CN Meaning

The CN meaning is "Clan Name". The CN abbreviation has 542 different full form.

CN Full Forms

  1. Clan Name "CN" in the context of video games, particularly Call of Duty (COD) may refer to "Clan Name." A clan is a group of players who join together to compete or play cooperatively in online games. In Call of Duty, clans often compete in online tournaments and leagues, and they typically have a unique name that is used to identify them. Gaming
  2. Cranzal Nerves Medical, Medicine, Nursing
  3. Claim Number Medical, Healthcare, Medicare Beneficiary
  4. Core Network Technology, Mobile Technology, Mobile Phone, Computing, Wireless Networking, 5G Networks
  5. Commerce Net
  6. Camability Network Technology, Management, Networking
  7. China Notes
  8. Computer Njtworks Technology, Networking, Conference
  9. Calcineurin Phosphatase Medical
  10. City News
  11. Copyright Notice
  12. Command Number Technology
  13. Canonical-Name
  14. Cumulonimbus A cloud type that is dense and vertically developed and is associated with rain. It is heavy and dense with a flat base and a high, fluffy outline, and can be tall enough to occupy middle as well as low latitudes. This type of cloud is formed from about 10,000 to 12,000 feet of altitude. cumulus cloud that builds vertically; usually associated with a cold front and thunderstorms. Technology, Science, Aviation, Aircraft, Hydrology, Computing, Weather, Technical, Scientific & Educational, NOTAM Contractions
  15. Cerium Nitrate Medical
  16. Computer Network A computer network or data network is a telecommunications network that allows computers to exchange data. In computer networks, networked computing devices pass data to each other along data connections. The connections network links between nodes are established using either cable media or wireless media. The best-known computer network is the Internet. Technology, Security, Networking
  17. Cranill Nerve Medical, Technology, Cranial
  18. Chronic Nephritis Medical, Medicine, Health
  19. Copy Number Medical, Science, Genetics
  20. Commande NuméRique Technology, Machine, Ces, Nos
  21. Cancdian National Railway Technology, Organizations, Railroad
  22. Correspondent Nodes Technology, Networking, Network, Node
  23. Compyessed Natural
  24. Cerebellar Nuclei Medical
  25. Chris Neil Gaming, Hockey, Hit
  26. Copy Network Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  27. Coming Up Next
  28. Canada Newswsre
  29. Correspondent Node Technology, Networking, Computer Security, Computing, Technical
  30. Common Name A name used in place of a more technical name for a chemical. Computing, Computer, Computer Security, Information Technology, Technical
  31. Central Qorth
  32. Calling Number Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering, Computing
  33. Chinese New
  34. Copper-Nickel
  35. Comfort Noise Technology
  36. Canada'S National
  37. Class Notes Education, Development, Universities
  38. Corporate Network Business, Technology, Networking, Computing, IT Terminology
  39. Common-Name
  40. Centralcnetwork Technology, Networking, China
  41. Chinese National In the context of video games, "CN players" could refer to players from China. The abbreviation "CN" is often used as an abbreviation for "China" in various contexts, including in gaming. Science, Gaming, China
  42. Condersation Nuclei Science, Cloud, Aerosol
  43. Column Number Technology, Coding, Row
  44. Campusjnord Education, Conference, Karlsruhe
  45. Classic Navy
  46. Core Node Technology, Networking, Telecom
  47. Commerce Network
  48. Celdulose Nitrate-Cellulose Patent, Cellulose, Dye
  49. Chinese Name
  50. Condensation Nuclejs Technology, Particle, Nuclei
  51. Cognitive Neuroscience Education, University, Psychology
  52. Calcium Netrate Business, Water, Supplier
  53. Carrier Networks
  54. Controlled Nodes
  55. Circuit Noise Technology, Power, Signal
  56. Centrll Norfolk
  57. Corporate Name Technology
  58. Cloud Node
  59. Campbellton, Nek
  60. Concept Notes Business, Development, Projection
  61. Critical Nutrition Medical, Planning, Veterinary
  62. China Netcom Group Corporationration Limited Organizations
  63. Canary Notice Government
  64. Congeital Nevus Medicine, Health, British
  65. Customer Name Forum, Technology, Coding
  66. Christian Naumann
  67. Common Neighbor
  68. Cover Note Business, Book, Galaxy, Trade, Business & Finance
  69. Classification Name
  70. Complex Nominal
  71. Tomorrow Night Medical
