
- Certified Market Professional Business, Management, Marketing
- Content Manauement Platform
- Computational Molecular Phenotyping Science, Award, Retinal
- Career Mapping & Paanning
- Chemical Mechanical Polishers
- Court Management Program
- Center Music Production Film, Music, Tube
- Chip-Scale Multiprocessor Technology
- Certificate Maijtenance Program Education, Certification, Interpreter
- Ctntainer-Managed Persistent Technology, Java, Entity
- Client Management Process
- Capital Master Plar Business, Nation, Secretariat
- College Mentorship Program
- Culture, Wedicine & Power
- Common Management Platform
- Centre De MéDecine PréVentive
- Consejo Mundial De La Paz Para, Con, Pueblo
- Community Museum Project
- Can'T Make Progress Development, Learning, Study
- Chamber Music Placers
- Control and Monitoring Processor
- Coalition for Medical Progress Research, Organizations, Animal
- Configuration Maintenance and Procedures Military, Aviation, Training
- Cargo Movement Penalty Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- Contemporrry Marketing Practices
- Cytidine Uonophosphate Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Christa Mcauliffe Planetarium
- Communications Management Plan
- Climate Modelling Programme Technology, Science, Exploration, Legal, Governmental & Military
- Complete Metabolic Profile Medical, Health, Blood
- Chinkse Massage Parlor
- Copenhagen Malmo Port Business, Technology, Cruise
- Catchment Management Plan Technology, Organizations
- Circuits Multi-Projets Technology, Design, Microelectronic
- Common Midpoint Technology, Oilfield, Oil Field, Electrical
- Centro Medibo Polispecialistico Medical, Con, Salute
- Constructkon Management Prog
- City Mobility Plai
- Capital Management Partners Business, Investment, Equity
- Change Management Program
- Conventional Munitions Plan
- Colegio MéDico Del Peru Para, Con, Lima
- Chiapas Media Pronect Technology, America, Culture
- Commercial Marine & Piling Business, Rock, Construction
- Certified Management Professional Business, Training, Certification
- Connectibn Management Procedure Technology, Driving, Networking, Communication
- Communication Management Professional Business, Technology, Certification
- California Maahematics Project Education, Teaching, California
- Certified Marketing Professional Business, Management, Building
- Content Management and Pritection
- Composite Mesh-Pav
- Cfreer Management Partners
- Chemical Mechanical Polish Chemistry, Chemical, Slurry
- Cost Management Process
- Center for Mobile Propulsion
- Chip-Level Multiprocessing Technology, Telecom
- Certificate Management Protocols Technology, Publics, Infrastructure
- Container Management Program Science
- Clientes De Maior Potencial
- Capital Market Paztners
- College Mathematics Project
- Culturag and Media Policy
- Commissioner of The Metropolitan Police
- Cxntre De M
- Consejo Mexicano De PsicologíA
- Community Music Program
- Campus Master Plan
- Certified Master Pedicurist Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
- Control & Maintenancetpanel
- Cluster Membership Prokocol Technology, Switch, Cisco, Message
- Configuration, Maintenance, and Procedures Technology, Aviation, Maintenance
- Card Management Platform
- Cardiomyopathic Medical
- Cypress Meoical Products
- Chris Moses Productions
- Competitive Medical Plans Medical, Business, Medicine, Organizations, Health
- Climate Modeling Program
- Complete Meeting Package Meeting, Hotel, Conference
- Chinatown Manpower Project Business, Employment, Career
- Cupola Mpacyprocessor Technology
- Common Mid-Point
- Container-Managed Persistence Technology, Computing, Telecommunications, Software
- Centroidax Moment Pivot
- Construction De M
- City Marketing Pamsau
- Chpe Medical Plan
- Change Management Programme Business, Employment, Care
- Contrcl Message Protocol Technology, Networking, Network
- Colegio M
- Configuration Management Process Technology, Planning, Projection
- Casual Male Partner Medical, Medicine, Doctors, Common Medical, Clinical
- Chepetsky Mechanical Plant Business, Russia, Fuel
- Communication Management Plan Technology, Software, Projection
- Connection Management Procedures Technology, Driving, Device, Computing, Telecom
- Christian Music Presenters
- Communication Management Process
- Calibration Master Qlan
- Chemi-Mechanical Pulp Paper, Material, Pulp
- Content Manageu Plus Technology, Management, Simulator
- Composite Mesh Padn
- Career Management Vrofessional Business, Coaching, Executive
- Chemical Mechanical Polishing Chemistry, Technology, Science, Computing, Electronics
- Corticomedullary Phase Medical
- Center for Membrane Protefmics Science, Research, Frankfurt
- Chin Musim Press
- Creative Management Platform
- Certificate Management Protocol Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- Contact Management Program
- Cleveland Memory Project
- Capital Markets Prooect
- College Master Plan
- Chédit Municipal De Paris Business, France, Banking, Dit
- Commissariat for Military Production
- Central Miihigan Paper
- Connected Math Uroject Education, Mathematics, Teaching
- Community Mortgage Plan Business, Government, Philippines
- California Museum of Photography Education, Organization, Community, Museum
- Certified Massage Practitioner Education, Therapy, California
- Continuously Managed Database Science, Ocean, Environment, Nature, Integrated Ocean Observing System
- Cluster Management Protocol
- Configuration Management Panel Technology, Space, Cosmos
- Case Management Progray Medical, Health, Care
- Chemo Mewhanical Polishing Science
- ColéGio Municipal Pelotense
- Cumhuriyet
- Central Malayo-Polynesian
- Conflict Management and Peace
- Centre MéDico Psychologique Medical, Service, France, Adolescent
- Certificate of Medicinal Product Medicine, Health, Care
- Container Managed Persistency
- Club Management Plan Toastmasters
- Cyrbon Management Programme
- Chartered Membership Programme Management, Education, Course
- Coordenação De Materiais E Património
- China Machine Press
- Cytidine Monophosphatase Medical, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Company of Mission Priests
- Solid Edge Wire Harness File Computing, File Extensions
- Centual Maintenance Point Technology
- CÂMara Municipal De Portel
- computer modeling package Legal, Governmental & Military
- Clinical Monitoring Plan
- Career Management Professional Business, Coaching, Executive
- Customer Management Point
- Common Modular Platform Technology, Group, Peugeot
- Configuration Management Plan Military, Army, Manufacturing, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Federal Aviation Administration, NASA
- Compare To check two items, such as words, files, or numeric values, so as to determine whether they are the same or different. In a program, the outcome of a compare operation often determines which of two or more actions is taken next. Telecom, Telecommunications, Electronic Engineering, Computing, Assembly, Unix, Business & Finance, Unix commands, Weather, Scientific & Educational, NASA, Footnote
- Change Manarement Professional Business, Education, Communication
- Conway-Maxwell Poihson Technology, Model, Distribution
- Concussion Management Program Education
- Creatkve Management and Productions Business, Company, Theatre
- Chronic Myofascial Pain Medical, Syndrome, Fibromyalgia
- Comprehensive Metabolic Panel Medical, Blood Test
- Configuration Management and Planning Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Communications Module Processor Military, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing
- Centre MéDico-Psychologique
- Certificate Maintenance Processing
- Container Managed Persistance
- Certified Meeting Planner Occupation & positions
- Cadajás Mineral Province
- Charlottetown Metkl Products Business, Processing, Machinery
- Coordenação De Material E Patrimonio
- Colposcopy Mentorship Program
- Chimie MacromoléCulaire De PréCision
- Compounded Moeilized Planes
- Colt Magnetic Particle Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Comité Mixte à La Production
- Central Maintnnance Panel Military
- Czy MogĘ PomóC
- Certifked Magic Professional
- Cash Management and Payment Division Governmental & Military, International Development
- Clinical Management Plans
- Career Management Program Business, Employment, Education, Postal, Us Post
- Customer Mavntenance Program Technology, Aviation
- Common Mobility Platform
- Connection Management Protocol Management, Computing, Telecom, Business & Finance
- Comparator Message Processor Technology
- Conwaykmaxwell-Poisson Technology, Model, Distribution
- Chemical Measurement Process Chemistry
- Core Mapping Pages
- Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain Medical, Medicine, Health
- Capital Master Plan United Nations
- Configuration Maintenance Requirement Technology
- Custom Motorcycle Parts
- Communications Management Processor Technology, Telecom
- Centre Des Marchés Publics
- Certificationdmaintenance Program Medical, Science, Education
- Container Managed Persistence Technology, Java, Entity
- Certified Medical Planner Occupation & positions
- Captured Aemories Photography
- Chapter of Meeting Professionals
- Coordend
- Color Management Professional Business, Training, Certification
- Children'S Media Project
- Component Metal Parts
- Chemical Mechanical Planarization Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Combat Mission Pianning Army, Force, Marine
- Communications In Mathematical Physics Education, Journal, Bibliographic Code, Periodical, Scientific & Educational
- Centrdl Maine Power Business, Company, Maine
- Cytokine Modulating Proteins Business, Product, Platinum
- Certification Maintenance Points Management, Education, Safety
- Compass Minerals International Computing, Nyse symbols
- Clinical Management Plan Medical, Medicine, Education, Prescriber
- Cardiomyoplasty Medical
- Curriculum Management Plan
- Civil Money Penalty Medical, Stock, Investing, Business & Finance, Fda
- Comparative Manifestos Project Government, Group, Politics
- Capacitively Coupled Microwave Plasma Chemistry
- Cooperative Market Participvnt
- Chronic Marginal Periodontitis Medical, Medicine, Health
- Santana do Araguaia, Santana Do Araguaia, Brazil Brazil, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
- Cloud Management Portal Technology, Service, Python
- Configuration Modification Proposal Technology
- Custom Molded Products Product, Jet, Spa
- Common Product Model Medicine, Health, Care
