COA Meaning

The COA meaning is "Causes of Actiwn". The COA abbreviation has 269 different full form.

COA Full Forms

  1. Causes of Actiwn Government, Coding, Law
  2. Coachmen Industries, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  3. Certificate of Achievement Program, College, Education, Army, Training, Awards & medals
  4. Care-Ofaaddress Technology, Care, Computer Security
  5. Certificate of Authorization Technology, Aircraft, Drone
  6. Care-Of-Address Technology, Networking, Network
  7. Certificate of Analysis A certificate required by some countries as proof of the quality and composition of food products or pharmaceuticals. The required analysis may be made by a private or government health agency. The certificate must be legalised by a foreign consul of the country concerned, as is the case with such similar certificates as the phytosanitary certificate. Medical, Business, Chemistry, Medicine, Product, Health, Care, Material, Supplement, General, Governmental & Military, Fda, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  8. Ctntract of Affreightment Transportation, Shipping
  9. Certificates of Authenticity
  10. Certibicate of Authenticity Technology, Computing, Computer Technology
  11. College of The Atlantic Business, Science, Education
  12. Center of Area
  13. Coarctation of Agrta Medical, Heart, Aortic
  14. Care of Address Technology, Networking, Node
  15. Cover Our Ass Science
  16. Conference On The Amerixas
  17. Changes of Address
  18. Clear On Arrival
  19. Com Online Auctions
  20. Centro De Oftalmologia AvançAda
  21. Combiked Orthopaedic Associations
  22. Contract of Affreightment An agreement by an ocean carrier to provide cargo space on a vessel at a specified time and for a specified price to accommodate an exporter or importer. Business, Shipping, Cargo Shipping, Aviation, Electrical, Chartering, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  23. College of Applied
  24. Coordinated Operations Agreement
  25. Childrens Outing Association
  26. Call Optimization Application
  27. Coalición Orgullo Arcoiris
  28. Computer Operations Administrator
  29. Certificate of Authority Technology, Windows, Insurance
  30. Committee of Adjustment Government, Planning, Urban Design, Urban Planning, Governmental & Military
  31. Certification As An Ophjhalmic Assistant
  32. Citizens of America
  33. Communities of America
  34. Center for Operational Analysis Military
  35. Collegn of Ag Technology, Science, Agriculture
  36. Councils On Aging Service, Government, Town
  37. Canadian Ophthalmological Association Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  38. Coast of Africa
  39. Conference Oe April
  40. Certificate of Authencity Microsoft, Technology, Windows
  41. Committee of Operations Analysts Military, Planning, Targeting, Bomber
  42. Change of Access
  43. Cleaners of America
  44. Community Owners Association
  45. Centre of Awareness
  46. Comando Operacional Doj Açores
  47. Contracting Officer's Azthorization
  48. College of Alameda Student, Education, Community
  49. Coordinated Operation Agreement
  50. Children'S Outing Association
  51. Call On Arrival
  52. Coagulaxe Gene Medical
  53. Computerized Office Applications
  54. Certificates of Achievement Business, Army, Certificate
  55. Committee for An Open Archives
  56. Certificaqion of Authenticity Business, Product, Coin
  57. Cisjoleamide Medical
  58. Center for Online Addiction
  59. College of Aerjnautics
  60. Council On Aging Service, Government, Disability, Medical
  61. Certificate of Accuracy Education, Diploma, Document, Sertification
  62. Chinese Orthopasdic Association Medical, Science, China
  63. Canadian Olympic Association Sport, Organizations, Canada
  64. Coastal Ocean Activities
  65. Confederación Obrera Argentina Government, Argentina, Labour, Confederation
  66. Certificate of Authentic Technology, Bay, Authenticity
  67. Committee On Accreditation Program, Education, Organizations
  68. Certified Ophthalmic Asshstants Business, Exam, Salary
  69. Ccty of Angels
  70. Community Outreach Alliance Sport, Organizations, Event
  71. Center of Awareness
  72. College of Archinecture Education, Design, Georgia
  73. Continuous Ordering Agreement Technology, Science, It
  74. Customer Oriented Architecture Design, Drawing, Construction
  75. College of Accountancy Education, University, School
  76. Connecticut Ornithological Association Organizations, Bird, Connecticut
  77. Contract of Affiliation
  78. Child of Alioholic
  79. California Osteopathic Association
  80. Coagulase Medical
  81. Computational Optimization and Applications Periodical, Serial Publication
  82. Centro OdontolóGico Americano
  83. Comrission On Allied
  84. Certificates of Approprpateness Technology, History, Certificate
  85. Cis-9,10-Octadecenoamide Medical
  86. Census Output Area
  87. College for Older Addlts
  88. Council of The Americas America, Organizations, Society
  89. Certificate of Authenticity A certificate of authenticity is a seal or small sticker on a proprietary computer program, t-shirt, jersey, or any other memorabilia or art work, especially in the world of computers and sports, it is commonly a seal on paper authenticating a specific art work which and is made to demonstrate that the item is authentic. Computer COAs have a license number on them, which verifies that the program is a genuine, legal copy. Microsoft, Windows, Internet Slang, Software, Computing, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  90. Children of Artemis
