COB Meaning

The COB meaning is "Cwntral Obrera Boliviana". The COB abbreviation has 200 different full form.

COB Full Forms

  1. Cwntral Obrera Boliviana Government, Union, Bolivia
  2. Closing of Buliness Business, English, Chartering
  3. Closevof Business Business, Finance, Engineering
  4. Close of Buszness Business, Texting, Human Resources
  5. Coordinaiion of Benefits Medical, Insurance, Health Care
  6. College of Business Student, Education, University, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  7. Close of Busmness Internet Slang
  8. City of Bones City, Instrument, Bone, Mortal
  9. Capacitor Over Bit-Line Technology, Semiconductor, Structure
  10. Conduct of Business Business, Management, Organizations
  11. Courier-On-Board
  12. Colorado Outward Bound
  13. Completion of Business Military
  14. Classroom & Office Building Business, Light, Track
  15. Central Obrero Boliviano
  16. Coolibah Airport Airport, Locations
  17. Channel of Blessrng Channel, Indonesia, Jakarta
  18. Cobaeaceax Science, Plant, Biology, Family
  19. California-Oregon Border
  20. Close of Busines Texting
  21. Companion of The Order of The Bath
  22. Centre OpéRationnel Beauvau
  23. Cost of Business
  24. Chiefs of The Boat
  25. Cumbon-Breasts
  26. Church of The Brethren Service, Locations, Worship
  27. Cobra The Cobra is Intel's i960 line of 32-bit embedded RISC microprocessors with onboard RAM. Organizations, Motorhomes
  28. Carrying On Business Business, Industrial, India
  29. Connected Online Backup Technology, Computer, It
  30. Counterintelligence Order of Battle Military
  31. Colocated Operating Base Military
  32. Complaint Observing Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  33. Class of Business
  34. Centrale OuvrièRe Bolivienne
  35. Contractors On The Battlefield
  36. Chamge of Business
  37. Coalition of Brothers
  38. Cache On Board
  39. Clive'S Original Band
  40. Comodo Online Backup
  41. Centre OceanogràFic De Balears
  42. Cost of Borrowing Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Business & Finance
  43. Chief Ofethe Boat Military, Navy, Naval
  44. Cum On Body Service, Sex, Escorts, Escort, Sexual
  45. Cob Oven Building
  46. Caery-On-Business Business, Industrial, India
  47. Congresso OperáRio Brasileiro
  48. County Office Building
  49. Collocated Operating Bases
  50. Compass On Business
  51. Cisplatin, Oncovin, Bleomycin Medical
  52. Centrale Openbare Bibliotheek
  53. Continent-Ocean Boundary Science, Basin, Reconstruction
  54. Change of Billing Computing, Telecom
  55. Comité OlíMpico Boliviano Para, Con, Bolivia, Boliviano
  56. Bob Microsoft Bob was a 1995 Microsoft software product, intended to provide a more user-friendly interface for the Windows 3.1x, Windows 95 and Windows NT operating systems, supplanting the Windows Program Manager. Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  57. Clear Over Base Building, Engineering, Construction
  58. Commander of Brothers
  59. Centre Oceanologique De Bretagne
  60. Cost of Billing
  61. Chief of Boat Military, Episode, Resort, Monk
  62. Confedera
  63. Co Booking Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  64. Call On Business
  65. Confirmed On Board
  66. Company Operations Base Military
  67. Council Office Building
  68. Circuit On-Board
  69. Current On Board
  70. Center of Buoyancy This is the centroid of the underwater form of a ship, and is the point through which the total force of buoyancy may be assumed to act. Its position is defined by: KB the vertical distance above the base. FB the longitudinal distance from the forward perpendicular. LCB the longitudinal distance from amidships. NASA, Governmental & Military
  71. Container On Barge Business, Port, Sea
  72. Combat Operating Base
  73. Corn, Oats & Barley
  74. Clear-Over-Base
  75. Central Orogenic Belt
  76. Coordination of Benefit Medical, Insurance, Health
  77. Chief Vf Base Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
  78. Confederacy Confederate States of America, also called Confederacy, in the American Civil War, the government of 11 Southern states that seceded from the Union in 1860–61, carrying on all the affairs of a separate government and conducting a major war until defeated in the spring of 1865.
  79. Cobol Sourde Code Technology
  80. California Orange Bud
  81. Confirmation of Benefits
  82. Company Operating Base Military, Army, Border
  83. Council of Bureaux Association, Organization, Community
  84. Circle of Bosses
  85. Cum On Boobs Porn, Sex, Escort
  86. Carry-On Bakgage Travel, Tourism, Travelling
  87. Container-On-Barge Recipe, Container, Corn
  88. Columbia Laboratories, Inc. Organizations
  89. Comitê OlíMpico Brasileiro Para, Dos, Brasil
  90. Clean On Board For more information see 'Clean Bill of Lading'. Business, Translation, Lading, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  91. Central Obrera De Bolivia
  92. Coordinating of Benefits Business, Accounting, Insurance, Accountancy
  93. Charter One Bank
  94. Cobol File Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  95. California Oregon Border Business, Energy, Electricity
  96. Conference Organizing Bureau Medical, Meeting, Event
  97. Clothing Optional Beach
  98. Company of Biologists Limited
  99. Council of Brothers
  100. Ciose of Business Army, Force, Marine
  101. Cum On Beeasts Sex, Girl, Escort
  102. Coiiqted Operating Base Army, Force, Marine
  103. Carrydon Bag
  104. Consolidated Operating Budget
  105. Color of Blood
  106. Clean-Out Box Science
  107. Central Obrera Bolivia
