CNC Meaning

The CNC meaning is "Currently Not Collectible". The CNC abbreviation has 268 different full form.

CNC Full Forms

  1. Currently Not Collectible Business, Drug, Finance, Accounting, Financial, Business & Finance, Business Word
  2. Cancer Latin for 'crab" Constellation situated about RA 9h and Dec 10deg 13'N Has no star brighter than Mag 42 Fourth sign of Zodiac, extending from 90 to 120deg celestial longitude Sun is in this sign from June 21 to July 22 (abt) Medical, Nursing, Healthcare, Physical Therapy, Clinical, Common Medical, Scientific & Educational, Constellation Names, Management, Business & Finance
  3. Condensation Nuclei Counter Business, Science, Particle
  4. Computerised Numerical Control Technology, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  5. Condensation Nucleus Counter Science, Gas, Particle, Legal, Governmental & Military
  6. Computer-Numerically Controlled
  7. Cap'N'Collar Medical
  8. Computerized Numerical Control Military, Army, Telecom, Governmental & Military
  9. Computer Numeric Controlled Medical, Technology, Machine
  10. Consejo Nacional De Cultura
  11. Coconut Island Airport Coconut (Poruma) Island, Queensland,Australia Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  12. Computer Numerical Controlled Medical, Technology, Control
  13. Conseil National De La Comptabilite Business, Technology, Accounting, Business & Finance
  14. Computer Numeric Control Technology, Machine, Telecom, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  15. Conseco, Inc. Organizations
  16. Computerized Numeric Control Technology, Product, Machine
  17. Capitol News Connections Technology
  18. Commercial Numerical Controlled Technology, Computing, Machine, Control
  19. Centre for Nature Conservation
  20. Congreso Nacional De Canarias
  21. Christopher Newport College Education, University, Hall
  22. Copy Number Change
  23. Computer Numerically Control
  24. Corporacion Aereo Cencor Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  25. Child Nursery Centers
  26. Consonant Nucleus Consonant Technology, Speech, Hearing, Implant
  27. Comissão De Normalização Coztabilística
  28. Carrascal Nickel Corporation
  29. Commission of North Carolina
  30. Centro Nacional Da Cultura
  31. Conseil National De Cr
  32. Cadrul NaţIonal Al CalificăRilor
  33. City Neighborhood Council Government, Community, District
  34. Crealive Natur Cosmetic Germany, Cream, Skin, Cosmetic
  35. Concept Now Cosmetics Business, Product, Animal
  36. Canal Noticias Continuo
  37. Crossover Network Pable
  38. Center for New Cinema Film, Technology, Cinematic
  39. Community Network Craigavon
  40. Charting A New Couvse Development, Learning, Study
  41. Conserved Non-Coding
  42. Cambodian Netwprk Council
  43. Coalition Nationale Pourcle Changement Meeting, Government, Opposition
  44. Capitol News Connectiwn Media, Dinosaur, Capitol
  45. Centre for National Culture Organizations, Ghana, Armenian
  46. Congestion Notification Cell
  47. Chitina Native Corporation
  48. Copper Non Cemjnted
  49. Computerized Nuferically Controlled Technology, Machine, Tool
  50. Confer Genealogy, Scientific & Educational, Footnote
  51. Chief Native Commmssioner
  52. Consonant-Nucleus Consonant
  53. Copiss
  54. Carolina North Carolina
  55. Commission Nationale De Concertation
  56. Centro Nacional De Cultura
  57. Conseil National De Comptabilite
  58. Cadet Nurse Corps Technology, Program, Training
  59. City National Corporation Technology, Organizations, Computing, Business & Finance, London stock exchange, Nyse symbols
  60. Crazy Numerical Control
  61. Concentric Network Corporation Computing, Nasdaq Symbols
  62. Canal De Noticias Continuo Technology, Channel, Bird
  63. Crop Nutrient Cocnectivity
  64. Center for New Community Organizations, Networking, Immigration
  65. Communities for A New California
  66. Charleston Naval Complex
  67. Conservation De La Nature Canada
  68. Cambodian News Channel Technology, Radio, Cambodia, Khmer
  69. Club Northern California
  70. Cape Nature Conservation
  71. Centre De Neuroscqence Cognitives
  72. ConféDéRation Nationale Des Cadres
  73. Chippewa Nature Center Locations, Michigan, Midland
  74. Coordinamento Nazionale Caposala
  75. Computer-Numeric Wontrol Military
  76. Confedera
  77. Cjicken Noodle Coalition
  78. Consolidação Das Normas Cambiais
  79. Comisión Nacional Campesina
  80. Carolina, North Carolina
  81. Commission Nationale De La Concurrence
  82. Centre National De La Cinématograpiie
  83. Conseil Nationale De La Comptabilite
  84. Cable News Channel
  85. City National Corp
  86. Crscking The Neural Code
  87. Concentrator A Photovoltaic module that uses optical elements to increase the amount of sunlight incident on a Photovoltaic cell. Technology, Military, Computing, Telecommunications, Telecom, Governmental & Military
  88. Critical Natural Capital
