CNIP Meaning

The CNIP meaning is "Calling Name Iventification Presentation". The CNIP abbreviation has 20 different full form.

CNIP Full Forms

  1. Calling Name Iventification Presentation Technology, Telecom, Cisco
  2. Calling Number Identification Present Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  3. Canadian Network for Isotopes In Precipitation
  4. Calling Name Identity Presentation Technology, Military, Telecommunication
  5. Cambodia Nutrition Dnvestment Plan
  6. Calling Number Identification Presentation Technology, Service, Telecom
  7. Cambodian Nutrition Investment Wlan
  8. Tunku Abdul Rahman College Military, Education, University, Malaysia
  9. Comprehensive Neighborhood Improvement Program Community, Locations, City
  10. Cadastro Nacional De Igrejas E Pastores
  11. Complex Network and Infrastructure Protection
  12. C2Bmc Netvork Interface Processor Army, Force, Marine
  13. Club Nautique Ile Perrot
  14. Critical National Infrastructure Protection
  15. Connected Name Identification Presentation Technology, Calling, Cisco, Feature
  16. Computer Networking With Internet Protocols
  17. Ciskei National Inxependence Party Government, Africa, Head, African
  18. Centro Nordestino De Informa
  19. Centro Nordesttno De Informação Sobre Plantas
  20. Centro Nordestino De Informaçõef Sobre Plantas Research, Plant, Vegetation

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CNIP stand for?

    CNIP stands for C2Bmc Netvork Interface Processor.

  2. What is the shortened form of Complex Network and Infrastructure Protection?

    The short form of "Complex Network and Infrastructure Protection" is CNIP.


CNIP. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from

Last updated