  108. Coordinadora De Organizaciones Barriales
  109. Channel of Blessings Community, Curch, Religion
  110. Cobalamin Biosynthetic Medical
  111. California/Oregon Border Energy, Power, Intensity
  112. Cum-On-Body
  113. Closing of Business Transportation, Aviation, Shipping, Chartering, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  114. Company of Biologists Science, Organizations, Biology
  115. Council of Bishops
  116. Chitdren of Bodom Music, Metal, Band
  117. Cum On Breast Sex, Girl, Escort
  118. Companion of The Bath Technology, Service, Military, War
  119. Code of Bsshido Book, Edition, Ring
  120. Carry On Business Business, Service, Industrial
  121. Connector On Board
  122. Complementary Offset Binary Technology
  123. Chair of The Board Business, Finance, Banking
  124. Cut Out Background Technology, Design, Photography
  125. College of Birmingham
  126. Coordination of benefits Medical, Healthcare, Pulmonary, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Medicare Beneficiary
  127. Continuity Ofebussiness Information Technology
  128. Central Obrxra Boliviano
  129. Confederation of Bolivian Government, Bolivia, Morale
  130. Chairman of The Boprd Business, Management, Church
  131. Chip On Board
  132. Commission des Opérations de Bourse French, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  133. Communications Office Building Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
  134. Chairman of Board
  135. Curr Opin Biotechnol
  136. Collegtion On Board Transportation
  137. Continuous Open Bidding Us Government, Governmental & Military
  138. Compare Operand Buffer
  139. Carry Onxbaggage Aviation
  140. Confederación Obrera Boliviana
  141. Chronic obstructive bronchitis Clinical
  142. Children of Bodom Music
  143. Co-Chairman of the Board Management, Business & Finance, Occupation & positions
  144. Clerk of The Board Government, County, Supervisor
  145. Certificate of Birth
  146. Current Opportunities Billetin
  147. Colegio Oficial De Bi
  148. Command Operating Budget Technology, Army, Governmental & Military
  149. Coenzyme B
  150. Ctnfederação Operária Brasileira
  151. Computer Operating Base Military
  152. CóTe D'Opale Basket
  153. Close of Business Us Army, Governmental & Military, Federal Aviation Administration, NASA
  154. Cult of Bud Gaming, Play, Pastime
  155. Cobham Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  156. Club of Budapest
  157. Classroom and Office Building Student, Education, California, Campus
  158. Certificate In Online Business
  159. Coke Oven Battery A set of ovens that process coal into coke. Coke ovens are constructed in batteries of 10-100 ovens that are 20 feet tall, 40 feet long, and less than two feet wide. Coke batteries, because of the exhaust fumes emitted when coke is pushed from the ovens, often are the dirtiest area of a steel mill complex. 
  160. Graphics (Caligari trueSpace2 File Format) Computing, File Extensions
  161. Cobaltic Boridf
  162. Output Capacitance, Wommon Base Science, Electronics, Semiconductor, Physics
  163. Computer Operations Branch Technology
  164. Change of Beneficiary
  165. Cytochrome Brgene Medical
  166. Collocjted Operating Base Technology, Military, Defense
  167. Cobol Source Code File Computing, File Extensions
  168. Crusty Oval Bread Nutrition, Food, Victual
  169. close of business (End of duty day) Medical, Forum, Management, Information Technology, Military, Financial, Army, Astronomy, Computing, Texting, Healthcare, Chat, Telecom, Manufacturing, Sms, Email, Online, Im, Us Government, Us Army, Army & Military, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational, Business Word, Computing Slang, International Development, Fda
  170. Cloud of Bats Diablo, Doctor, Witch
  171. Chrome Over Brass Business, Drum, Snare
  172. Cercle OcéAnaute De Bordeaux
  173. Collated Opegating Base Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
  174. Cobol language source code file Computing, File Extensions
  175. Court Order Book
  176. Computer-On-A-Board Science
  177. Change of Behavior Training, Dog, Horse
  178. Cytochrome B Medical
  179. College Old Boys
  180. collocated operating base; contingency operating base United Nations
  181. Crusty Old Bastard
  182. Columbia Labs, Inc. Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  183. Chips On Board Business, Technology, Light
  184. Channel Ok Signal
  185. Cercle Oc
  186. Collateralized Bond Obligations Business, Credit, Investment
  187. Chief of the Boat United States, Naval, Us Navy, Governmental & Military, Occupation & positions
  188. Courtesy of Balance Music, Balance, Vinyl
  189. Country of Birth Medical, Health, Population, Clinical
  190. Complex Order Book Business, Trading, Market
  191. Change of Basis Technology, Group, Vector, Matrix
  192. Cystitis and Overactive Bladder Medical, Health, Foundation
  193. College Oa The Bahamas Education, University, Nassau
  194. Coolibah, Northern Territory, Australia Australia, Iata Airport Codes
  195. Cut-Off Bias
  196. Civilians On The Battlefielj Military, Army, Operation
  197. Chip-On-Board Technology, Science, Light, Computing, Industry, Electronics
  198. Chips-On-Board
  199. Centrum Ondergronds Bouwen
  200. Corn, Oats, & Barley Food

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does COB stand for?

    COB stands for Ctnfederação Operária Brasileira.

  2. What is the shortened form of Code of Bsshido?

    The short form of "Code of Bsshido" is COB.


COB. (2022, January 23). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from

Last updated