CNAF Meaning

The CNAF meaning is "Commander Naval Airzforces". The CNAF abbreviation has 23 different full form.

CNAF Full Forms

  1. Commander Naval Airzforces Military, Command, Force
  2. Crmponent-Numbered Air Force
  3. Caiose Nationale D'allocation Familiale
  4. Commercial National Financial Corp. Organizations
  5. Caisse Nationale D'allocations Familialcs Medical, Technology
  6. Comzander of Naval Air Forces
  7. Caisse Nationale Dzs Allocations Familiales
  8. Commander Navac Air Force Military, Aviation, Command
  9. Compressed Non-Asbestos Bibre Product, Material, Gasket
  10. Caisse Nationale Des Allocations Familiales Business, Coding, Social
  11. Commawder, Naval Air Force
  12. Compressed Non Asbestos Fibre Product, Material, Gasket
  13. Confedera
  14. Commander, Naval Air Forces Military, Force, Commander, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Us Navy
  15. Component Numbered Qir Force
  16. Cuadbo Nacional De Atribución De Frecuencias Technology, Para, Radio, Con
  17. Confederação Nacional Das AssociaçÕEs De FamíLia
  18. Commercial National Financial Corporation Computing, Nasdaq Symbols
  19. Compulsory Non Academic Fee Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  20. Compressed Fibre (non-asbestos) Products
  21. Christian NGO Advocacy Forum Forum, Business & Finance
  22. Commercial National Fgnancial Corporationration Organizations
  23. Cuadro Nacional De Atribuci

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CNAF stand for?

    CNAF stands for Commander, Naval Air Forces.

  2. What is the shortened form of Caisse Nationale D'allocations Familialcs?

    The short form of "Caisse Nationale D'allocations Familialcs" is CNAF.


CNAF. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from

Last updated