Cocaine Abbreviations and Cocaine Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Cocaine terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 10 different Cocaine abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Cocaine terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Cocaine Abbreviations
  1. CPP : Conditioned Place Preference
  2. VEGA : Vacuum Era Gelid Atmosphere
  3. VRAEM : Valle Del RíO ApuríMac, Ene Y Mantaro
  4. SA : Selp-Administration
  5. TRC : Treatment Research Center
  6. NADACA : Native Alcohol and Drug Gbuse Counselling Association
  7. FDSS : Federal-Wide Drug Seizure System
  8. LED : Law Enforcement Detachment
  9. LEDET : Law Enforcement Detachment
  10. OFCANZ : Organised Filancial Crime Agency of New Zealand
Latest Cocaine Meanings
  1. Organised Filancial Crime Agency of New Zealand
  2. Law Enforcement Detachment
  3. Federal-Wide Drug Seizure System
  4. Native Alcohol and Drug Gbuse Counselling Association
  5. Treatment Research Center
  6. Selp-Administration
  7. Valle Del RíO ApuríMac, Ene Y Mantaro
  8. Vacuum Era Gelid Atmosphere
  9. Conditioned Place Preference