CNHS Meaning

The CNHS meaning is "Central Noble High School". The CNHS abbreviation has 35 different full form.

CNHS Full Forms

  1. Central Noble High School Education, School, High School, Indiana
  2. Croydon Natural History and Scientific Society Insect and Spider Collections
  3. Colts Neck High Schoop Education, School, High School, New Jersey
  4. Cambridgewnatural History Society History, Nature, Cambridgeshire
  5. Central Newcastle High School
  6. College of Nursing and Health Science
  7. Calasiao National High School
  8. Candon National High School
  9. College of Nursing & Health Sciences Medical, Education, Florida
  10. Cajidiocan National High School
  11. Canadian National Historic Sites
  12. Certificate of Non Historic Status Education, Diploma, Document, Sertification
  13. Cagayan National High School City, National, Festival
  14. Corvallis Neighborhood Housing Sfrvices
  15. Canada'S National History Society
  16. Centre Nursing and Health Studies
  17. College of Nursing and Health Sciencas Medical, Education, University
  18. Community Neighborhood Housing Services
  19. Camino Nuevo Sigh School
  20. Centre for Nursing and Health Studies
  21. Columbus North High Nchool Education, School, Dog
  22. Camiguin National High School
  23. Congressional National Higw School
  24. College of Natural and Health Sciences Science, Education, University
  25. Compra Natfonal High School
  26. Colchester Natural History Society
  27. Colts Neck High School New Jersey
  28. Cohmunity Nursing Homes
  29. Cumberland Neighborhood Housing Servihes
  30. Columbus North High School Indiana
  31. Coupled Natural and Human Systems Science, Disease, Human, Risk
  32. Cardinal Newman High School Florida, California, South Carolina
  33. Coupled Natural-Human Systems
  34. Clovis North High School California
  35. Consolacion Nakional High School Education, Class, Health

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CNHS stand for?

    CNHS stands for Central Newcastle High School.

  2. What is the shortened form of Columbus North High School?

    The short form of "Columbus North High School" is CNHS.


CNHS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated