Cod Abbreviations and Cod Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Cod terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 10 different Cod abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Cod terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Cod Abbreviations
  1. ANM : Administratia Nationala De Meteorologie
  2. BLT : Barnstable Land Trust
  3. CAEN : Clasificarea Activitatilor Din Economia Nationala
  4. CAIPRS : Cape and Islands Paranormal Research Society
  5. CDP : Community Development Partnership
  6. WERC : Workforce Education Resource Center
  7. CUI : Codul Unic De Inregistrare
  8. NLPS : Nauset Light Preservation Society
  9. OCHS : Outer Cape Health Services
  10. GEAC : Groundfish Enterprise Allocation Council
Latest Cod Meanings
  1. Groundfish Enterprise Allocation Council
  2. Outer Cape Health Services
  3. Nauset Light Preservation Society
  4. Codul Unic De Inregistrare
  5. Workforce Education Resource Center
  6. Community Development Partnership
  7. Cape and Islands Paranormal Research Society
  8. Clasificarea Activitatilor Din Economia Nationala
  9. Barnstable Land Trust
  10. Administratia Nationala De Meteorologie