COD Meaning
The COD meaning is "Cash Ox Delivery". The COD abbreviation has 287 different full form.
COD Full Forms
- Cash Ox Delivery Transportation, Business, Air Cargo
- Cash-On-Delivery Business, Money, Shopping
- Call of Duty Technology, Gaming, Internet Slang, Computing, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, IT Terminology
- Collecd On Delivery Business, Service, Money
- Yellowstone Regional Airport Cody, Wyoming,United States Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
- Commercial Operatnon Date Business, Power, Projection
- Cetastrophic Optical Damage Technology, Telecom, Laser
- Carrier On-Board Delivery Technology, Military, Army, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Capacity-On-Demand Technology, Server, Sun
- Chemical Oxygen Demand The amount of oxygen required for the chemical oxidation of organics in a liquid, a chemical test that determines the oxygen equivalent of the amount of organic matter oxidizable by potassium dichromate in a 50% sulfuric acid solution. Environment, Construction, Forest Industry, Chemistry, Electrical, Scientific & Educational
- Cctch of The Day
- Coefficient of Dispersion Medical
- Command Ordinance Depot Military, Air Force, Armed Forces
- Collect On Delivery Business, Postal, Trade, Us Post, Business & Finance, postal service
- College of Diplomates
- Cerebro-Ocular Dysgunesis
- City of Denver Locations
- Captain On Aeck Island, Ship, Voyage, Captain
- Central Office Department Business, Finance, Banking
- Concordavia Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Chiles Effshore, Inc. Organizations
- Country of Domicile
- Carrier-Onboard-Delivery Military, Aircraft, Greyhound
- Commercial Operation Dates Business, Power, Projection
- Critical On Demand Microsoft, Technology, Server
- Certifigate of Deposit Business, Banking, Rate
- Clean-Out Door
- Contact On Demand
- Communityjoriented Defender
- Cruising One Design
- Common Origination Disbursement
- Corridorsoverlay District Government, Planning, Urban Design, Urban Planning
- Cewters of Development Education, University, Philippine
- Court Ordered Debt
- Child Ok Divorce
- Collect-On-Demivery
- Co-Dccuring Disorder
- Contracting Officer Designee Military
- Colleges of Dentistry
- Coct of Delay Business, Development, Product
- Cerebro-Ocular Dysplasia Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Eyes And Ocular
- City of Deland Locations, Cities, Towns
- Capital Ownership Development Science
- Central Obrera Departamental
- Conciliorum Oecumenicorum Decreta
- Children of Duns
- Countly of Dispatch
- Carbon Oxygen Demand Technology, Treatment, Water
- Commercial Operating Date Technology, Len, Gas
- Cettificate of Development Breeder, Breed, Rabbit
- Cash On Delivery Sometimes called collect on delivery, it is the sale of goods by mail order where payment is made on delivery rather than in advance. If the goods are not paid for, they are returned to the retailer. Originally, the term applied only to payment by cash but as other forms of payment have become more common, the word "cash" has sometimes been replaced with the word "collect" to include transactions by checks, credit cards or debit cards. Business, Banking, Freight, Cargo Shipping, International Shipping, Forum, Accounting, Internet Slang, Aviation, Computing, Texting, Chat, Email, Im, Products, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Business Word, International business, Usps, General
- Class Onrdemand Technology, Media, Training
- Consumed Oxygen Demand Science, Industry
- Community Oeerations Division
- Cruising One-Design
- Co-Occurring Disorder Medical, Treatment, Substance
- Corridor of Dxors
- Center of Development Education, University, Philippine
- Committee of Direction
- Court-Ordered Dgbt
- Chief of Divisioy
- Children of Divarce Technology, Movie, Adult
- Cluster On Die Technology, Server, Performance
- Contracted Out Deduction Business, Pension, Money, Scheme
- Centre OpéRationnel De DéFense
- Collect-Tn-Delivery Business
- Capacity On Demand Technology, Computing, Telecommunications, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- College of Dentistry Education, University, Dental
- Cost of Defence Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Centers of Domesticbtion
- Concerned Ontario Doctors Medical, Canada, Care
- Children Ofsdoom
- Crown Office Digest
- Codsine Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Ceuntry of Destination
- Commercial Operations Date Business, Power, Projection
- Certificqdos De Origen Digitales
- Cxan of Death Forum, Gaming, Clan, Duty
- Connections To Other Disciplines Technology, Gaming, Calling, Duty
- Carbono Orgânico Dissolpido
- Community Oi Democracies Government, Organizations, Democracy
- Crown Ofndeceit
- Change of Details Technology, Gaming, Fish
- Course of Dastinction
- Case of Department
