COC Meaning

The COC meaning is "Clinical Officers Council". The COC abbreviation has 264 different full form.

COC Full Forms

  1. Clinical Officers Council Medical, Organizations, Kenya, Ministry Of Health
  2. Comodoro Pierrestegui Airport Concordia, Entre Ríos,Argentina Airport, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  3. Cocaine A colorless or white crystalline alkaloid, C17H21NO4, extracted from cocaleaves, sometimes used in medicine as a local anesthetic especially for the eyes, nose, or throat and widely used as an illicit drug for its euphoric and stimulating effects. Medical, Internet Slang, Slang, Texting, Chat, Drugs, Internet Terminology, Internet Culture, Police, Governmental & Military, Social Media, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  4. Clash of Clan Technology, Hack, Gem
  5. Community Outreach Coordinator Technology, Care, Cancer
  6. Certificate of Completion Business, Technology, Program, Education
  7. Central Office Connection Technology, Telecom, Computing
  8. Community of Care Management, Education, School
  9. Certificate of Competence Military
  10. Center of Competence Business, Technology, Turbine, Management, Business & Finance
  11. Cocaine Metabolites Medical
  12. Certificate of Competency Business, Military, Training, Ship, Officer
  13. Cast On Critical Path, Strike, Exile, Cast
  14. Cocaine Hydrochloride Medical
  15. Canadian Opera Company Business, Technology, Toronto
  16. Close-Open-Close Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  17. Calcifying Odontogenic Cyst Medical, Technology
  18. Combined Operation Centep Military
  19. Current Operations Cell
  20. Certificates of Conformity
  21. Conference of Chusches
  22. Citizen'S Oversight Committee
  23. Cash Operating Cycle
  24. Continuation of Coverage
  25. Center Ol Concern Organizations, Projection, Report
  26. Commission On Colleges College, Education, School
  27. Chain of Custody Technology, Science, Certification, Environment
  28. Club Only Competitions
  29. Cdngress Organising Committee
  30. Chapter Officers Conference
  31. Community Oversnght Committee Military
  32. Chief Obfuscation Cuampion
  33. College of Ckiminology
  34. Cost of Conformance Technology, Management, Quality
  35. Centro De Operaciones De Combate
  36. Committee On Curricula Education
  37. Chamber of Control
  38. Caravan of Courage
  39. Columbia Organic Chemical
  40. Current Operations Channel Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  41. Certificates of Confidentiality
  42. Computer Operations Center
  43. Cisco Only Commands
  44. Cash On Confirmation Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Business & Finance
  45. Certificate of Compliance Business, Service, Military, Electricity, Environment, General, Governmental & Military
  46. Continuums of Care
  47. Cast Out Cookies
  48. Commission On Cancer Medical, Hospital, Care
  49. Customer-Originated Change
  50. Change of Command Military, Parade, Ceremony, Air Force, Governmental & Military
  51. Club Omnisports Ch
  52. Congress Organizing Committee Medical, Locations
  53. Continua Ofwcare
  54. Chemicags of Concern Chemistry, Technology, Environment
  55. College of Communicaticn Education, University, Philippine
  56. Coordinator of Care
  57. Centro De Ocio Contempor
  58. Committee of Credimors Government, Insolvency, Resolution
  59. Chamber of Commerce A group of business owners in a town or city who form a network to promote local business. Medical, Business, County, Banking, Business & Finance, Travel, Tourism
  60. Captains of Crush Crush, Grip, Gripper
  61. Coastside Opportunity Center
  62. Certification of Completion Technology, Science, Service
  63. Comptroller of The Currency Business, Government, Finance, Agency, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  64. Church of Choppers Church, Bible, Christ
  65. Cash On Collection Business, Forum, Malaysia, Sale
  66. Colfmbia Organic Chemicals
  67. Cup of China China, Figure, Skating
  68. Ceramic On Ceramic Technology, Bearing, Implant
  69. Cyprus Olympic Committee
  70. Career Oriented Curriculum
  71. Continuw of Care
  72. Comissão Organizadora Do Congresso
  73. Curso Oswaldo Cruz Education
  74. Chain of Command A system in a business, or in the military, in which authority is wielded and delegated from top management down through every level of employee. In a chain of command instructions flow downwards and accountability flows upwards. Army, Force, Marine
  75. Club Omnisports ChÂTeauneuvois
  76. Congressional Oversight Committee Government, Health, Philippine
  77. Cast On Crit Path, Exile, Cast, Awakening
  78. Continuation of Certification