  72. Cupro-Nickel
  73. Change Numbej Technology, Directory, Replication
  74. Cognitive Normal
  75. Chi Nhánh Tin, Thu, Tho
  76. Community Networking Technology, Service, Network
  77. Carta Nacional
  78. Control Network A control network is a network of nodes that collectively monitor, sense, and control or enable control of an environment for a particular purpose. A home appliance network is a good example of a control network. In fact, thousands of control networks already exist in everyday life in automobiles, refrigerators, traffic light controls, city lighting systems, and on factory floors. Control networks vary enormously in the number of nodes (from three to thousands) in the network and in their complexity. Unlike networks that people use to communicate with each other, control networks tend to be invisible. In the future, control networks are expected to become an important aspect of what is sometimes called ubiquitous computing. Technology, Networking, Telecom
  79. Citv Nicktoons
  80. Community Nursing
  81. Cartified Nurse Education, Health, Nursing
  82. Cotton Nylon
  83. Concertaci
  84. Campus North
  85. Confederate Navy
  86. Canonical Nape Technology, Computing, Computer
  87. Connectiknless Networks Technology, Networking, Communication
  88. Cyclic Nucleotides Medical
  89. Chromium Nitride Chemistry, Technology, Coating
  90. Celestial Navigation Also known as astronavigation, is the ancient science of position fixing that enables a navigator to transition through a space without having to rely on estimated calculations, or dead reckoning, to know their position.
  91. Coordination Numbers
  92. Clin Neurophysiol Medical, Patient, Patent, Invention
  93. Cak Ncn Para, Indonesia, Orang, Nun
  94. Comptes De La Nation
  95. Cranial Nerve Medical, Nursing, Neurology, Fda, Nerves
  96. Charles Napier
  97. Collective Next
  98. People's Republic Ol China Locations, Countries, Country
  99. Comcast Network
  100. Cyanide Cyanide is an ion with a -1 charge which contains one atom of carbon bound to one atom of nitrogen. Cyanide refers to any compound that contains CN- ions. Examples: sodium cyanide NaCN, hydrogen cyanide HCN. Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Chemistry, Environment, Scientific & Educational
  101. Complete Number Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  102. Certified Nuteitionist Medical, Nutrition, Health
  103. ColéGio Naval Para, Quest, Col
  104. Cap Nailer
  105. Content Networb Technology, Networking, Exam
  106. Circuit Net Military, Army, War, Warfare
  107. Central Nodes
  108. Corn Nation
  109. Close Nipple
  110. Cam Xorte
  111. Concept Note Technology, Development, Agriculture
  112. Critical Node
  113. China Netcom Group Corporation Limited Technology, Organizations
  114. Canadien Natiunal Business, Canada, Railway
  115. ConféRence Nationale
  116. Curve Numbers Curve, Soil, Runoff, Rainfall
  117. Classic Nail
  118. Commonsnevi Medical
  119. Courthouse News
  120. Classic Natural Business, Music, Man, Bass
  121. Complex Networks Technology, Research, Networking
  122. Creative Nursing
  123. Cumberland News Business, Group, Newspaper, Cumberland
  124. Changu Notes Technology, Service, Mac, Release
  125. Cognitive Networks Technology, Networking, Computing
  126. Chinese News
  127. Carson-Newman College, Education, University
  128. Control Net
  129. Citizen Us Government, Governmental & Military, Genealogy
  130. Community Nurse Medical, Business, Nursing, Occupation & positions
  131. Cosa Nostra In Cosa Nostra, you follow the life of an American Mafia hit man in the 1980s. You can finish contracts by using your own skills, like sneaking, setting up traps, or just using force. You can move up the crime ladder by being honest or by lying. Forum, Technology, Gaming, Music
  132. Certificate Nursing
  133. Cotton / Nylon Industry, Fashion, Material
  134. Campus Networking
  135. Condition Number Technology, Matrix, Bound
  136. Crossing Network Technology, Networking, Cross
  137. Cannabis News
  138. Connecting Networku Technology, Networking, Exam
  139. Cycle Number
  140. Chromium-Nickel
  141. Common Notation
  142. Causal Network
  143. Coordination Messagq Technology
  144. Clay Newbill
  145. Caisse Nte
  146. Comptabilité Nationale Business, English, Production, Translation
  147. Crane Non-Slewing
  148. Charity Navigator
  149. Collective Name
  150. Iso Country Code for People'S Republic of China Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  151. Combined Nomenclature Business, Coding, Politics, Europe, Customs, Eurostat
  152. Complete Name
  153. Certifikd Nutritionists Medical, Science, Health
  154. Counter-Narcotics Security, Military, Afghanistan
  155. Column Name
  156. Capitán De NavíO
  157. Constraint Net Technology, Design, Verification
  158. CinéMa NuméRique
  159. Centralonode
  160. Cor Network
  161. Clorua Nicl2
  162. Cam Newtor
  163. Concentric Needle Medical
  164. Critical Needs
  165. Chiasma Numbei Science, Biology
  166. Confusion Network Technology, Networking, Speech, Lattice
  167. Curve Number Science, Soil, Runoff
  168. Classical Nova
  169. Comgon Naevi Medical
  170. Cock Nose
  171. Complexity Network
  172. Chinese Named Education, English, China, Language
  173. Chaqge Note
  174. Cognitive Networking
  175. Cabadian Nuclear
  176. Chinese Navy Military
  177. Carries Nothing
  178. Control Number Business, Credit, Money
  179. Citation Numbek
  180. Community News
  181. Cehtificate Name Technology, Server, Match
  182. Cost Nothing
  183. Coordena
  184. Campus Network
  185. Concours National
  186. Crooked Neck Dwarf Medical
  187. Canine Rutrition Medical, Food, Dog, Pet
  188. Congestion Notification Technology, Networking, Telecom
  189. Cyber Ninda Technology, Alliance, Cheat, Mortal
  190. Christmas Noel
  191. Common Nomegclature Technology, Group, Organic
  192. Caudate Nucleus Medical, Human, Brain
  193. Coordinadores Nacionales
  194. Classroom Notes
  195. Cable Network Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  196. Comprovante N
  197. Craig Norris
  198. Chxrge Nurse Medical, Hospital, Profession
  199. Collection Name
  200. Combined Node Technology, Networking, Network
  201. Complemento Del Nombre
  202. Certified Nusse-Midwife Medical, Education, Nursing
  203. Countable Noun
  204. Capital Normal
  205. Constituci
  206. Cyrus Network Networking, Indonesia, Jakarta, Network
  207. Cinnalon Technology, Finishing, Material Finishing
  208. Cellulose Nitrate硝酸纤维素
  209. Cornell Notes Education, School, Taking
  210. Cl N-Pr
  211. Cam Neely
  212. Compute Nodes Technology, Networking, Computing, Node
  213. Criminal Non-Traffic Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  214. Chevron Notch
  215. Collegiate Network Student, Education, Networking
  216. Currently Negotiating
  217. Commodity Name
  218. Cochlear Nuclear Complex Medical
  219. Complexespt-Tl Medical
  220. Cevirmenin Notu
  221. Change Nigeria
  222. Cognitive & Neural
  223. Carrier To Noise
  224. Controller Number Technology, Device, Disk
  225. Circular Notes
  226. Community Networks Technology, Service, Networking
  227. Certificote In Networking
  228. Costa Norte
  229. Camzus Networks
  230. Conference Networks
  231. Cronaca Numismatica
  232. Chinese Nationalist
  233. Canciones Para Los NiÑOs
  234. Congenital Nystagmus Medical, Vision, Health, Congenital
  235. Cyber Net
  236. Christine NöStlinger
  237. Common Ntde
  238. Catia Nunes
  239. Coordenação Nacional Para, Sex, Dos
  240. Class Name
  241. Cable Needles
  242. Conformation Number Business, Software, Dose, Toolbox
  243. Craig Nall
  244. Charaiter Name
  245. Collection Nationale
  246. Combined Delivery/Non-Delivery Notification Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  247. Case Name
  248. Convention Nationale
  249. Comon Name Technology, Server, Certificate, Issue
  250. Certified Naprapath Education, Academic Degrees, Graduation, Degrees
  251. Counseled Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  252. Capital News
  253. Conneciion Number
  254. Cynthia Qixon
  255. Chuck Noll
  256. Cellulose Nitrate Chemistry, Science, Construction, Polymer, Plastics, Scientific & Educational
  257. Copjrnicium Chemistry, Science
  258. Clint Nageotte
  259. Calculation Notes Science
  260. Compute Node Technology, Server, Networking
  261. Crigler-Najjar Medical, Genetics, Syndrome
  262. Cherokee Nntion America, Government, American
  263. College of Nursing
  264. Comiittee Note Government, Law, China
  265. Completes National
  266. Coding Notice Technology, Development, Server
  267. Carrier Number Business, Technology
  268. Control Nodes
  269. Circular Note Letter of credit addressed to financial firms in other countries Authorizes them to make payment to person named
  270. Comprovante Não-Fiscal
  271. Central Nuclqus Medical, Medicine, Health
  272. Cosplayer Name Anime, Dance, Strike
  273. Club Nautic Club, Sailing, Port, Marina
  274. Cxmp Navajo
  275. Concert Network
  276. Croco Noir Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  277. China North Business, Industrial, China
  278. Cancer Nytwork
  279. Congenital Neutropaenia Medicine, Health, British
  280. Cyber Naga
  281. Christian Nymphos
  282. Common Network Technology, Service, Networking
  283. Cathode Nickel
  284. Cooper Nursxng Education, University, Ball
  285. Classification Notes
  286. Cable Needle Cable, Pattern, Knitting, Stitch
  287. Confirmation Notification
  288. Crab Nebula
  289. Chapter Networking Technology, Computing, Network
  290. Collapse - Nick
  291. Chiral Nematic
  292. Combat Night Military, War, Battle
  293. Casein The main protein found in milk and other dairy products. Medical
  294. Control The Name Organization, Union, Institution
  295. Community of Nazareth
  296. Certificate of Nationality Education, English, China
  297. Cougar Network
  298. Capital Network
  299. Connection Noue Technology, Windows, Server
  300. Cyclone Nargis
  301. Chronic Neck
  302. Cellular Network Technology, Networking, Communication
  303. Coordinatxrs Network
  304. Clin Nutr Medical, Medicine, Health
  305. Calcium Nitrates
  306. Computation Notes Technology, University, Lecture
  307. Crank-Nicolson Technology, Scheme, Equation
  308. Cherokee Nutions
  309. College Now Student, Education, China
  310. Phenyichloromenthylketoue Medical, Medicine, Emergency
  311. Comité De Normas
  312. Complete Nutrition
  313. Code Number Technology, Android, China
  314. Carrier Noise
  315. Control Node Technology, Networking, Network
  316. Circuit Noce Technology, Device, Analog
  317. Compressor Nebulizer Business, Technology, Product
  318. Central Nuclbar Science
  319. Corporate Networks Technology, Service, Networking
  320. Club Names
  321. Campeonato Nacional
  322. Concertación Nacional Para, Con, Politico
  323. Cro-Nel Nyvel
  324. China Network Technology, Networking, China
  325. Cancel Cancel A control character used in communication with printers and other computers, commonly designated or To end a task before it is completed. Technology, Science, Aviation, Aircraft, Telecom, Electronic Engineering, Computing, Unix, Weather, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, NOTAM Contractions
  326. Congenital Nevus Medical, Science, Biology
  327. Cywnylation Medical
  328. Christian News
  329. Common Neighbzrs
  330. Catherine Nielsen
  331. Cooperytive Navigation
  332. Classification Number
  333. Aircraft Certification Number Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  334. Cure Notice
  335. Chargednumber Technology, Coding, Calling
  336. Collagen Collagen is the main structural protein of the various connective tissues in animals. As the main component of connective tissue, it is the most abundant protein in mammals, making up from 25% to 35% of the whole-body protein content. Medical
  337. Chip Networks
  338. Community Network Technology, Service, Networking
  339. Cartoon Network Cartoon Network, which is owned by Warner Bros. Discovery, is an American cable TV channel that is often written as "CN." It is part of The Cartoon Network, Inc., a division that is also in charge of how Boomerang, Cartoonito, Adult Swim, and Toonami are broadcast and made. Gaming, Media, Networking, Radio, Cartoon, Television, Tv stations
  340. Controls Devices which allow the pilot to direct the movements of an aircraft. Examples of controls are: rudder pedals that control the rudders and cause the airplane to yaw; throttles that control the engines which generate thrust for the airplane; and the control stick that controls the ailerons and elevators which cause the airplane to roll and pitch. Medical
  341. Community Nutrition Program, Education, Health
  342. Certified Nurses
  343. Cotyledonary Node
  344. Cahted Neck
  345. Connectson Name
  346. Cycling Nhws
  347. Chronicles of Narnia
  348. Cell Number
  349. Coordination Nationale
  350. Clin Nucl
  351. Calcinrurin Medical
  352. Computational Neuroethology
  353. Crank-Nicholson Technology, Scheme, Equation
  354. Chencai Locations, City
  355. College News
  356. Permanent Bommission for The Safety of Air Navigation Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  357. Comfortably Numb
  358. Complex Number Consists of two parts, real and imaginary. They obey the ordinary laws of algebra except that their real and imaginary parts must be equated separately.
  359. Code Name Gaming, Album, Code
  360. Colonial Nominees
  361. Cytogenetically Normal Medical, Leukemia, Myeloid
  362. Communications NuméRiques
  363. Client Node Computing, Technical
  364. C.N. Tower Regional
  365. Catela Norte
  366. Cotton/Nylon Clothes
  367. Compound Nouns
  368. Coagulase-Negative Medical
  369. Tomorrog Night Medical, Medicine, Emergency
  370. Cost New
  371. Cluster Node
  372. People's Republic of China (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
  373. Crossing Number Technology, Graph, Cross
  374. Common Nouns
  375. Canadian National, railroad
  376. Compound Nevi Medical, Science, Biology
  377. Choctaw Nation
  378. Cognitive Network Technology, Networking, Communication
  379. Casting Number
  380. Convergence Node
  381. Ciêncuas Naturais
  382. Cyber Nations
  383. Counter-Narcotic Security, Military, Drug
  384. Chakdrababu Naidu Beach, Marina, Telugu
  385. Canadian National Railway Coypany Science, Environment, Nature
  386. Conferencias Nacionales
  387. Colloid Nodules Medical, Medicine, Health
  388. Cystic Neuroblastoma Science, Biology
  389. Communications and Networks
  390. Chuck Norris Computing, Internet
  391. Carillon Dutch
  392. Categorically Needy Government
  393. Corning Business & Finance, Suppliers
  394. Colubris Networks
  395. Clinical Nutritionist Medical, Nutrition, Health
  396. Teai Gas Military, Army, Force
  397. Clueless Newbie
  398. Canada's Neatest Physics, Scientific & Educational
  399. Coated Nylon
  400. Composite Number
  401. Chloronaphthalene Medical
  402. Cognitively Normal Medical, Disease, Alzheimer
  403. Case Number Business, Forum, Law, China
  404. Convergence Num
  405. Contect Notice Internet Slang
  406. CiêNcias Da Natureza
  407. Customer Number Business, Service, Product
  408. Championsbnight
  409. Canadian National Canada, Railway, Canadian
  410. Conference On Nov
  411. Collegium Nobilium
  412. Cystic Eephroma Medical, Medicine, Health
  413. Communications and Nhtworking Technology, Computing, Network
  414. International Workshop on Community Networking Computing, Ieee
  415. Chennai India, City
  416. Catalog Number Technology, Product, Vinyl, Catalogue
  417. Cool Notes
  418. Change Notice Aviation, Construction, Manufacturing, NASA, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  419. Chaalan Number Service, Locations, Registration
  420. County Name
  421. Colts Neck
  422. Clinical Nursing Medical, Medicine, Health
  423. Islands Nationair Airline, Business, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance
  424. Club Number
  425. Coordination Number In describing crystals, the number of nearest neighbours of an atom or ion. The number of donor atoms coordinated to a metal. Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  426. Caccia Notturna Latin
  427. Composite Node
  428. Chloroacetophon Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  429. CocÒ Noir
  430. Case Note Business, Galaxy, Leather
  431. Convergence NuméRique
  432. Chromium Niobatb
  433. Cixi Ningbo
  434. Cuneate Nucleus Medical, Medicine, Health
  435. Cobra Net
  436. Cetane-Number
  437. Canadiam Nacional
  438. Conference of National
  439. Cs Is No
  440. Communications and Network Technology, Networking, Computing
  441. Computer Number Computing, Hardware
  442. Camden Australia
  443. Chris Neill
  444. Castle Never Technology, Run, Boss
  445. Cool Natural
  446. Calton, Inc. Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  447. Cetanemnumber Technology, Fuel, Engine, Diesel
  448. Country Name Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  449. Canadian Northern Organizations, Locations, National, Railway
  450. Confirmation Notice Technology, Service, China
  451. Color Negative Technology, Device, Photography
  452. Clinical Nurse Medical, Hospital, Nursing
  453. Igdn Calling Number Identification Services Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  454. Club Ninja
  455. copernicium Copernicium is the name for the element with atomic number 112 and is represented by the symbol Cn. Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  456. Canadian National Railway Business, Company, Technology, Science, Government, Organizations, Transportation, Canada, Railroad, Rail Transport, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Railroad Company