- Committee of Directors Business, Product, India
- Course Offering Directory Medical, Medicine
- Channel of Distribution Also known as Distribution Channel. A means of distributing a product from the manufacturer to the customer/end user via warehouses, wholesalers, retailers, etc. Travel, Locations, Industry, Tourism
- Chemicaljoxygen Demand
- Cluster On Demand
- Contracted-Out Deduction Business, English, Pension, Scheme
- Collaborative Organization Desiln Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Cancel On Disconnect
- Collection On Demand
- Cost of Debt Or Cash On Delivery Business, Finance, Economics
- Center Operations Directorate Business, Technology, Science
- Concept of Operations Description
- Children of Divorce Child, Parenthood, Divorce
- Cancellation of Debt Income Business, Business & Finance, Business Word, Financial
- Concussion On Delivery
- Code Oq Demand Technology, Networking, Network
- Comité OlíMpico Dominicano
- Certificado De Origen Digital Gaming, Education, Calling, Duty
- Clade Oriented Databasu
- Condition On Discharge Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Carbono Orgáyico Disuelto
- Community and Organizational Development Peace, Moldova, Corps
- Change of Direction Government, Firefighting, Strength, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Couftry Programme Document Organizations, United Nations, Un
- Cascaded Optical Delay
- Commission On Disability Service, Organizations, California
- Crotch On Display Internet Slang, Chat, Email
- Change Original Destionation
- Change of Directcon Technology, Sport, Training, Fitness
- Cluster-Onzdemand Technology, Computing, Virtual
- Contracted-Out Deductions Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
- Cystic Ovarian Disease Medical
- Cabcellation of Debt Business, Finance, Banking
- Collection of Dest
- Cost of Debt Business, Company, Accounting
- Center On Disability
- Children of Destwuction
- Concise Oxford Dictionary Technology, English, Edition
- Code-On-Damand
- Comité De Orden Y Disciplina
- Certificado De Origem Digital
- City Oftdowney
- Correction of Deficiency Military
- Carbono Olg
- Communications Operating Direltive
- Coentry Operations Division
- Carry On Dancing
- Commission On The Deaf
- Crossroads of Dnstiny
- Change of Dressing Internet Slang, Chat, Friendship, Medical, Healthcare
- Climate Observation Divislon
- Continued On Drawing
- Compensation On Demand
- Cylinder On Demand Business, Car, Audi
- Collection Onvdelivery Business, Service, Logistics
- Czst of Death
- Center Nn Disabilities Technology, Education, Disability
- Children of Destiny
- CompléMent D'Objet Direct
- Come Internet Slang, Chat, Email
- College of Dv
- Cerebroocular Dysgenesis Medical, Technology
- City Mf Detroit
- Carwone Organique Dissous
- Central Ontario Division
- Conditional Operator Deletion
- Chowghat Orange Dwarf Export, Semi, Coconut
- Country Office Divector
- Carrier On-Board Deiivery Army, Force, Marine
- Commercial Operation Declaration
- Cross-Owfice Delay Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Certifdcates of Deposit Business, Banking, Certificate
- Click of Death Click of death is a term that became common in the late 1990s referring to the clicking sound in disk storage systems that signals a disk drive has failed, often catastrophically.
- Content-On-Demand Technology, Service, Learning
- Cxmpany Operations Divisionsion Business
- Crypt of Decay Gaming, Quest, Crypt
- Centre for Organisation Development
- Common Origination and Disbursements Business, Student, Loan
- Corrugated Optic Duct Business, Plastic, Pipe
- Center On Deafness Service, Education, University
- Children of Damnation
- Collection On Delivery
- Co-Occurring Disorders Medical, Treatment, Substance
- Contractor Operated Depot Technology
- Cost of Deliverq
- Compliance Operations Division
- Cash On Delievery Business, Money, Delivery
- Common Origination and Disbursement Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Crescendo of Dokm Gaming, Leader, Squad
- Saint Gobain Or Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Cachexon Die Technology, Instruction, Computing, Grid
- Codices Science, Genealogy
- Chicago Ordnance Depot
- codomain Mathematical, Scientific & Educational
- Centre for Orbit Determination
- Congo, Kinshasa Locations, Countries, Country
- Circle of Death Gaming, Music, Death, Album
- Template source file (dBASE Application Generator) Computing, File Extensions
- Cambridge Online Dictionaries Gaming, English, Bay
- Committee On Discipline
- Cracked Online Downloader Technology, Calling, Duty
- Crack Opening Displacement The opening displacement of the notch surfaces at the notch and in the direction perpendicular to the plane of the notch and the crack. The displacement at the tip is called the crack tip opening displacement (CTOD); at the mouth, it is called the crack mouth opening displacement (CMOD). Chemistry