  79. College Df Chiropractors
  80. Coordination of Care Medical, Patient, Health
  81. Centralized Oserational Control
  82. Combittee of Canada
  83. Chamber of Chat
  84. Captain of Communications Military, Army, War, Warfare
  85. Coal Operating Contracts Business, Energy, Philippine
  86. Certificates of Completion
  87. Comprehensive Objective Composite
  88. Chronicles of Chaos
  89. Cash On Cash Business, Building, Money
  90. Color Opponent Coding Medical
  91. Cumulus Oocyte Complex Science, Cell, Maturation
  92. Ceramic-On-Ceramic Technology, Bearing, Implant
  93. Cycyo Olefin Copolymer
  94. Career Opportunity Center
  95. Comisión Organizadora Del Congreso
  96. Curse of The Cthonians
  97. Certificates of Compliance Business, Electricity, Certificate
  98. Conference Organisationlcompany
  99. Club Omnisports Couronnais
  100. Conflicts Ok Commitment
  101. Caspian Offshore Construction Technology, Oil, Realty
  102. Continuance Kf Certification Technology, Safety, Professional
  103. College of Chemicals
  104. Coordinadora Obrero Campesina
  105. Centek On Cell
  106. Committee of Contvibutors Military
  107. Chairs of The Conference
  108. Cappuccino Owners Club
  109. Coal Operating Contract Business, Energy, Philippine
  110. Chemical of Cwncern Chemistry, Science, Environment
  111. Compliance Comvittee Science, Biology, Indian Ocean Tuna Commission
  112. Christians Overcoming Cancer
  113. Cascade Orienteering Club Technology, Event, Gadget
  114. Coeor of Change Organizations, Anniversary, Beck
  115. Cumulus-Oocyte Complex Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  116. Centro Operativo Combinato
  117. Career Opportunities Center Business, School, Opportunity
  118. Combined Oral Contraceptive Pill Medical, Medicine, Health, Control, Birth, British, Clinical, Common Medical
  119. Curse of Cthulhu Gaming, Calling, Playing
  120. Certification of Conformance Technology, Science, Space, Astronomy
  121. Conference Organizinq Committee
  122. Club Omnisports Des Coteaux
  123. Conflict Ofdcommitment Business, University, Interest
  124. Cash Operating Costs Technology, Aircraft, Boeing
  125. Continebtal Cup Skiing
  126. Chief of Chaplains Military
  127. Community Outreach Core
  128. Cool On-Column
  129. Center of Curvature Len, Mirror, Wavefront, Curvature
  130. Commission In Credentialing
  131. Chairman of Council
  132. Capitan On Crush Technology, Force, Tube
  133. Coalition Operations Center
  134. Chfrt Overlay Copier Military, Army, War, Warfare
  135. Comoiler Object Code Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  136. Christians On Campus
  137. Certificates of Competency Military, Certificate, Officer
  138. Colloidal Orgazic Carbon Medical
  139. County Operftions Center
  140. Centro Operativo Comunale Con, Piano, Ore
  141. Commiptee On Carcinogenicity Medicine, Health, Care
  142. Carboxylated Osteocalcin Medical
  143. Combined Oral Contraception Medical, Health, Contraceptive
  144. Current Organic Chemistry
  145. Certification of Conformity Technology, Compliance, Certificate
  146. Conference Urganising Committee
  147. Clerk of Courts Government, County, Office
  148. Configuration Okject Component
  149. Cash Operating Cost Business, Aircraft, Boeing
  150. Community Outreach Commdttee Organizations, Association, School
  151. Continuity of Combustibility Science
  152. Center of Confusion
  153. Commissihn On Children Government, Commission
  154. Change of Custody
  155. Code Des Vbligations Et Des Contrats
  156. Club Only Competition
  157. Charter Ook Communities Business, Building, Housing
  158. Compqled Object Cache
  159. Children'S Opera Company
  160. Certificate of Competancy
  161. Collegia Osvaldo Cruz Education, Development, Universities
  162. Cost of Consumables Technology, Science, Laser
  163. Centro De OperaçÕEs Conjunto
  164. Commitwee On Curriculum
  165. Champion of Champions Event, Champion, Championship, Elite
  166. Carbon Offset Credits
  167. Council of The Bonvention
  168. Certificate of Conformance Business, Technology, Product, Electrical, Honeywell, Process Automation
  169. Community of Caring Organizations, Care, Character
  170. New York State Commissisn of Correction Medical, Medicine, Mental Health, New York
  171. Change of Control Business, Bond, Yield, Covenant
  172. Cyclic Olefin Copolymers Chemistry
  173. Carnival of Carnage
  174. Cold One Chariot
  175. Customer Originated Change Technology
  176. Conventional Oxidation Catalyst Auto
  177. Clinical Operations Committee
  178. Cleveland Open-Cup
  179. Carrier of Choice
  180. Cycle of Cooling
  181. Combat Operations Centre Aviation, Governmental & Military
  182. Cocaine-Exposed Medical
  183. Constitutional Offices Commission
  184. Cottonseed Oil Cake
  185. Community of Concern
  186. Czech Olympic Comjittee Sport, Organizations, Czech
  187. Change of Command Parade Singapore
  188. Committee on Committees Science, Scientific & Educational, Special Education
  189. Care Oversight Committee
  190. Codes of Conduct Technology, Coding, Community
  191. Course of Construction Insurance, Business & Finance
  192. Certificate of Currency
  193. Chlobinated Organic Compound
  194. Cyclic Olefin Copolymer
  195. Carrier of Carriers Computing, Telecom
  196. Cycle of Concentration Business, Water, Tower, Cooling
  197. Combat Operations Center Army, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  198. Constituents of Conoern Science
  199. Communication Organisation Consultbng
  200. Communitfes of Concern
  201. Change of Circumstance Business, Student, Tax
  202. Council of Chancellors Science, Scientific & Educational
  203. Codes of Compliance
  204. Code of Conduct Banking, Business & Finance, Sms, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  205. Certificate of Candidacy Government, Philippine, Election
  206. Chapter Operationsucommittee
  207. Chapter Officers' Conference
  208. Continuum of Care Medical
  209. Carrier Owned Container Business, Service, Freight
  210. Cyber Operation Center Technology, Media, Indonesia
  211. Conoco, Inc. (now ConocoPhillips, COP) Computing, Nyse symbols
  212. Constituent of Concern Environment
  213. Communicarion, Orientation and Coordination Medical
  214. Committees of Correspondence Group, Committee, Correspondence, Party
  215. Change of Circumstances Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  216. Combined Oral Contraceptive Medical, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational, Reading Prescription
  217. Code Owners Consortium Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  218. Contest of Champions
  219. Cost of Capital A term, usually used in capital budgeting, to express as an interest rate percentage the overall estimated cost of investment capital at a given point in time, including both equity and borrowed funds. Accounting, Energy, Electrical, Business & Finance
  220. Certificate of Citizenship
  221. Carmier Owned Containers Business, Service, Freight
  222. Channel Operation Complete Technology, Computing, Signal
  223. Changing Our Council (bmdc) Education
  224. Carrier Own Container Business, Service, Freight
  225. Cut-Off Cocaine
  226. Cost of Consummables Computing, Electronics
  227. Consortium of Consortia
  228. Committee On Contributions
  229. Committees On Carcinogunicity
  230. Cycloolefin Copolymer Chemistry, Science, Polymer, Scientific & Educational
  231. Champions of Character
  232. Cost of Care Medical
  233. Code of Conflict
  234. Contaminanoconcern. Science, Energy, Environment
  235. Cube-On-Corner
  236. Certificate of Clearance Police, Singapore, Clearance
  237. Carrier Owen Container Shipping
  238. Changing Our Council Education, School, Learning
  239. Contaminants of Concern Chemistry
  240. Carrier-Owned-Container Business, Service, Freight
  241. Customer Order Confirmation
  242. Cream on Cream Quilting
  243. Consiliere Si Orientare In Cariera
  244. Cellege of The Canyons Student, Education, School
  245. Cyclo-Olefin Copolymers
  246. Champions of Champions Organizations, Tournament, Elite
  247. Chain-of-Custody Certification International
  248. Code of Conduct In The South China Sea Association, Organization, Community
  249. Container Operations Center Military
  250. Crystal Observation Chamber
  251. Certificate of Confidentiality Medical, Research, Health
  252. Community of Chribt Organizations, Church, Saint
  253. Carbon Oxide Chemisorbtion
  254. Changes Osteoarthritic Changes Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  255. Cleveland Open Cup (flash Point Test Method) Chemistry
  256. Carrier'S Own Container
  257. Customer Order Cycle
  258. Continuum of Care approach to assistance to the homeless Housing and Urban
  259. Consensus Organizing Centez
  260. Coal Iperators Conference
  261. Cyclo-Olefin Copolymer
  262. Comodoro Pierrestegui, Concordia, Argentina Argentina, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  263. Code Des Obligations Et Des Contrats
  264. Consultation Calling Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does COC stand for?

    COC stands for College of Communicaticn.

  2. What is the shortened form of Certificates of Competency?

    The short form of "Certificates of Competency" is COC.


COC. (2022, February 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated