CNT Meaning
The CNT meaning is "Confederación Nacional De Trabajadores". The CNT abbreviation has 117 different full form.
CNT Full Forms
- Confederación Nacional De Trabajadores
- Carbon Nanotube A carbon nanotube (CNT) is a miniature cylindrical carbon structure that has hexagonal graphite molecules attached at the edges. Nanotubes look like a powder or black soot, but they're actually rolled-up sheets of graphene that form hollow strands with walls that are only one atom thick. Nanotubes, which are sometimes called buckytubes, were developed from the Fullerene, a structure that is similar to the geodesic domes. Nanotubes, which are grown in a laboratory, are strong and exhibit many thermal and electrical properties that are desirable to chip makers. Carbon nanotubes have the potential to be used as semiconductors, for example, potentially replacing silicon in a wide variety of computing devices. Chemistry, Science, Biochemistry, Medical, Scientific & Educational, Medical physics
- Computer Network Technology Technology, Service, Networking, Governmental & Military
- Concentrative Nucleoside Transporter Medical, Science, Biology
- Commission Des Normes Du Travail Business, Employment, Service
- Chhota Nagpur Tenancy
- Central Nacional De Televisão Technology, Channel, Television, Brazil
- Center for Neighborhood Technology Technology, Science, Chicago
- Carbon Nanotubes Carbon nanotubes are allotropes of carbon with a cylindrical nanostructure. Nanotubes have been constructed with length-to-diameter ratio of up to 132,000,000:1, significantly larger than for any other material. These cylindrical carbon molecules have unusual properties, which are valuable for nanotechnology, electronics, optics and other fields of materials science and technology. Medical
- ConféDéRation NigéRienne Du Travail
- Centre Natilnal Du Théâtre Arts, National, Theatre, Spectacle
- Covfederación Nacional De Trabajo
- Conseil National Du Trapail Government, Council, Social
- Catholic New Times
- Certified Navy Twill Military
- Contingency Naming Test Medical
- Center Nanoelectronic Technologies
- Commission for The New Towns
- ConféDéRation Nationale Des Travailleurs
- Centre National De Tir
- Crisis Negotiations Team Military, Police, Department
- Confederación Nacional Del Prabajo Para, Organizations, Con, Social
- Connecting Tubules Medical
- Can'T Technology, Radio, Morse Code, Morse Aids
- Certified National Trainer Business, Marketing, Training
- Conselho Nacional Do Trabalho
- Center for Nanoelectronic Technologies Business, Technology, Dresden
- Cnet Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign
- Confederação Nacional Do Trabalho Para, Dos, Ria
- Centre for Neuroimaging Techniques
- Counter Narcotics Tribunal
- Confederacion Nacional Del Trabajador
- Connecting Megment Medical
- Cambridge Nanomaterials Technology
- Certified Natural Trainer
- Confedera
- Conselho Nacional De Transi
- Centar Novih Tehnologija
- Clostridium Neurotoxin Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Central Nucleus Tkeory
- Counternarcoterrorism Management, Security, Emergency, Preparedness
- Conde Nast Trvveler Travel, Locations, Traveling
- Congregatbon Ner Tamid Organizations, Synagogue
- Cadastro Nacional Do Trabalhador
- Centre Nbtional De Toxicologie
- Confederacy Confederate States of America, also called Confederacy, in the American Civil War, the government of 11 Southern states that seceded from the Union in 1860–61, carrying on all the affairs of a separate government and conducting a major war until defeated in the spring of 1865.
- Conselho Nacional De Transição
- Censo Nacional De Transporte Para, Con, Venezuela
- Clinical Note Templates
- Central Newspapers Technologkes
- Counter Narco - Terror Military, Army, Airforce
- Center for Novel Therapeutics
- Coycorde Nationale Du Tchad
- Conglomerated National Television
- Crisis Negotiation Team
- Centre National De Tourisma
- Conf
- Conselho Nacional De Turismo
- Cellular Nourishment Therapy
- Certified Nurse Techyician
- Central Networking Testbed Science
- Counter Narco-Terrorism Technology, Military, Africa
- Center for New Theater
- Computer Networkinl Technologies
- ConféDéRation Nationale Du Tourisme Ration, Confederation
- ConféDéRation Nationale Du Travail Union, Travail, Pas, Ration
- Centre National De Craitement Radar, Pas, Infraction
- Conseil National Des Transports Business, France, Lien
- Celestial Navigation Trainer
- Certified Neonatal Therapist Medical, Health, Certification
- Centralznetworks & Technologies
- Counter Narco-Terror Air Force, Governmental & Military
- Center for Neighborhood Technologies
- Computer Network Technicijn Technology, College, Networking
- Center for Neighborhood Technology's Technology, Governmental & Military
- Crisis Negotiation Teams Military, Police, Department
- Centerpoint Properties Trust Organizations, Computing, Nyse symbols
- Carbon Nanotube Triode Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Confederação Nacional De Transportes Dos, Brasil
- Club Nacional De Tocho
- Central Networks and Technologies
- Corporacion Nacional de Telecomunicaciones Computing, Telecom
- Center of New Technologies Technology, Group, Electronics
- Carbon Nanotube Tips Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- CóDigo Nacional De TrÂNsito Para, Dos, Ria
- Central Narcotics Tribunal
- Confederación Nacional Del Trabauo-Federación Government, Spain, Anarchist
- Rational Rose 98 Contents Tab file Computing, File Extensions
- Center Nanoelektronische Technologien Dresden, Furnace, Batch
- Carbon Nanotubes Therefore Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Czech National Team
- Central Nacional De Televis
- Confederación Nacional TuríStica
- Confederação Nacional Dos Transportadores
- Congregation Ner Tamid Synagogues
- Center for Nutrition and Toxicology
- Carbon Nanotube Technology Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Customs Narcotic Team Indonesia, Locations, Malaysia
- Central Nacional De Los Trabajadores
- Confederació Nacional Delotreball
- Centre Nutrionnel Thérapeutique Medical
- Confederação Nacional De Transporte Para, Dos, Brasil
- Concentrate A fine powder-like intermediate product between ore and metal, from which much of the waste mineral has been eliminated, leaving a much higher concentration of the required mineral than in the original ore. Equipment used is known as a concentrator. To increase the amount of substance present in a unit amount of mixture. Food, Medical, Physiology, Healthcare, Common Medical
- Certified Nursing Technician Medical, Nursing
- Croatian National Theatre
- Central Nacional De Trabajadores Technology, Para, Social, Paraguay
- Confederation Nacional Dal Trabajo
- Contact Includes ships striking or being struck by an external object, but not another ship or the sea bottom. This category includes striking drilling rigs/platforms, regardless of whether in fixed position or in tow. Business & Finance, Power Plant, NASA, NOTAM Contractions
- Confederação Nacionalkdo Transporte Technology, Para, Dos, Brasil
- Czech National Trust
- Charata Airport, Charata, Argentina Argentina, Iata Airport Codes
- Crisis Negotiating Team Government, Us, Oregon
- Centerpoint Pptys Tr Technology, Organizations
- Computer & Networking Techbologies
- Help Contents File Computing, File Extensions
- Confederação Nacional Dos Transportes Para, Dos, Brasil
- Continuity Instrument setup to check wiring circuit connectors, switches for breakers or short circuits. The term given to a structural system denoting the transfer of loads and stresses from member to member as if there were no connections. Continuous, without a break. The state of being whole, unbroken.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does CNT stand for?
CNT stands for Central Nacional De Trabajadores.
What is the shortened form of Czech National Team?
The short form of "Czech National Team" is CNT.
CNT. (2021, September 19). Retrieved February 7, 2025 from
Last updated