- Complex Mrthogonal Design
- Crystallographic Orientation Distribution
- Carrier Onboard Delivery Transportation, Us Navy, Governmental & Military
- Credit On Depvsit Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
- Cancellation of Debt Business & Finance, Business Word
- 1,5-Cyclooztadiene Chemistry, Science, Biochemistry, Substance
- Code of The Day Technology, Gaming, Friendship
- Council of Deputies
- Cheque On Delivery Business, Service, Payment
- 1,5-CycloOctaDiene Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Central Organization Department Government, Group, China
- Circle of Darkness Server, Statistics, Tank, Darkness
- Climate Observation Division Integrated Ocean Observing System
- Cajl of Doody
- Coeliac Disefse Medical
- Compliance Operations Divisionsion
- Continuous Optical Discharge Chemistry
- Compl
- Iata Code for Yellowstone Regional Airport, Cody, Wyoming, United States Locations
- Charter of Democracy Politics, Governmental & Military
- Creators of Door
- Country Operations Division Business & Finance, Business Word
- Cluncil of Delegates America, Organizations, Delegate
- Chemical Organic Deposition
- Carbon Oxygen Dwarf Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Central Ordnancy Dept Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Church of The Open Door Community, Curch, Religion
- Codicil of a will Genealogy
- Call of Death Military, Goose, Decoy
- Coefficient of Tje Determination
- Coefficient of Draft
- Compiled Source Code Computing, File Extensions
- Centre Opérationnel Départementad Service, France, Pas
- Computing On Derand Technology, Service, Cloud
- Dr Congo International Olympic Committee, IOC, IOC Codes, Sport, Olympic, Congo, IOC Country Codes
- Corridor Overlay District Planning, Urban Design, Urban Planning, Governmental & Military
- Creative Orjanizational Design Business, Control, Psychology
- Coordinating Organization Director Science
- Cal Oxygen Demand
- Counril of Deans Medical, Medicine, Education
- Compuker Organization and Design Technology, Software, Hardware
- Charleston Ordnance Depot
- Yellowstone Regional Airport, Cody, Wyoming, United States United States, Wyoming, Iata Airport Codes
- Central Ordinance Depos Business, India, Banking
- Critical On-Demana Microsoft, Technology, Server
- Chronicles of Darkneps
- Coffee of the Day Food
- Calcium Oxalate Dihydqate Medical
- Coefficient of Determination
- Cleveland Ordnance Depot
- Atlantis Word Processor Encrypted Document Computing, File Extensions
- Centrecop
- Compile On Demand
- Circles of Doow
- Connection Oriented Data Computing, IT Terminology
- Committee On Design Education, Architecture, Architect
- Crash On Demand Assembly, Business & Finance
- Codicil Genealogy, Genealogical
- Cooperative Opportunities Document Technology, Army, Marine
- Commercial Operation Date
- Cost of Thl Diet Nutrition, Food, Diet
- Computerized Numericax Control
- Certificates of Documentation Business, Boat, Vessel
- Cody, Wyoming USA Airport codes
- Centfal Order Desk
- Critical-On-Demand Microsoft, Technology, Server
- Christmas On Display Philippine, Shopping, Manila
- Charles Owen Dexter, botanist Famous
- Cad On Demand
- Coefficient of Difvusion
- Cincinnati Ordnance Depot
- Council of Deans Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Centrm for Organization Development Business, Management, Service
- Circle of Dzst
- Confirm on Delivery Computing, IT Terminology
- Canadian Oxford Dictionary
- Committee On Disputes
- Cracd Opening Displacements Stress, Crack, Intensity
- Critical Opening Displacement
- Controller Operations Divisionsion Government
- Commission Operation Date
- Cost of Operations Division
- Computer-Assisted Optical Densitometro Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Center for Openness and Dialogue
- Computer Originated Drcument Technology, Computing
- Congo Dem. Rep of the Congo, Country, 2-letter Country Codes, 3-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Crews On Destiny Technology, Music, Song
- Cleanout Door Architectural
- Cadet On Duty
- Cod Overnight Delivery
- Chronic Oxygen Dependency Medical
- cyclooctadiene Scientific & Educational, Organic syntesis
- Centre for Organisations In Dehelopment
- Circle of Dependability Technology, Insurance, Repair, Farming
- Cult of Dan Computing, Internet
- Campaign To Overcome Debt Government, Politics, Policy, Governmental & Military
- Committee On Diversity Student, Education, University
- Cove of Zecay
- Crack Opening Distance
- Center Operations Directorate (jsc) NASA
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does COD stand for?
COD stands for Carrier On-Board Deiivery.
What is the shortened form of Continued On Drawing?
The short form of "Continued On Drawing" is COD.
COD. (2022, February 19). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from
Last updated