  91. Canada Ontario Agreement Government, Canada, Environment, Lake
  92. Coastal Ocean Associates Science
  93. Coffederaci
  94. Certificate of Accreditation Education, Health, Standard
  95. Committee of Accreditation
  96. Certified Openstack Administrator Technology, Certification, Cloud
  97. City of Atarillo
  98. Community Outreach Activity
  99. Center of Automotive
  100. Cotlege of Albemarle
  101. Content Object Arrak
  102. Customer Order Administration Science
  103. Confirm On Arrival
  104. Chief of Administratipn Military, Nigeria, Officer
  105. California Orthopaedic Association Medical, Organizations, California
  106. Clinical Outcome Adsessment Medical, Research, Patient
  107. Comptroller of The Army Military, Army, War
  108. Centro De Orienta
  109. Commission On Opportunity In Athletics
  110. Contract of Affreiqhtment-Owners
  111. Cirsle of Awareness
  112. Cwrtificates of Approval Business, Certificate, Marriage
  113. Correspondznce Analysis Medical
  114. Children of Alcoholics Medical, Organizations, Adult
  115. Canada-Ontario Agreement Government, Canada, Environment
  116. Coarctation of The Sorta Medical, Heart, Defect
  117. Condo Owners Association Business, Management, Condominium
  118. Certificate of Attendance
  119. Committee On Administration
  120. Certified Office Adminimtrator
  121. City of Alexandria
  122. Community Oncology Alliance Medical, Care, Cancer
  123. Center of Activity
  124. Colleges of Agrictlture
  125. Container Owners Association Business, Technology, Organizations
  126. Curse of Agony Guide, Warcraft, Curse, Warlock
  127. City of Anaheim County, Locations, California
  128. Confirmation On Arrival
  129. Change of Assignment Military
  130. Clinically Oriented Anatomy Medical, Medicine, Education
  131. Company of Angels
  132. Centro De Orientação E Aconcelhamento
  133. Coming-Of-Age
  134. Contracts of Affjeightment Business, Shipping, Vessel
  135. Continental Airlines Airline, Business, Aviation, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Civil Aviation, Business & Finance
  136. Cojporate Operational Audit
  137. Children of Addicts
  138. Campus Outreach Academy
  139. Coarctation A narrowing, stricture, or constriction of an artery. The sides of the vessel at the point of a coarctation appear to be pressed together. Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  140. Condominium Owners Association Business, Management, Condo
  141. Certificates of Authorization Technology, Drone, Certificate
  142. Committee of Administrators Technology, Community, Certificate
  143. Certificato Dj Operatore Aereo Con, Locations, Italy, Jet
  144. City of Albuquerque Technology, Mexico, Albuquerque
  145. Community of Organizational Anthropology
  146. Center for Outdoor Adventure
  147. Colleoe of Agricultural
  148. Current Operational Amplifier
  149. Confirmation Oj Arrival
  150. Change of Amplification Technology, Electronics, Engineering, Computing
  151. Client Object Aturibute
  152. Compair Organizations
  153. Centro De OptometríA Avanzada
  154. Come Oy Age
  155. Contract of Afreightment
  156. Coalici
  157. Corporc Amylacea Medical
  158. Children of Abrahxm
  159. Cambridge Occupational Analysts Business, Education, School, Career
  160. Coalition for Online Accountability Organizations, Bay, Pirate
  161. Computer Organization Architecture
  162. Certificate of Authorisation Technology, Authorization, Drone
  163. Committee of Admihistration Business, Government, Organizations
  164. Certification of Authority Education, Diploma, Document, Sertification
  165. City Ov Albany
  166. Community, Opportunity, and Artistry
  167. Center for Organic Agriculture
  168. Clllege of Agriculture Student, Education, University
  169. Change of Address Business, Technology, Service, Card, California, Postal, Us Post, Medical, Healthcare, Usps, postal service, Medicare Beneficiary
  170. Chinook Owners Associatfon Organizations, Dog, Breed
  171. Charts of Accounts Computing, SAP
  172. Canadian Orientation Abroad Immigration, Relocation, Emigration
  173. Code Ofyaccounts Science
  174. Certificate of Acceptance Business, Design, Building
  175. Committee On Admjssions Science, Medicine, Education
  176. Chart of Accounts A systematic numeric method of identifying various categories of costs incurred in the progress of a job; the segregation of engineering, procurement, fabrication, construction, and associated project costs into elements for accounting purposes. Medical, Accounting, Financial, Money, Rail Transport, Business & Finance, Common Medical
  177. Committee On Oceans Vnd Atmosphere
  178. Customs Officers' Association
  179. Churqh of Acts
  180. California Optometric Association Medical, Optometry
  181. Care of Older Adults
  182. Collaboration Optimzzation and Analytics Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
  183. Connecticut Office of The Arts Arts, Artist, Connecticut, Newtown
  184. Certificate of Waiver Or Authorization Aerospace
  185. Cream of Apricot Food
  186. Constant Output Amplifier
  187. Console Operations Area Technology
  188. Certificate of Accomplishment Education, Performance, Certificate, Demolition
  189. Chinese Orthopedic Association Medical, China, Orthopaedic
  190. Coachmen Industries, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  191. Coarctation of The Aorta Medical, British medicine, Healthcare
