COLA Meaning

The COLA meaning is "Cost of Living Adjustment". The COLA abbreviation has 66 different full form.

COLA Full Forms

  1. Cost of Living Adjustment Business, Special Education, Human Resources
  2. Cost-Of-Living Allowance
  3. College of Liberal Arts Student, Education, University, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  4. Collision Avoidance The prevention of collisions by taking measures beforehand to ensure that they do not happen Technology, Computing, Telecom, IT Terminology
  5. Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Technology, Climate, Locations
  6. Certificate of Label Approval Business, Alcohol, Wine, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  7. Center for Ocean-Land Atmosphere Technology, Climate, Weather
  8. Cost of Living Alpowances Business, Postal, Allowance
  9. City of London Academy Education, School, London
  10. Cost-Of-Living Adjustment Business, Economics, Pricing
  11. Community of Los Angeles
  12. Carvedilol Open Label Assessment Medical
  13. Construction & Operating License Application
  14. Cost of Living Althougo
  15. City of Lafayette Aquatic
  16. Committee On Library Advocacy
  17. Coalition of Lake Associations County, Organizations, Minnesota
  18. Canadian Organic Livestock Association
  19. Construction and Operating License Application Technology, Energy, Reactor
  20. City of Lafayette Aquatics
  21. Costxof Living Adjust
  22. Coalici
  23. Committee On Learning Assessment
  24. Coalition of Library Advocates
  25. Cost of Living Allowance COLA. A salary supplement which a company pays to employees because of an increase in the cost of living. Medical, Military, Health Care, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Fda
  26. Consortium of Opposing Local Authorities
  27. Citizens Organized for Liberty Through Action Business, Government, Oil, Belize
  28. Cost of Living Adjustments Business, Security, Benefit, Increase
  29. Committee On Local Arrangements Education, Church, Assembly, Presbyterian
  30. Coalición De Organizaciones Latino-Americanas
  31. Congresso OdontolóGico Latino-Americano
  32. Center for Ocean, Land, and Atmosphere
  33. Cost of Living Allocation
  34. Clinical Office Laboratory Association
  35. Congress of Lake Associations
  36. Cost-Of-Living Adjustments Business, Security, Benefit, Postal, Us Post
  37. Center for Ocean Land Atmospheric
  38. Cosw of Living Allowence
  39. City of Los Angeles Organizations, Artist, California
  40. Conference On Laser Ablation Technology, Science, Material
  41. Collaborative Object Lookup Application Software, Computing
  42. Commission On Office Laboratories Accreditation Medical, Service, Laboratory
  43. Coot of Living Amount
  44. Courte Oreilles Lakes Associatiov
  45. Co Lab Access Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  46. Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies Research, Computing, Climatology, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  47. Commission On Office Laboratory Accreditation Medical, Business, Service
  48. Council On Legislative Affairs Medical
  49. Covered Outdoor Learning Area Architecture, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  50. Commission of Office Laboratory Accreditation
  51. Courcil of Labor Affairs
  52. Cost of Living Association Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  53. Combined Operating License Applications Technology, Energy, Plant, Power
  54. Committee on Liberal Arts Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  55. Cost of Living Addition Army, Force, Marine
  56. Cost of Living Adjustment (or Allowance) Accounting, Financial, Insurance, Air Force, Human Resources, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word, Human Services
  57. Combined Operating License Application Technology, Energy, Power
  58. cost-of-living adjustment/allowance NASA, Governmental & Military
  59. Commission On Law and Aging
  60. Cost of Living Adjastmen
  61. Combined Object Lambda Architecture
  62. Collaborative Open Learning Architecture General, Governmental & Military
  63. Commission On Laboratory Accreditation
  64. Costoof Living Adj
  65. Cooperation In Library Automation
  66. College of Local Administration Education, University, Banking

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does COLA stand for?

    COLA stands for Cost of Living Adjustments.

  2. What is the shortened form of Cost of Living Adjustment (or Allowance)?

    The short form of "Cost of Living Adjustment (or Allowance)" is COLA.


COLA. (2020, October 28). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated