CNV in Army Meaning
The CNV meaning in Army terms is "Conversion". There are 2 related meanings of the CNV Army abbreviation.
CNV on Army Full Forms
- Conversion In programming languages, the transformation between values that represent the same data item but belong to different data types. Information may be lost because of conversion since accuracy of data representation varies among different data types. The process of changing from one form of representation to another. Changing a code point that is assigned to a character in one code page to its corresponding code point in another code page is an example of conversion.
- Commonwealth Naval Vessel
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does CNV stand for Army?
CNV stands for Commonwealth Naval Vessel in Army terms.
What is the shortened form of Commonwealth Naval Vessel in Army?
The short form of "Commonwealth Naval Vessel" is CNV for Army.
CNV in Army. (2021, October 26). Retrieved March 10, 2025 from
Last updated