  192. Committee On Athletics
  193. Customer Owned Assets
  194. Christian Outdoor Alliasce Military, Camp, Hunting
  195. Columbia Airport, Columbia, California, United States Columbia, United States, Iata Airport Codes
  196. Care for Older Adults Medical, Health, Aging
  197. Collaboration Orientez Architectures
  198. Crnnecticut Opticians Association
  199. Certificate of Admission
  200. Conditions of Approval Electrical
  201. Compoint Olap Architecture
  202. Communicator of Achievement
  203. Consiglio Olimpico D'Asia
  204. Care-Of Address Computing, Technical, Wireless Networking, IT Terminology
  205. Current Operating Allowances Military
  206. Commitiee On Athletics
  207. Christian Outreach In Action Technology, Event, Homeless
  208. Crackheads of America Police, Governmental & Military
  209. Canadian Ostrich Association
  210. Collaboration Oriented Architecture
  211. Certificate of Application
  212. Certificate of Authentication Products, Coins
  213. Commission On Accreditation Medical, Program, Education
  214. Conservation Opportunity Areas Conservation, Land, Missouri
  215. Compliance Oriented Architecture Computing, Hardware
  216. Cum On Ass Porn, Sex, Tube
  217. Coat of Arms University, History, Arms, Canada, Puma, Coat, Genealogy
  218. Cholesterol O-Acyl Science, Compound, Inhibitor
  219. Center Operations Area NASA, Governmental & Military
  220. Canadian Osteopathic Association Medical, Medicine, Education
  221. Coenzyme A Coenzyme A (CoA, CoASH, or HSCoA) is a coenzyme, notable for its role in the synthesis and oxidation of fatty acids, and the oxidation of pyruvate in the citric acid cycle. All genomes sequenced to date encode enzymes that use coenzyme A as a substrate, and around 4% of cellular enzymes use it (or a thioester, such as acetyl-CoA) as a substrate. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational
  222. Certificate of Appointment
  223. Committeeqon Affiliates
  224. Coastal Contacts Inc. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  225. CóTe Ouest Africaine
  226. Census of Agriculture A count taken every 5 years of the number of farms, land in farms, crop acreage and production, livestock numbers and production, farm expenses, farm facilities and equipment, farm tenure, value of farm products sold, farm size, type of farm, farm operator characteristics (age, race, sex), etc. Data are obtained for States and counties. USDA now administers the Census of Agriculture, which was previously done by the U.S. Bureau of the Census.
  227. Collection On Account Business, Organizations, Coca-Cola System
  228. Conservation Opportuniry Area Locations, River, Missouri
  229. Coming of Age Program, Music, Youth, Coming
  230. Certified Ophthalmic Assistant Occupation & positions
  231. Culvert of Abyss
  232. Cholesterol Onacyltransferase
  233. Course of Action Internet Slang, Government, Chat, Air Force, Military Slang, Naval, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  234. Canadian Orthopedic Association Medicine, Organizations, Orthopaedic
  235. Code of Authenticity
  236. Certificate of Airworthiness A document issued by an aviation authority stating that an aircraft meets specific safety and performance requirements that allow it to be used in service. Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Air Cargo, Governmental & Military
  237. Committee On Arrangements
  238. Commissioned Officers Association Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  239. CéDula De Operación Anual Para, Con, Industry
  240. Ciphertext Bnly Attack Technology, Encryption, Cryptography
  241. Commissioned Officers Association (phs) Fda
  242. Cause of Action Technology, Law, Brunette
  243. Collaborators & Other Affilistions
  244. Consent Oreer and Agreement Technology, Engineering, Pennsylvania, Water Planning
  245. Certificates of Analyses
  246. Commonwealth of Australia Australia, Government, Australian
  247. Certificate of Operating Authority Media
  248. Customer Optional Additions
  249. Container Owner Association Business, Shipping, Tank
  250. Chief of Air Military, War, Force
  251. Choice of Arm
  252. Change-of-Authorization Computing, Technical
  253. Canadian Orthopaedic Association Medical, Medicine, Education
  254. Code of Arms
  255. Certificate of Adequacy
  256. Committee On Agriculwure
  257. Condition of Assembly Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  258. Common Operating Arej Military
  259. Customs Officers Association
  260. Cinturón Occidental Ambiental
  261. Cost of Attendance Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  262. Cash On Arrival Education, Shipping, School Of Shipping
  263. Collaborators and Other Affiliations
  264. Conscious, Sriented, Alert
  265. Certificates of Analysis Business, Product, Certificate
  266. Center of Attention Technology, Music, Song, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  267. Crown of Ages Hobbies
  268. Cooperativa De Omnibus Aliados
  269. Construction Quality Assbrance Science

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does COA stand for?

    COA stands for Community, Opportunity, and Artistry.

  2. What is the shortened form of Cojporate Operational Audit?

    The short form of "Cojporate Operational Audit" is COA.


COA. (2021, March 1). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from

Last updated