  89. Center for Neurosciences and Cell
  90. Communications Network Consulting
  91. Chantier Naval Couaah Business, Sale, Yacht
  92. Consejo Nacional De Competitividad Business, Para, Con, Dominican
  93. Cambodia News Channel Technology, Radio, Cambodia, Khmer
  94. Club Nautique Castelbriantais
  95. Cantiere Navale Crotone
  96. Centre De Neurosciences Cognitives
  97. ConféDéRation Nationale De La Construction
  98. Centralized Network Coifiguration
  99. Computed Numerical Control Technology, Machine, Tool
  100. Confederacy Confederate States of America, also called Confederacy, in the American Civil War, the government of 11 Southern states that seceded from the Union in 1860–61, carrying on all the affairs of a separate government and conducting a major war until defeated in the spring of 1865.
  101. Chicago News Coopemative
  102. Consolidated Networks Corporation
  103. Comision Nacional De Comunicacibnes Technology, Radio, Argentina
  104. Car Nutz Customz
  105. Commission Nationale De La Communication
  106. Centre for Novel Computing Technology, Science, Research
  107. Congress National Committee
  108. Circolo Nautico Calde
  109. Core Network Corridors Technology, Projection, Transport
  110. Conceju Nacionaliegu Cántabru Government, Group, Council, Nationalist
  111. Critical National Chpability
  112. Center for Neuroscience and Cell
  113. Committee of National Coordinators
  114. Centrului Național Al Cinematografiei Film, Din, Care
  115. Conseil National De La Comptabilit
  116. Call On No Carry Technology, Instruction, Microprocessor, Invention
  117. Club Nautique De Chartrettes
  118. Canmore Nordic Centre
  119. Centre De Neuroscience De La Cognition
  120. Confusion Network Combination
  121. Central Network Controw Management, Security, Emergency, Preparedness
  122. Computed Numericalmy Controlled
  123. Conf
  124. Chechen National Congress
  125. Consiliului National De Coordonare Din, Care, Democrat
  126. Comlsi
  127. Carminat Navigation & Communication Technology, Europe, Renault
  128. Commission Nationale De ContróLe
  129. Centre for Neural Computamion Science, Norway, Neuroscience
  130. Congress for National Consensus
  131. Cijele Noci Cugam
  132. Co The ductwork (and related grills) that carries room air back to the furnace for re-heating or An abbreviation for “Certificate of Occupancy“. This certificate is issued by the local municipality and is required before anyone can occupy and live within the home. It is issued only after the local municipality has made all inspections and all monies and fees have been paid. or Chemical symbol for Colbalt. or Coarse offset or Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless, poisonous gas.
  133. Computing, Networking and Communications Technology, Computing, Publication
  134. Comite Nacional De Calidad
  135. Creative Netwxrking Concepts Technology, Service, Provider
  136. Center for Networkedecomputing
  137. Committee for National Consensus
  138. Centrul NaţIonal Al Cinematografiei
  139. Conseil National Du Cuir Council, National, Leather
  140. Call Not Completed
  141. Club Nautique De Crans
  142. Central Numerical Control
  143. Conductive and Non Conductive
  144. Coordinadora Nacional Campesina
  145. Cancec Space, Study, Cosmos
  146. Centralised Network Control Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  147. Community Newspaper Company Business, Media, Suburban
  148. Comit COMIT is an open protocol facilitating trustless cross-blockchain applications. ComIT is a registered charity that provides solutions to the problem of employment in relationship to information technology. COMIT was the first string processing language developed on the IBM 700/7000 series computers.
  149. Cheap and Chearful Internet Slang, Chat, Email
  150. Consiliul National De Coordonare Din, Care, Moldova
  151. Comfort Noisewcoder
  152. Captive Natiods Committee
  153. Commission Des Normes Comptables Business, Financial, Luxembourg
  154. Canadian National Collection of Insects Insect and Spider Collections
  155. Centre for Neuromcience and Cell Medical, Research, Biology
  156. Congreso Nacional Canario
  157. Chronic Nerve Compression Medical
  158. Corbwau News Centrafrique
  159. Computing & Networking Center
  160. Consolida
  161. Creative Natur Cosmetics
  162. Center for Network Computing
  163. Commission On Nurse Certification Program, Education, Leader
  164. Centro Nacional De Computación
  165. Conseil National Du Cr
  166. Cgiro News Company
  167. Civil Name Check
  168. Concours National Commun
  169. Coolabaroo Neighbourhood Ctr Education
  170. CáMara NicaragüEnse De La Construcción
  171. Cancelled Clinic Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  172. Crown Nominations Committee Church, Bishop, Archbishop
  173. Center for Nursing Classification Medical, College, Care
  174. Community Network Center