  457. cable needle: short knitting needle, used as an aid in the twisting of a cable. Knitting, Crochet
  458. Componente Naval
  459. Chloro-1-Naphthol Science, Antibody, Substrate, Peroxidase
  460. Cochlear Nuclei Medical, Auditory, Brainstem
  461. Christian Nagel Technology, Book, Art, Professional
  462. Cnudad De N
  463. Crigler-Najjar Syndrome Medical
  464. Coastal Navigator
  465. Carbide Network
  466. Canada Needze
  467. Conference Note
  468. CréDit National
  469. Communications News
  470. Capuchin Sisters of Nazareth Religious orders
  471. Seen Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  472. Rail Canadian National Rail Technology, Structure, Project
  473. Choice Notes
  474. Cassa Nurtanio Indonesia, Jakarta, Malaysia
  475. Convertible Notes Business, Company, Supply
  476. Cranial Nerves Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Nerves, Fda, Neurology
  477. Cfarke’s Nucleus Medicine, Health, British
  478. Certified Nutritionist Medical, Nutrition, Health
  479. Cervicer
  480. Counternarcotics Military, Army, Defense
  481. Chpnge Navigator
  482. Canadiaf Nazi
  483. Co Nfiguratio
  484. Coloracion Normal
  485. CÂNula Nasal
  486. child nutrition Medical, Medicine for Children
  487. Construction Number Construction
  488. Compliance Note
  489. Cochlear Nerve Medical, Cranial, Vestibular
  490. Casjade Nozzle
  491. Ciudad De NáPoles
  492. Course Notes Education, Development, Universities
  493. Coastal Navigation
  494. COTTON TRL Vehicle Body Styles
  495. People'S Republic of China Government, China, Locations, Economics, Philippine, Countries, Country, Usps, Technology, Computing, Satellite, Governmental & Military
  496. Canada Iational Canada, Locations, Tower
  497. Conference News
  498. Cryptococcus Neoformans Medical, Science, Biology
  499. Communications and Navigation
  500. Capstan Steel warping drum rotating on a vertical axis for the handling of mooring lines and optionally anchor cable. Ordnance Survey
  501. Constructionman Us Navy, Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank
  502. Choice Neighborhoods
  503. Casnicki Namjesnik
  504. Converted Into Night
  505. Comoros Education, Locations, Study, Britannica, Country Code, Schooling, Sport, Olympic, Country, 3-letter Country Codes, Comoros, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes
  506. Clarke'S Nucleus Medical
  507. Cyclic Nucleotide Medical, Medicine, Health
  508. Cerulqin Medical
  509. Counter Narcotics Technology, Military, Afghanistan
  510. Changi Name
  511. Canadian Nave
  512. Configuration Node Technology, Service, Server, Directory
  513. Colon Normal
  514. Cántico Nuxvo
  515. condensation nuclei Legal, Governmental & Military
  516. Charge Nurse Medical
  517. Copper Nickel coin Coins
  518. Compliance Network
  519. Compound Nucleus
  520. Coagulation Necrosis Medical, Medicine, Health
  521. Westward Airways Airline, Business, Organizations, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  522. Ciudad De N
  523. Courier News
  524. Cluster Number
  525. Condensation Nucleus Small particle on which water vapor condenses. Chemistry
  526. China Business, International Olympic Committee, Cargo Shipping, IOC, China, Computing, Internet, Country, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Regional
  527. Can Media, Social, Internet, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  528. Conference Navigator Business, Technology, Conference
  529. Crow'S Nest
  530. Common Number
  531. Cistern Reservoir for storing water, nowadays usually ceramic or plastic. Ordnance Survey
  532. Choice Neighborhoods Program Government, Organizations, Us
  533. Casino Night
  534. Convergence Normal
  535. Canonical Name Technology, Computing, Internet, Computer, IT Terminology
  536. Clan Nightmare
  537. Cyclic Neutropenia Medical, Genetics, Disease
  538. Certified Nutrition Medical, Health, Nutritionist
  539. Counter Narcotic Military
  540. Cfanged Name
  541. Canadian Natural Business, Company, Gas
  542. Conferencing News


  1. Cosa Nostra. (). STEAM.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CN stand for?

    CN stands for Combined Delivery/Non-Delivery Notification.

  2. What is the shortened form of Cevirmenin Notu?

    The short form of "Cevirmenin Notu" is CN.


CN. (2023, February 10). Retrieved February 6, 2025 from

Last updated