Cobalt Abbreviations and Cobalt Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Cobalt terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 9 different Cobalt abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Cobalt terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Cobalt Abbreviations
  1. CDM : Congo Dongfang Mining
  2. COBR : Center for Orthopaedic & Biomechanics Research
  3. DOR : Degree of Reduction
  4. SK : Scott Kay
  5. TFM : Tenke Fungurume Mining
  6. LSGM : Lanthanum Strontium Gallate Magnesite
  7. GMIC : Glass Microwave Integrated Circuit
  8. RAD : Racing Appeals and Disciplinary
  9. RM : Rear Module
Latest Cobalt Meanings
  1. Rear Module
  2. Racing Appeals and Disciplinary
  3. Glass Microwave Integrated Circuit
  4. Lanthanum Strontium Gallate Magnesite
  5. Tenke Fungurume Mining
  6. Scott Kay
  7. Degree of Reduction
  8. Center for Orthopaedic & Biomechanics Research
  9. Congo Dongfang Mining