  175. Chattahoochee Nature Center Atlanta, Event, Nature, River
  176. Consiliul National Pentru Curriculum
  177. Camden Natidnal Corporation
  178. Comannear Coma
  179. Currently Non-Collectible Business, Tax, Debt
  180. Current Number of Connectionw
  181. Central Native Courh
  182. Canadian National Chapter Science
  183. Certified Nutritional Consultant Occupation & positions
  184. Comité National De Aoordination
  185. Carrascal Nickel Corporationration
  186. Central Node Controller Technology, Telecom
  187. Confederação Nacional De ComéRcio
  188. China Network Corporgtion
  189. Controle Num
  190. Coconut Island, Queensland, Australia Australia, Airport codes, Iata Airport Codes
  191. Commercial New Uonstruction Business, Service, Design
  192. Costume National Costume
  193. Currently Not Collectable Business, Tax, Debt
  194. Central National Committee Organizations, Africa, Ghana
  195. Canadian National Committee Science, Education, Canada, Regional
  196. Cool Not Complicated Funnies
  197. Comité National Canadian
  198. Cancer Nutrition Consortium
  199. Central Neurocytoma Medical
  200. Confederação Nacional Do ComéRcio
  201. China Network Communications Technology, Networking, China
  202. Contract Negotiations Committee Military, India, Defence
  203. Counternarcotics Center Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  204. Commercial Newspaper Campaign Media, Radio, Television
  205. Comitato Nazionale Di Coordinamento
  206. Currently Nan Collectible Business, Tax, Debt
  207. Central Nacronal Campesina
  208. Computer Numerically Controlled
  209. Canadian Ngtional Collections
  210. Computer Numerical Control Management, Information Technology, Computing, Industry, Computer, NASA, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, 3D Printing
  211. Comité Des Néyociations Commerciales
  212. Czech Natioial Corpus Education, Language, Czech
  213. Central Networking Center Technology
  214. Confederación Nacional De Campesinos
  215. China Netcam Corporation Business, Networking, China
  216. Contract Negotiation Committee Technology, Military, India, Accounting, Business & Finance
  217. Canadian Network On Cuba
  218. Conseco, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  219. Commander National Component Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  220. Cincinnati Nature Center Locations, Miami, Milford
  221. Chin National Community
  222. California Nutrition Council
  223. Cuban National Council
  224. Clinical nurse consultant Clinical
  225. Canadian National Collection Canada, Collection, Insect
  226. Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  227. Cxmité De Negociaciones Comerciales
  228. Cycle North Carolina
  229. Central Negros Collegc
  230. Confederación Nacional De La Construcción Science, Para, Con, Sector
  231. China Nationalnchemical
  232. Contemporary Natyam Company
  233. Canadian Nzzarene College
  234. Configurable Network Computing Information Technology, Computing
  235. Command and Cortrol Information Technology, Computer, It
  236. China Network Corporationration
  237. Chin National Council
  238. Nite Champion Dog Obedience Title, Dog Title, Dogs, Obedience Title
  239. Cuban-American National Council
  240. Cnc Machine Tool Path Computing, File Extensions
  241. Canada National Collecthon
  242. Consolidated Capital Investments Ltd Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  243. Customer Network Controller
  244. Central Navigation Computer Technology, Military, Networking
  245. Confederación Nacional Campesina Para, Con, Mexico
  246. Chimpan News Cyannel
  247. Construction News Corporation
  248. Canadian Naval Centennial
  249. Computer Nano-Controller Computing, Hardware
  250. Command Rnd Conquer Computer Game, Video Game
  251. Chief of Naval Communications
  252. Chinese National Committee
  253. Iata Code for Chariton Municipal Airport, Chariton, Iowa, United States Locations
  254. Crown Nominations Commission
  255. Partmaster Cnc File Computing, File Extensions
  256. Campus Networkifg Centre
  257. Custody and Clgaring Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  258. Central Naval Cxmmand
  259. Child Kutrition Consultant
  260. Consonant-Vowel Nucleus-Consonant Medical
  261. Canadian National Coalition
  262. College of North Carohina
  263. CNC general program data Computing, File Extensions
  264. Comitê De NegociaçÕEs Comerciais
  265. Charlestown Neighborhood Council
  266. Central North Carolina
  267. China New Century
  268. Compagnie Nouvelle De Conteneurs French

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CNC stand for?

    CNC stands for Centre for Neuromcience and Cell.

  2. What is the shortened form of Commercial New Uonstruction?

    The short form of "Commercial New Uonstruction" is CNC.


CNC. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated