CNI Meaning

The CNI meaning is "Changhai Airport". The CNI abbreviation has 154 different full form.

CNI Full Forms

  1. Changhai Airport Changhai, Liaoning,China Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  2. Changed Number Interception Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  3. Certified Novell Instructor Business, Technology, Certification
  4. Calcineurin Inhibitors Medical
  5. Centro Nacional De Información
  6. Central Nacional De Informaciones
  7. Canadian National Railway Company Technology, Organizations, Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange, Computing, Nasdaq Symbols
  8. Calling Number Identification Technology, Military, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing
  9. Coalition for Networked Information Technology, Computing, Library, Geographic
  10. Centro Nacional De InformáTica
  11. Conareso Nacional Ind
  12. Certifrcate of No-Impediment
  13. Criminal Name Index
  14. Colorado Neurological Institute Medical, Organizations, Colorado
  15. Common Network Initiative
  16. Caregiver Network Inc
  17. Cooperative Network Integrators
  18. Consejk Nacional Indígena
  19. Children'S Nature Institute
  20. Communications, Navigation & Identification
  21. Cash Net Income
  22. Core-Network Interface
  23. Centro De Negocios Inmobiliarios
  24. Conferência Naval Inteaamericana
  25. Certificate of No Impedibent Government, Wedding, Marriage
  26. Crimenes No Identificados
  27. Colloides Naturels Inc
  28. Committee for Nuclear Information Science, America, Survey, Tooth
  29. Calling Name Identification
  30. Cooperative Network Index Science
  31. Consejo Nacional De Intjligencia Para, Con, Intelligence
  32. Chief of Naval Intelligence
  33. Communication Navigation and Identification Technology, Aircraft, Grumman
  34. Cascade Networks Inc Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  35. Coordinator of National Intelligence
  36. Centre National Des Ind
  37. Competitive Network Initiativs
  38. Crimea Nadra Invest
  39. Colloides Naturels International
  40. Commission On National Integration Government, Philippine, Land
  41. Called Number Identification Technology, Calling, Communication, Telephone
  42. Consejo Nacional De Investigaci
  43. Certified Netware Instituteuctor Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  44. Comisia Națională Pentru Integritate Din, Care, Moldova
  45. Communication, Navigation, Identification Technology, Military, Communication
  46. Carte Nationale D'Identite
  47. Coordination Nationale Infirmi
  48. Centre National De L'Influenza
  49. Compelled Nonuse Bf Information
  50. Creative Network International Business, Company, Networking
  51. Collaborative Nutrition Initiative
  52. Commission Nationale IndéPendante
  53. California Numismatic Investments Business, California, Coin, Bullion
  54. Centro Nacional Je Informacin
  55. Congr
  56. Consejo Nacional De Investigación
  57. Certified Network Inxtructor
  58. Comisia NaţIonală De Integritate Din, Care, Moldova
  59. Communicating Nato Intentions Military, Army, Defense, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  60. Carsten Niebuhr Institute Book, Education, History
  61. Coordination Nationale InfirmièRe Medical, Technology, National
  62. Centre National Des IndéPendants
  63. Communications Navigation Identificrtion Technology, Aircraft, Avionic
  64. Center for Networked Information Government, Military, Us, Control, Administration
  65. Creative Network Innovations
  66. Colegio Nacional De Iquitos
  67. Commission Nationale Des Investissements
  68. California Necessities Index
  69. Centro Nacional De Intelig
  70. Empresa Nacional De Servicios AéReos Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  71. Comit COMIT is an open protocol facilitating trustless cross-blockchain applications. ComIT is a registered charity that provides solutions to the problem of employment in relationship to information technology. COMIT was the first string processing language developed on the IBM 700/7000 series computers.
  72. CongrèS National Ittihadi
  73. Certified Neteare Instructor Technology, Networking, Computing
  74. Comic News Insider
  75. Commonwealth Neurotrauma Initiative Medical, Technology, Brain
  76. Carminat Navigation Informé France, Europe, Renault