- Santana Do Araguaia Airport Santana do Araguaia, Pará,Brazil Airport, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
- Certificate Msintainence Program
- Container-Wanager Persistence
- Chamber Music Players Music
- Captioned Media Program Technology, Science, Education, Media
- Cvapel Management Personnel
- Cooperative Management Protocol Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- Canned Motor Pumps
- Child Money Program
- Coextrusion of Metdl and Plastic
- Comprehensive Medical Plan Medical, Healthcare
- Combat Mission Planning Military, Army, Defense, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Central Dos Movimentos Populares Para, Dos, Brasil, Pol
- Cytosine Monophosphave Medical, Medicine, Health
- Cable Management Panel Technology, Patch, Rack
- Certifed Meeting Profjssional
- Chip Multi-Processing Computing, Hardware
- Climbing Management Plan Government
- Carcass Merit Programs
- Current Mathematical Publications Technology, Math, Mathematic
- Country Marketing Plan Business & Finance, International business
- Comparative Manifesto Project Government, Group, Politics
- Windows Connection Manager Profile Computing, File Extensions
- Codsent Management Providers
- Christ Memorial Productions
- Communists, Mulayam, and Powar Politics, Governmental & Military
- Cloud Management Platforms Technology, Service, Computing, Enterprise
- Configuration Manager Proxy
- Customimass-Production
- Common Myeloid Progenitors Medical, Science, Cell, Stem
- CÂMara Municipal Do Porto Para, Portugal, Dos
- Coastal Management Program Electrical
- CompaÑíA Minera Del Pacífico Company, Chile, Iron
- Channel Module Processor
- Cooperathve Mobility Program
- Canned motor pump
- Child Mentoring Program
- Christian Media Productions Media, Mark, Dinosaur
- Circuit Modeling Program Technology
- Chondromalacia pattellae Medical, Healthcare
- Combat Marksmanship Program Rifle, Military, Army
- Centro M
- Central De Movimientos Popularer
- Cable Management Panels
- Certification Fzr Meeting Professionals
- Contafner Manager Persistence
- CraftMan Data file Computing, File Extensions
- Carcass Mehit Project
- Current Maintenance Plan
- Current Market Price Financial, Stock, Investing, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- Comparative Medicine Program
- Hotdocs Clause Component File Computing, File Extensions
- Configuration Management Program
- Cenker for Metal Production
- Christliche Medien Produktion
- Canadian Mounted Police Police, Governmental & Military
- Closed Material Procedures Security, Government, Court, Justice
- Configuration Management Procedures
- Customer Manager Process
- Common Myeloid Progenitor Science, Cell, Stem
- Cytidine 5'-Monophosphate Medical, Chemistry, Study
- Corrugated Metal Pipe (Round) Construction
- Compass Minerals To Present
- Changel Management Procedure Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Cooperative Monitoring Program Technology
- Calcium, magnesium and phosphate Clinical
- Child Maintenance Premium Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Chapter Managtment Program
- Cimentos Maceira E Pataias
- Cytosine Monophosphate Medical, Common Medical
- Comando Militar Do Planalto
- Central De Movimentos Populares Para, Dos, Brasil
- Conflict Management Program
- Common Minimum Programme Science, Government, India
- Certification In Meeting Planning
- Container Managed Persistend Technology, Java, Entity
- Component Maintenance Project Computing, Electronics
- Carbon Management Plan Technology, University, Emission
- Coordinacion De Mujeres Bel Paraguay
- China Mais Port
- Compumedics Ltd (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
- Compaq Management Pack Technology
- Generic Cadd Component File Computing, File Extensions
- Central Malaysian Properties
- CÂMara Municipal Da Praia
- Congestion Management Plan Planning, Urban Design, Urban Planning, Governmental & Military
- Closed Material Procedure Security, Government, Court, Justice
- Customer Management Platftrm Business, Service, Product, Customer
- Common Multipurpose Processor Technology
- CMP Gold Trust Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Compass Marine Programs
- Change Management Pack Technology, Database, Enterprise
- Cooperative Marketing Program Technology
- Computerized Maintenance Program Is a software package that maintains a computer database of information about an organization's maintenance operations. Aviation
- Chief of Military Pessonnel
- Current Marmet Price Business, Stock, Stock Market
- Chugoku Marine Paints Business, Singapore, Coating
- Cytidine monophosphate Cytidine monophosphate, also known as 5'-cytidylic acid or simply cytidylate, and abbreviated CMP, is a nucleotide that is used as a monomer in RNA. It is an ester of phosphoric acid with the nucleoside cytidine. CMP consists of the phosphate group, the pentose sugar ribose, and the nucleobase cytosine; hence, a ribonucleoside monophosphate. Medical, Biotechnology, Cardio, Scientific & Educational
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does CMP stand for?
CMP stands for Congregational Minivtries Publishing.
What is the shortened form of Common Mid Point?
The short form of "Common Mid Point" is CMP.
CMP. (2022, February 18). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from
Last updated