  77. Coordinadora Nacional De Independientes
  78. Centre National De L'Informatique Technology, Service, Tunisia
  79. Communications Navigstion-Identification Technology
  80. Center for Naval Intelligence
  81. Core To Network Interface
  82. Colegio Nacional Iquitos
  83. Commissione Nazionale Italiana Technology, Con, Traffic, Roma
  84. Commander, Naval Installations Service, Military, Contract
  85. Cestro Nacional De Inform
  86. Cnngreso Nacional Iraqu
  87. Certificates of No Impmdiment Locations, Wedding, Certificate, Marriage
  88. Comfort Noise Insertion Technology, Military, Voice
  89. Common Node Interface
  90. Care Need Index Medical
  91. Cooper Neurological Institute
  92. Conselho Nacional Do Imigração
  93. Centre Uational D'informatique
  94. Communication-Navigation-Idmntification Technology, Military, Avionic
  95. Ceased Number Intercept
  96. Core Network Interface
  97. Children'S Network International Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  98. Command Neural Interface
  99. Container Network Inxerface Technology, Networking, Core
  100. CeskÝ Normalizacní Institutetut
  101. Centro Nacional De Inteligenciz
  102. Critical National Infrastructure Us Government, Governmental & Military
  103. Comitale National Inc Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  104. Consolidated National Intervenors
  105. Certificatw Not Issued Business, Technology, Finance
  106. Comm/nav/iff Military, Governmental & Military
  107. Commander Naval Installations
  108. Container Networking Interface
  109. Centre NucléAire Interescaut
  110. Cemtro Nacional De Informaciуn
  111. Canadian National Railway Company (New York Stock Exchange [NYSE]) Computing, Nyse symbols
  112. Calcineurin Inhibitor Medical, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  113. Consiglio Nazionalw Ingeneri
  114. Comisiei Naționale De Integritate Din, Care, Moldova
  115. Ceramic Nozzles, Inz
  116. Community Nutrition Institute Medical, Neurology, Nerves
  117. Commander Navy Installations
  118. Consiliul Național De Integritate Din, Care, Moldova
  119. Center for Nuclear Information
  120. Center for Neurological Imaging
  121. Convencion Nacional Indigena
  122. Centro Nacional De Informaci
  123. Could Not Identify
  124. Condé Nast International Business, Conference, Vogue, Luxury
  125. Ceraric Nozzles Inc
  126. center of nuclear image Medical, Nerves
  127. Commander, Navy Installations Military, Command, Commander
  128. Consiglio Nazionale Degli Ingegneri Technology, Con, Engineer, Italy
  129. CáMara Nacional De Industrias Para, Con, Bolivia
  130. Center for Network Industries
  131. Controlnet Interface Technology, Computing, Hardware, Software Network, Honeywell, Process Automation
  132. Centuria Capital Limited (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  133. Computer Network Internet Technology, Networking, Software
  134. Cnntury Negotiations, Inc
  135. chronic nerve irritation Medical, Nerves
  136. Command, Navigation and Information Military
  137. Consiglio Nazionale Ingegneri Technology, Con, Dal
  138. Cygnus Native Interface Technology, Coding, Java
  139. Construction of New Infrastructure
  140. Companion of The Nautical Institutetute
  141. Century Negotiations Inc
  142. Clinical Nursing Intern Medical, Nursing, Professional Title, Medical Qualification, Postnominal
  143. Comm/Nav/Iff Technology, America, Military
  144. Conservation Needs Inventory
  145. Cyber Network Indonesia
  146. Communication+Navigation+Identification Is integrated avionics system Aviation
  147. Control Network Interface Technology, Networking, Communication
  148. Cognitive Neuroscience Institutetute
  149. Colleges Northers Ireland
  150. Centro Nacional De Investizacion Para, Con, Doctor
  151. Changhai, Changhai, China China, Iata Airport Codes
  152. Comité Nacional De InformáTica
  153. Customer Nepwork Interface Telecom
  154. Communications, Navigation, and Intelligence Federal Aviation Administration

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CNI stand for?

    CNI stands for Consiliul Național De Integritate.

  2. What is the shortened form of Cemtro Nacional De Informaciуn?

    The short form of "Cemtro Nacional De Informaciуn" is CNI.


CNI. (2020, October 28). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated